◎學習與工作經曆 1981-1985東北師大化學專業,理學學士。1987-1990東北師大物理化學專業,理學碩士。1997-2000大慶石油學院油氣田開發工程專業,工學博士。 1985-1987大慶石油學院助教;1990-1998大慶石油學院講師;1998-2001大慶石油學院副研究員;2001晉教授。2000-2003期間石油大學(北京)應用化學博士後,2004年聘為油氣田開發工程學科博士生導師,2007年選聘為中國石油大學油氣田開發工程學科泰山學者。2007-2009期間北京大學物理化學博士後。
◎研究方向 近5年 (1)三次采油化學驅油理論與技術,包括新型驅油表麵活性劑分子設計與合成;驅油體係配方設計與評價;聚合物驅及複合驅的驅油機研究等。 (2)油田采出液處理理論與技術,包括破乳劑分子設計與合成;高效低溫破乳劑配方設計與評價;破乳劑作用機理研究等。 (3)油田化學劑作用機理及應用,承擔各類基金項目的研究。 (4)聚合物凝膠及微球合成及調驅應用 (5)低滲油藏及稠油自乳化采油方法
◎學術兼職 SPE會員,中國化學會會員,
◎主講課程 近5年 本科生課程:《油田化學》(全英文) 研究生課程:《提高采收率原理與方法》(全英文),采油化學理論與方法 博士生課程:《提高采收率科學技術前沿進展》
◎指導研究生 近8年:畢業博士研究生12人,碩士研究生24人,分別為: 2018:殷夏,朱洲(博士),Sarsenbekuly Bauyrzhan(博士,留學生),馮海順(博士生) 2017:劉靜,張攀峰,蘇帥傑,Beatrice(留學生),於斌(博士生) 2016:張向峰,馬豔哲,蔡誌彪,胡雷雷(博士生),楊紅斌(博士生) 2015:張斌,趙健,季岩峰(博士) 2014:趙昊陽,魏紹龍 2013:張磊,孟祥燦,徐斌(博士),王憲忠(博士) 2012:劉延莉,李媛,單秀華,張凱波,曹東青,劉述忍(博士),吳瑞坤(博士) 2011:王軼男,蔚新燕,王永健,王傑,郭黎明,吳曉燕(博士)
◎承擔科研課題 先後主持完成國家 “八五” 至“十二五”科技攻關項目、國家自然科學基金、黑龍江傑出青年基金、黑龍江省教育廳海外學人基金、等省部級以上科研項目30多項,橫向項目50多項。 近8年,承擔基金3項,重大專項1項,在研基金1項,重大專項3項,橫向課題多項。 (1)低濃度兩親聚合物驅油體係增效方法及機理研究,2018-2021,國家自然科學基金(51774309) (2)兩親聚合物溶液聚集體調控用於增強乳化的方法及機理研究,2013-2016,國家自然基金(21273286). (3)基於自組織行為的特定兩親聚合物驅油劑溶液的流變動力學研究,2009-2011,國家自然科學基金(20873181). (4)基於自組織行為的兩親聚合物的自乳化驅油研究,2008.12-2011.12,山東省自然科學基金(Y2008F20). (5)基於自組織行為的兩親聚合物驅兩親劑的增溶和乳化規律研究,2009.1-2011.12,教育部博士點基金(200804250502). (6)CO2管道輸送、儲存和注入技術研究,2009.1-2010.12,國家科技重大專項(2008ZX05016-003). (7)CO2驅采出液脫水及汙水處理技術研究,2011.1-2013.12,國家科技重大專項(2011ZX05016-004)。 (8)CO2驅油藏監測技術研究及優化,2011.1-2015.12,國家科技重大專項(2011ZX05016-005).
◎獲獎情況 獲得2010年國家科技進步二等獎1項。 獲省部級科技進步二等獎2項﹑三等獎2項, 黑龍江省教育廳科技進步二等獎2項,大慶市科技進步一等獎1項。 全國工程碩士實習實踐優秀成果獎 山東省專業學位研究生優秀成果獎(二等)
◎榮譽稱號 山東省泰山學者特聘教授。 黑龍江省傑出青年科學基金獲得者。 博士論文獲2003年全國優秀博士學位論文提名論文。 第九屆孫越崎科技教育基金優秀青年科技獎。 第六屆黑龍江省青年科技獎。 中國石油大學優秀研究生指導教師
◎著作 1.康萬利,董喜貴。三次采油化學原理。化學工業出版社。1997 2. 康萬利.大慶油田三元複合驅化學劑作用機理研究.石油工業出版社.2001 3.康萬利.董喜貴.表麵活性劑在油田中的應用.化學工業出版社.2005. 4.王鳳平,康萬利,敬和民。:腐蝕電化學原理、方法及應用,化學工業出版社,2008 5.沈鍾,趙振國,康萬利。膠體與界麵化學。化學工業出版社,2012. 6.康萬利,白寶君。油田化學與提高原油采收率進展,化學工業出版社,2013 7.侯吉瑞,康萬利.提高原油采收率新進展,化學工業出版社,2015 8.戴彩麗,康萬利.油田化學新進展,中國石油大學出版社,2018.
◎論文 發表研究論文200多篇,被SCI收錄90多篇。近五年發表代表性論文如下: 2018年 [1]Zeeshan Ali Lashari, Hongbin Yang*, Zhou Zhu, Xuechen Tang, Changxiao Cao, Muhammad Waseem Iqbal, Wanli Kang*. Experimental research of high strength thermally stable organic composite polymer gel[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids,2018,263:118-124. [2]Haishun Feng, Jirui Hou, Tao Ma, Ziyu Meng, Hairong Wu, Hongbin Yang, Wanli Kang*. The ultra-low interfacial tension behavior of the combined cationic/anionic-nonionic gemini surfactants system for chemical flooding[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2018,554:74-80. [3]Xuechen Tang, Hongbin Yang*, Yongbo Gao, Zeeshan Ali Lashari, Changxiao Cao, Wanli Kang*. Preparation of a micro-size silica-reinforced polymer microsphere and evaluation of its properties as a plugging agent[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2018,547:8-18. [4]Wanli Kang*, Xia Yin, Hongbin Yang*, Yilu Zhao, Zitong Huang, Xiaoyu Hou, Bauyrzhan Sarsenbekuly, Zhou Zhu, Pengxiang Wang, Xiangfeng Zhang, Jie Geng, Saule Aidarova. Demulsification performance, behavior and mechanism of different demulsifiers on the light crude oil emulsions[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2018,545:197-204. [5]Xia Yin, Wanli Kang*,Shuyang Song, Zitong Huang, Xiaoyu Hou, Hongbin Yang. Stabilization mechanism of CO2 foam reinforced by regenerated cellulose[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2018,555:754-764. [6]Haishun Feng, Wanli Kang*, Liming Zhang, Jun Chen, Zhe Li, Qiong Zhou, Hairong Wu. Experimental study on a fine emulsion flooding system to enhance oil recovery for low permeability reservoirs[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2018,171:974-981. [7]Hongbin Yang, Leilei Hu*, Xuechen Tang, Yongbo Gao, Shuo Shao, Xiangfeng Zhang, Pengxiang Wang, Zhou Zhu, Wanli Kang*. Preparation of a Fluorescent Polymer Microsphere and Stability Evaluation of its Profile Control System by a Fluorescence Stability Index[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2018,558:512-519. [8]Jiatong Jiang, Hairong Wu, Yao Lu, Tao Ma, Zhe Li, Derong Xu, Wanli Kang*, Baojun Bai. Application of alpha-amylase as a novel biodemulsifier for destabilizing amphiphilic polymer-flooding produced liquid treatment[J]. Bioresource Technology,2018,259:349-356. [9]Yao Lu, Hairong Wu*, Ziyu Meng, Yi Jin, Zihao Deng, Wenqing Su, Zhe Li, Wanli Kang*. Salt effect on hydrophobically modified polyacrylamide-containing crude oil emulsions: stability and rheology study[J]. Colloid and Polymer Science,2018,296(3):515-527. [10] Zhe Li, Hairong Wu*, Meng Yang, Derong Xu, Jun Chen, Haishun Feng, Yao Lu, Liming Zhang, Yang Yu, Wanli Kang*. Stability mechanism of O/W Pickering emulsions stabilized with regenerated cellulose[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers,2018,181:224-233. [11]Hongbin Yang*, Leilei Hu, Chao Chen, Yongbo Gao, Xuechen Tang, Xia Yin, Wanli Kang*. Synthesis and plugging behavior of fluorescent polymer microspheres as a kind of conformance control agent in reservoirs[J]. RSC Advances, 2018, 8(19): 10478-10488. [12]Haishun Feng, Wanli Kang*, Hairong Wu, Zhe Li, Jun Chen, Qiong Zhou, Baojun Bai*. Study on the relationship between emulsion stability and droplet dynamics of a spontaneous emulsion for chemical enhanced oil recovery[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2018, 39(8): 1214-1222. [13]Haiming Fan*, Tong Zheng, Haolin Chen, Jun Huang, Zhiyi Wei, Wanli Kang, Caili Dai, Hongbo Zeng*. Viscoelastic Surfactants with High Salt Tolerance, Fast-Dissolving Property, and Ultralow Interfacial Tension for Chemical Flooding in Offshore Oilfields[J]. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents,2018,21(4):475-488. [14]Hairong Wu, Qiong Zhou, Derong Xu, Renxian Sun, Pengyi Zhang, Baojun Bai*, Wanli Kang*. SiO2 nanoparticle-assisted low-concentration viscoelastic cationic surfactant fracturing fluid[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, 266: 864-869. [15]Derong Xu, Wanli Kang*, Liming Zhang, Jiatong Jiang, Zhe Li, Yao Lu, Pengyi Zhang, Hairong Wu*. Ultra-low Interfacial Tension of a Surfactant under a Wide Range of Temperature and Salinity Conditions for Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery[J]. Tenside Surfactants Detergents, 2018, 55(3): 252-257. [16] Zhe Li, Hairong Wu*, Meng Yang, Jiatong Jiang, Derong Xu, Haishun Feng, Yao Lu, Wanli Kang*, Baojun Bai*, Jirui Hou. Spontaneous Emulsification via Once Bottom-Up Cycle for the Crude Oil in Low-Permeability Reservoirs[J]. Energy and Fuels, 2018, 32(3): 3119-3126. [17] Wanli Kang, Yilu Zhao, Pengxiang Wang, Zhe Li, Xiaoyu Hou, Zitong Huang, Hongbin Yang*. Rheological behavior and mechanism of pH-responsive wormlike micelle variations induced by isomers of phthalic acid[J]. Soft matter, 2018, 14(22): 4445-4452. [18]Xiangfeng Zhang, Hongbin Yang*, Zhou Zhu, Pengxiang Wang, Xia Yin, Changxiao Cao, Shujun Guo, Wanli Kang*. Effect of different molecular weight amphiphilic polymers on emulsifying behavior[J]. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2018,36(19):1544-1551. [19]Pengxiang Wang, Wanli Kang*, Shujie Tian, Xia Yin, Yilu Zhao, Xiaoyu Hou, Xiangfeng Zhang, Hongbin Yang*. A responsive anionic wormlike micelle using pH-directed release of stored sodium based on the polybasic acids[J]. Soft Matter,2018,14(24): 5031-5038. [20]張紅豔,康萬利.陽離子對兩親聚合物乳狀液穩定性的影響[J].當代化工,2018,47(08):1596-1599. [21]趙一潞,康萬利,殷夏,耿傑,唐雪辰,楊立華,苑慧瑩.長慶油包水乳狀液的穩定性與瀝青質含量的關係[J].石油學報(石油加工),2018,34(03):592-599. 2017年 [1]Xia Yin, Wanli Kang*, Yilu Zhao, Jing Liu, Hongbin Yang*, Caili Dai, Bauyrzhan Sarsenbekuly, Saule Aidarova, Lihua Yang, Huiying Yuan, Junling Tan. Study on the indigenous stabilization mechanism of light crude oil emulsions based on an in situ solvent-dissolution visualization method[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2017,530:155-163. [2]Liming Zhang, Wanli Kang*, Derong Xu, Jiatong Jiang, Haishun Feng, Meng Yang, Qiong Zhou, Hairong Wu*. Study on thermally-induced aggregates transformation and its mechanism in cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide/sodium dodecyl sulfate surfactants mixtures[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2017,522:628-634. [3]Bauyrzhan Sarsenbekuly, Wanli Kang*, Haiming Fan, Hongbin Yang, Caili Dai, Bo Zhao, Saule B. Aidarova. Study of salt tolerance and temperature resistance of a hydrophobically modified polyacrylamide based novel functional polymer for EOR[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2017,514:91-97. [4]Hongbin Yang*, Wanli Kang*, Yang Yu, Xia Yin, Pengxiang Wang, Xiangfeng Zhang. A new approach to evaluate the particle growth and sedimentation of dispersed polymer microsphere profile control system based on multiple light scattering[J]. Powder Technology,2017,315:477-485. [5]Hongbin Yang*, Wanli Kang*, Xia Yin, Xuechen Tang, Shuyang Song, Zeeshan Ali Lashari, Baojun Bai, Bauyrzhan Sarsenbekuly. Research on Matching Mechanism Between Polymer Microspheres with Different Storage Modulus and Pore Throats in the Reservoir[J]. Powder Technology,2017,313:191-200. [6]Bauyrzhan Sarsenbekuly, Wanli Kang*, Hongbin Yang*, Bo Zhao, Saule Aidarova, Bin Yu, Miras Issakhov. Evaluation of rheological properties of a novel thermo-viscosifying functional polymer for enhanced oil recovery[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2017,532:405-410. [7]Zhou Zhu, Wanli Kang*, Hongbin Yang*, Pengxiang Wang, Xiangfeng Zhang, Xia Yin, Lashari, Zeeshan Ali. Study on salt thickening mechanism of the amphiphilic polymer with betaine zwitterionic group by beta-cyclodextrin inclusion method[J]. Colloid and Polymer Science,2017,295(10):1887-1895. [8]Zhou Zhu, Wanli Kang*, Sarsenbekuly, Bauyrzhan, Hongbin Yang, Caili Dai, Runmei Yang, Haiming Fan. Preparation and solution performance for the amphiphilic polymers with different hydrophobic groups[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2017,134(20):44744. [9]Wanli Kang*, Pengxiang Wang, Haiming Fan*, Hongbin Yang, Caili Dai, Xia Yin, Yilu Zhao, Shujun Guo. A pH-responsive wormlike micellar system of a noncovalent interaction-based surfactant with a tunable molecular structure[J]. Soft Matter,2017,13(6):1182-1189. [10]Wanli Kang*, Jiatong Jiang, Yao Lu, Derong Xu, Hairong Wu, Meng Yang, Qiong Zhou, Xuechen Tang. The optimum synergistic effect of amphiphilic polymers and the stabilization mechanism of a crude oil emulsion[J]. Petroleum Science and Technology,2017,35(11):1180-1187. [11]Bin Yu, Wanli Kang*, Sarsenbekuly Bauyrzhan, Runmei Yang, Haiming Fan, Xia Yin. Thickening behavior and synergistic mechanism of mixed system of two hydrophobically associating polymers[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology,2017,38(8):1196-1203. [12]Yao Lu, Wanli Kang*, Jiatong Jiang, Jun Chen, Derong Xu, Pengyi Zhang, Liming Zhang, Haishun Feng, Hairong Wu*. Study on the stabilization mechanism of crude oil emulsion with an amphiphilic polymer using the β-cyclodextrin inclusion method[J]. RSC Advance,2017,7(14): 8156-8166 [13] Liming Zhang, Wanli Kang*, Derong Xu, Haishun Feng, Pengyi Zhang, Zhe Li, Yao Lu, Hairong Wu*. The rheological characteristics for the mixtures of cationic surfactant and anionic–nonionic surfactants: the role of ethylene oxide moieties[J]. RSC Advances,2017,7:13032-13040. [14]Pengxiang Wang, Wanli Kang*, Hongbin Yang*, Xia Yin, Yilu Zhao, Zhou Zhu, Xiangfeng Zhang. PH-Responsive wormlike micelles based on microstructural transition in a C22-tailed cationic surfactant-aromatic dibasic acid system[J]. RSC Advances,2017,7:37699-37705. [15]Pengxiang Wang, Wanli Kang*, Hongbin Yang*, Yilu Zhao, Xia Yin, Zhou Zhu, Xiangfeng Zhang. The N-allyl substituted effect on wormlike micelles and salt tolerance of a C22-tailed cationic surfactant[J]. Soft Matter,2017, 13(40): 7425-7432. [16]Jiaping Tao, Caili Dai*, Wanli Kang, Guang Zhao, Yifei Liu, Jichao Fang, Mingwei Gao, and Qing You*. Experimental Study on Low Interfacial Tension Foam for Enhanced Oil Recovery in High-Temperature and High-Salinity Reservoirs[J]. Energy and Fuels, 2017, 31(12): 13416-13426. [17]Haiming Fan*, Zheng Gong, Zhiyi Wei, Haolin Chen, Haijian Fan, Jie Geng, Wanli Kang*, Caili Dai. Understanding the temperature–resistance performance of a borate cross-linked hydroxypropyl guar gum fracturing fluid based on a facile evaluation method[J]. RSC Advances, 2017, 7(84): 53290-53300. [18]朱洲,康萬利,吳瑞坤,林憲傑,楊紅斌.高鹽條件下甜菜堿兩親聚合物乳狀液體係的穩定性[J].石油化工高等學校學報,2017,30(06):32-36. [19]朱洲,康萬利,楊紅斌,張博.磺基甜菜堿型兩親聚合物的合成及其流變特性[J].石油化工高等學校學報,2017,30(05):32-36. [20]範海明,王兆興,範海建,周海剛,左家強,陳凱,王增林,康萬利,戴彩麗.壓裂液溫度穩定劑的評價方法設計和應用[J].中國石油大學學報(自然科學版),2017,41(04):160-166. [21]於斌,康萬利,楊潤梅,薑佳彤,陳彥君,王雲輝,楊秀梅.β-環糊精對疏水締合聚合物原油乳化的調控作用[J].科學技術與工程,2017,17(16):114-121. [22]於斌,康萬利,楊潤梅,耿傑,張向峰,楊秀梅,梁雁宇.驅油兩親聚合物及其分離組分的乳化規律研究[J].中國石油大學學報(自然科學版),2017,41(02):175-183. [23]康萬利,於泱,楊紅斌,李哲,路遙,何羽薇.基於微流變法的鉻凍膠體係動態成膠過程測定[J].高分子材料科學與工程,2017,33(04):100-106. 2016年 [1]Haiming Fan*, Jian Lyu, Jingbing Zhao, Shuzhi Zhao, Haijian Fan, Jie Geng, Caili Dai, Wanli Kang*. Evaluation method and treatment effectiveness analysis of anti-water blocking agent[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2016,22:1374-1380. [2]Hongbin Yang, Wanli Kang*, Hairong Wu, Zhe Li, Yang Lu, Yao Lu, Liming Zhang, Manying Wang, Yuwei He. Passive microrheology for measurement of gelation behavior of a kind of polymer gel P(AM-AA-AMPS). Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016,133(17):43364. [3]Beatrice Tubuke Mwakasala, Wanli Kang*, Xia Yin, Jie Geng, Yilu Zhao, Hongbin Yang. Demulsifier performance at low temperature in a low permeability reservoir[J]. Petroleum Science and Technology,2016,34(23):1905-1912. [4]Leilei Hu, Baojun Bai, Wanli Kang*, Yanfeng Ji, Haiming Fan, Runmei Yang, Xin Fan. Rheology Properties and Plugging Performance of Fluorescent Polyacrylamide Microspheres in Fractures[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology,2016,37(3):345-351. [5]張向峰,康萬利,季岩峰,劉靜,胡雷雷.不同相對分子質量兩親聚合物的分級及溶液黏彈性[J].油田化學,2016,33(04):638-642. [6]路遙,康萬利,吳海榮,徐德榮,李哲,楊紅斌,張鵬翼,陳雋.兩親聚合物/β-環糊精包合體係黏度調控方法[J].高分子材料科學與工程,2016,32(12):98-103. [7]於斌,康萬利,範海明,楊潤梅,耿傑.兩種驅油用兩親聚合物複配對其乳化性能的影響[J].日用化學工業,2016,46(10):565-570. [8]耿傑,趙一潞,殷夏,範海明,康萬利.大慶原油與複合驅油體係間界麵張力研究[J].廣東化工,2016,43(18):1-3. [9]李哲,康萬利,吳海榮,於泱,路遙.利用多重光散射法研究納米TiO_2水分散體係穩定性[J].日用化學工業,2016,46(07):409-413. [10]範海明,趙術誌,王漢威,康萬利.防水鎖劑處理效果評價實驗設計[J].實驗室研究與探索,2016,35(07):24-27. [11]康萬利,魏紹龍,胡雷雷,季岩峰,楊潤梅,劉述忍.兩親聚合物對O/W乳狀液體係滲流的影響[J].中國石油大學學報(自然科學版),2016,40(01):140-145. [12]康萬利,胡雷雷,楊潤梅,殷夏,劉靜,耿傑,於斌.含AMPS聚丙烯酰胺熒光微球製備及其性能研究[J].科學技術與工程,2016,16(05):212-215. 2015年 [1]Hongbin Yang, Wanli Kang*, Yang Lu, Yao Lu, Zhe Li, Manying Wang, Tongjing Liu. Effects of surfactants on rheological properties of a dispersed viscoelastic microsphere[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2015,132(30):42278. [2]Yanfeng Ji, Wanli Kang*, Shuren Liu*, Runmei Yang, Haiming Fan. The relationships between rheological rules and cohesive energy of amphiphilic polymers with different hydrophobic groups[J]. Journal of Polymer Research,2015,22(3):26. [3]Hongbin Yang, Wanli Kang*, Shuren Liu, Baojun Bai, Jian Zhao, Bin Zhang. Mechanism and Influencing Factors on the Initial Particle Size and Swelling Capability of Viscoelastic Microspheres[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology,2015,36(11):1673-1684. [4]Haiming Fan*, Shuzhi Zhao, Bingcheng Li, Haijian Fan, Wanli Kang, Jianbin Huang*. Formation and Phase Transition of Hydrogel in Zwitterionic/Anionic Surfactant System[J]. 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◎專利 1.油田汙水中硫離子含量的間接測定及硫的價態分析方法,專利號:ZL200810111480.3,排名第1; 2.基於本體膠的微球粘彈性測量方法,專利號:ZL201510179818.9,排名第1; 3.用於調驅的低彈性微球和含其的複合調驅體係及調驅方法,專利號:ZL201510640200.8,排名第1; 4.一種CO2氣敏性化學堵劑,專利號:ZL201510039361.1,排名第1; 5.超疏水井下油水分離器及其同井注采工藝管柱,專利號:ZL201611198617.4,排名第1; 6.微球調驅劑、驅油體係以及驅油方法,專利號:ZL200810128148.8,排名第1; 7.彈性顆粒調驅劑、驅油體係以及驅油方法,專利號:ZL200810128147.3,排名第1; 8.一種甜菜堿型兩親聚合物超分子驅油體係及其構築方法,專利號:ZL201810031356.X,排名第2; 9.泡沫調驅劑、驅油體係以及驅油方法,專利號:ZL200810128146.9,排名第2; 10.一種SiO2增強型聚合物微球製備方法,專利號:ZL201710879614.5,排名第2; 11.一種鹽增黏水溶性兩親聚合物驅油劑,專利號:ZL201710086348.0,排名第3; 12.一種基於聚合物微球與兩親聚合物的多相CO2穩定泡沫體係及製備方法,申請號:201710942599.4,排名第2; 13.一種可調控粘彈性超分子清潔壓裂液體係及其製備方法,申請號:201711101539.6,排名第2; 14.一種篩板旋轉式的乳化裝置及其乳化方法,申請號:201810036019.X,排名第2; 15.一種陽離子兩親聚合物超分子驅油體係及其構築方法,申請號:201810031610.6,排名第2; 16.有機無機複合驅油劑、有機無機複合驅油體係及製備方法和應用,申請號:201810541834.1,排名第2; 17.調剖堵水劑及應用、調剖堵水體係及其製備方法和應用,申請號:201810543050.2,排名第2; 18.一種雙季銨鹽長鏈結構的兩親聚合物驅油劑及其製備方法,申請號:2018114347133,排名第2。
◎學術交流 主辦國際會議: 2013,2018國際油田化學學術會議(2013,2018 International Symposium on oilfield chemistry)地點:青島校區;時間2013年6月26-28日;及2018年6月20-22日 參加國際國內學術會議: 1. 17th SPE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium 2010,IOR2010, 24-APR-10 to 28-APR-10 inTulsa,報告題目:A Novel Ultra-low Interfacial Tension EnhancedFoam Flooding Method to Improve Heavy Oil Recovery 2. 中國化學會第十四屆膠體與界麵化學會議,地點:長春市;時間:2013年7月21-25日,報告題目:環糊精-多支化兩親聚合物包合體係的製備及作用機製研究 3. 中國化學會第十三屆膠體與界麵化學會議,地點:太原市;時間:2011年7月20-25日,報告題目:基於自組織的兩親聚合物溶液流變動力學研究 4. 中國化學會第十二屆膠體與界麵化學會議,地點:青島市;2009年8月17-21日,報告題目:稠油開采用超低界麵張力驅油體係研究 5. 第九屆全國流變學學術會議,地點:長沙,2008年9月28-10月4日:報告題目:不同類型聚合物驅油劑溶液的流變黏彈性規律研究 6. 第十屆全國流變學學術會議,地點:杭州,2010年11月3-6日:報告題目:適於北布紮奇油田的聚合物弱凝膠體係研究 7. 第十一屆全國流變學學術會議,地點:廊坊,2012年10月17-18日:報告題目:三元共聚兩親聚合物合成、流變及乳化性能研究
◎個人風采 中國石油大學必威app精裝版客服 教授,博導。泰山學者特聘教授。2007年至2009年分別在中國石油大學(北京)和北京大學從事博士後研究。全英文講授油田化學和提高采收率原理與方法。33年來一直從事提高油氣采收率和油田化學方麵的理論與技術研究。在化學驅油體係及驅油機理,采出液處理理論與技術,調剖堵水體係及技術方麵取得多項成果。主持國家自然科學基金3項,其它國家及省部級課題30餘項。獲國家科技進步二等獎1項,省部級科技進步二等獎2項,三等獎3項。發表論文200餘篇,SCI收錄90餘篇。授權專利6項。著作4部。全國百篇優秀博士論文提名,黑龍江省傑出青年基金獲得者,孫越崎教育發展基金優秀青年基金獲得者。做到教書育人,培養優秀人才。已累計培養研究生100多名。2名博士生獲學校優秀論文,1名碩士獲校優秀論文。每年有1-2名本科生獲校優秀論文。 |