◎學習與工作經曆 2000.9~2002.6 天津大學水力學及河流動力學專業,碩士研究生 2002.9~2006.3 天津大學港口海岸及近海工程專業,博士研究生 2006.5~2008.06 中國海洋大學港口海岸及近海工程專業,博士後研究
◎研究方向 (1)海洋工程水動力 (2)海洋工程結構物強度分析
◎主講課程 必修課 《船舶結構力學》《海洋工程環境》 船舶與海洋工程專業 選修課 《船舶強度與結構設計》《海洋石油工程》 船舶與海洋工程專業
◎指導研究生 2013級:張宗起; 2014級:郭少林; 2015級:王凡東,藍曉俊
◎承擔科研課題 1、 海底管線衝刷機理及數值模擬研究,國家自然科學基金。 2、 波流作用下結構物前海床變形數值研究,山東省自然科學基金。
◎獲獎情況 2013年中國石油大學“優秀教師”
◎論文 1. Li, C.L., Liang, B.C., Modeling of Suspended Sediment Transport With Wave-Induced Longshore Current in Yellow River Delta. Acta Oceanologica Sinica,V28(3),2009.9. 2. Li, C.L., Improving method of Estimating Irregular Wave Overtopping Rates,ISOPE2010,2010.6 3. Li, C.L., Liang, B.C., Dependence of Shape Parameter of Weibull Distribution on Wave Spectral Width and Nonlinearity. OMAE2008,2008.5. 4. Li, C.L., Liang, B.C., Numerical Simulation of Sediment and COD Dispersion UnderWave-Current Interaction in Langya Bay. APAC2009,2009.10. 5. Li, C.L., Liang, B.C., Numerical Study on Wave motions over Different Submerged dykes. APAC2007, 2007.9. 6. Bao, X.X., Li, C.L., Experimental studies on modal parameters identification for a jacket type offshore platform based on noise removal, ISOPE2014,2014.9 7. Bao, X.X., Li, C.L., Modal Parameters Identification Based on Low Rank Approximation of Hankelmatrix. Journal Vibration and Shock, V33,No.22,2014 8. Li, C.L., Liang, B.C., A New Formulae for Estimating Irregular Wave Overtopping Rates, MARINE SCIENCE BULLETIN,v27,No.5,2008 9. Gao,X.P.,Li, C.L., Zhang, S.H., Numerical simulation of wave pressures and wave motions on complicated composite seawalls, ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA,V28,No.1,2006
◎學術交流 1、2010.6,International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference(ISOPE), Beijing. 2、2009.10,The 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts(APAC),Singapore. 3、2008.5,27 th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,Canada. 4、2007.9,The 4th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts(APAC),Nanjing. |