當前位置: 油氣田化學研究所
丁名臣 副教授
作者: 發布者:趙小明 發布時間:2020-07-14 訪問次數:7503
»姓名:丁名臣 »職稱:副教授

»單位:油氣田化學研究所 »最高學曆/學位:博士
»學科:油氣田開發工程學科,石油與天然氣工程領域 »所學專業:油氣田開發工程
»電子郵箱:Mingchending@126.com, Dingmc@upc.edu.cn
»聯係電話:+86 17854267636
2005.9-2009.7 中國石油大學(華東) 石油工程專業學士;
2005.9-2009.7 中國石油大學(華東) 工程管理專業雙學士;
2009.9-2011.7 中國石油大學(北京) 油氣田開發工程專業碩士;
2011.9-2014.7 中國石油大學(北京) 油氣田開發工程專業博士;


期刊《Fuel》、《Jounal of petroleum science and engineering》、《Journal of the Taiwan institute of chemical engineers》、《International Journal of Multiphase Flow》等多個國內外重要學術期刊審稿人。


1. 勝利油田橫向項目,金北合作區塊工藝提升技術研究,2020,主持;
2. 勝利油田橫向項目,致密油藏CO2驅注入能力測試實驗,2020, 主持;
3. 勝利油田橫向項目,高 899 塊示蹤劑監測,2019.03-2019.08, 主持;
2. 新疆科力新技術公司橫向項目,一種無機凝膠泡沫體係及其製備方法與應用(專利實施許可), 2018.11-2023.11, 主持;
4. 勝利油田橫向項目,高凝油表麵活性劑吞吐物模實驗,2017.11-2017.12,參與;
5. 中央高校自主創新科研計劃,基於CO2-原油傳質作用的低滲繞流原油排驅機製及提高采收率研究,2017/1-2019/12,主持;
6. 國家自然科學基金,強CO2-原油傳質作用的化學強化CO2驅油體係構築及驅油特征研究,2016/1-2018/12,主持;
7. 中央高校自主創新科研計劃,相態和非均質性對油藏CO2驅的影響,2015/1-2016/12,主持;
8. 中國石油大學(華東)人才引進項目,非均質油藏中氣驅竄流機理研究,2015/1-2016/12,主持;
9. 勝利油田橫向項目,太平油田防砂井攜砂液及配套化工料的配伍性研究及應用,2015.07-2015.12,參與;
10. 新疆油田橫向項目,礫岩油藏不同滲透率條件下弱堿三元複合驅體係協同作用研究,2015.09-2017.04, 參與;
11. 國際科技重大專項子任務,渤海油田複雜河流相油田經濟高效化學驅油體係研究,2016/-2020/9,參與;
12. 橫向課題,塔中402CIII均質段及古油藏注氣驅可行性研究,塔裏木油田,參與;
13. 橫向課題,調剖段塞的配置與運移研究,河南油田,參與;
14. 橫向課題,寧東油田延安組油藏油井堵水工藝技術研究,中石化華北局,參與;
15. 二氧化碳減排、儲存和資源化利用的基礎研究,973課題 “提高CO2混相驅波及效率方法研究”專題,參與;
16. 南堡陸地淺層油藏水竄特征及治理方法研究,冀東油田,參與;

1. Ding Mingchen#*, Wang Yefei, Yuan Fuqing. et al. A comparative study of the mechanism and performance of surfactant- and alkali-polymer flooding in heavy-oil recovery [J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 219,115603. (SCI 二區 top).
2. Wang Yefei#, Li Zongyang, Ding Mingchen*. et al. Performance of a good-emulsification-oriented surfactant-polymer system in emulsifying and recovering heavy oil[J]. Energy Science Engineering. 2020;8:353–365. (SCI 三區).
3. Wang Yefei#*, Zhao Min, Dong Xing, Li Qiang, Yang Zhen, Ding Mingchen. Potential of the base-activated persulfate for polymer-plugging removal in low temperature reservoirs [J] Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 189: 107000. (SCI三區).
4. Yang Zhen#, Qian Chen, Chen Wuhua, Ding Mingchen, Wang Yefei*, Zhan Fengtao, Muhammad UsmanTahir. Synergistic effect of the bromide and chloride ion on the inhibition of quaternary ammonium salts in haloid acid, corrosion inhibition of carbon steel measured by weight loss [J]. Colloid and Interface Science Communications, 2020,34, 100228. (SCI 三區).
5. Wang Yefei#*, He Zhenpei, Chen Wuhua, Liu Yigang, Ding Mingchen,Yang Zhen, Qian Cheng. Stability and rheological properties of HPAM/nanosilica suspensions: Impact of salinity [J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2020, 587: 124320. (SCI 三區).
6. Ding Mingchen#, Wang Yefei*, Wang Wei, Zhao Hailong, Liu Dexin, Gao Miao. Potential to enhance CO2 flooding in low permeability reservoirs by alcohol and surfactant as co-solvents [J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 182: 106305. (SCI三區).
7. Ding mingchen #*, Wang yefei, Han yugui, Gao miao, Wang renzhuo. Interactions in bypassed oil-CO2 systems and their utilization in enhancing the recovery of bypassed oil [J]. Fuel ,
2019, 237:1068-1078. (SCI二區top).
8. Ding mingchen #*, Wang yefei, Wang yang, Gao miao, Liu dexin, Chen wuhua. Experimental investigation of bypassed-oil recovery via CO2 soaking and huff and puff injection: Effects of miscibility and bypassed-oil size[J]. Fuel, 248:152-160. (SCI二區top).
9. Ding mingchen #*, Han yugui, Liu yigang, Wang yefei*, Zhao peng, Yuan yujing. Oil recovery performance of a modified HAPAM with lower hydrophobicity, higher molecular weight: A comparative study with conventional HAPAM, HPAM [J]. Journal of industrial engineering chemistry, 2019, 72: 298-309. (SCI 二區).
10. Ding mingchen #, Wang yefei, Li zongyang, Zhong dong, Zhu yangwen. The role of IFT and emulsifification in recovering heavy oil during S/SP flooding [J]. Journal of industrial engineering chemistry, 2019, 77: 198-208. (SCI 二區).
11. Ding mingchen # , Gao miao, Wang yefei*, Qu zhengtian, Chen xu. Experimental study on CO2-EOR in fractured reservoirs: Influence of fracture density, miscibility and production
scheme [J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 174: 476-485. (SCI三區).
12. Ding mingchen #*, Yuan fuqing, Wang yefei, Xia xiran, Chen wuhua, Liu dexin. Oil recovery from a CO2 injection in heterogeneous reservoirs: The influence of permeability heterogeneity, CO2-oil miscibility and injection pattern [J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and
Engineering, 2017, 44: 140-149. (SCI三區).
13. Chen Wuhua, Wang Yefei, Ding Mingchen, Shi Shenglong, Yang Zhen. Crystallization behaviors and rheological properties of biodiesel derived from methanol and ethanol [J] Fuel, 2017, 207, 503-509. (SCI 二區 top).
14. Shi Shenglong #*, Wang Yefei, Bai Shixun, Ding Mingchen, Chen Wuhua. Migration-plugging properties and plugging mechanism of microfoam [J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2017, 38(11) 1656-1664. (SCI 四區)
15. Ding mingchen #*, Wang yefei, Wangwei, Shi shenglong, Yanjiacheng. Variation of Crude Oil Physical Properties and Oil Recovery of Natural Gas Flood Under Different Pressures[J]. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2016,34(6):491-498. (SCI四區).
16. Shi Shenglong#*, Wang Yefei, Li Zhongpeng, Ding Mingchen, Chen Wuhua. Experimental Study on Stability and Improving Sweep Efficiency with Microfoam in Heterogeneous Porous Media [J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2016, 37(8) 1152-1159. (SCI 四區)
17. Hou Baofeng#*, Wang Yefei, Cao Xulong, Song Xinwang, Ding Mingchen, Chen Wuhua. Mechanisms of Enhanced Oil Recovery by Surfactant-Induced Wettability Alteration [J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2016, 37(9) 1259-1267. (SCI 四區)
18. Shi Shenglong #*, Wang Yefei, Bai Shixun, Ding Mingchen, Chen Wuhua. Pore-Scale Studies on the Stability of Microfoam and the Effect of Parameters on Its Bubble Size [J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2016, 37(7) 1019-1026. (SCI 四區)
19. Ding mingchen #*, Wang Yefei, Liu Dexin, Wang wei, Chen wuhua. Mutual Interactions of CO2/Oil and Natural Gas/Oil Systems and Their Effects on the EOR Process [J]. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2015, 33: 1890-1900. (SCI四區).
20. Ding mingchen #*, Wang Yefei, Yue Xiangan, Chen wuhua, Shi shenglong. The Effects of Initial Gas Content of the Oil on Recovery by Natural Gas Flood[J]. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2015, 33: 1454–1462. (SCI四區).
21. Ding mingchen #*, Yue xiangan, Zhao hailong Zhang weiyi. Extraction and its effects on crude oil properties during CO2 flooding [J]. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2013, 35: 2233-2241. (SCI 四區)
22. Ding mingchen, Yue xiangan, Xiong wei, Zhao Hailong, Li sanchuan. The Influence of Core Permeability on Oil Displacement Efficiency of the CO2 Flooding [C]. International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry 26-28 June, 2013, Qingdao, China.
23. 劉義剛# ,丁名臣*, 韓玉貴, 王業飛, 鄒劍, 趙鵬. 支化預交聯凝膠顆粒在油藏中的運移與調剖特性 [J]. 石油鑽采工藝, 2018, 40(3): 393-398.
24. 劉義剛# ,丁名臣*, 韓玉貴, 王業飛, 孟祥海, 趙鵬, 苑玉靜. 一種低疏水單體含量締合聚合物溶液驅油特性實驗評價[J]. 油田化學, 2018, 35(2):296-301.
25. 陳權生#,丁名臣*,陳靜,王業飛,李織宏,嚴佳城. 複合體係驅油性能的動態變化及其對采收率的影響[J]. 油田化學,2018, 35(1): 125-130.
26. 王業飛#,高 苗,譚 龍,元福卿,陳 旭,曲正天,丁名臣*. 裂縫-基質模型 CO2混相注入提高原油采收率. 油氣地質與采收率,2018,25(5): 87-92.
27. 賀傑,嶽湘安,丁名臣, 王業飛,李立峰,陳怡秀. 多孔介質中弱凝膠運移封堵特征. 油田化學,2015, 32(2): 190-194.
28. 丁名臣#*, 嶽湘安, 張立娟, 趙海龍, 王振民. 油藏孔隙的剪切-拉伸對弱凝膠調剖特性
的影響研究 [J]. 油田化學, 2013, 30(4):521-523.
29. 丁名臣#*, 嶽湘安, 汪傑, 趙海龍, 張維易. 不同非均質性模型中注氣方式對氣驅油的影 響 [J]. 科學技術與工程, 2013, 13(27): 8126-8129.
30. 丁名臣#*, 趙海龍, 趙清民, 汪洋, 嶽湘安. 烴類氣驅油效率影響因素實驗研究[J]. 科學技術與工程, 2013, 13(26): 7816-7818.

1.丁名臣, 王任卓, 高苗,等. 一種基於 CO2-原油傳質提高繞流原油采收率的實驗裝置與方法, 發明專利: CN 107882539 B,2019.
2. 王業飛 程利民 何宏 韓盼 王偉林 韓煒 張丁湧 陳五花 丁名臣 聶曉斌 陳權生. 一種無機凝膠泡沫體係及其製備方法與應用, 發明專利:CN 104745163 A,2015.
