學術交流(Academic Exchanges)
2018 年,姚軍牽頭,成功獲得了 2020 年 InterPore 年會的組織權。盡管麵臨新疫情挑戰,作為地區組委會主席,在2020年首次舉辦在線年會的過程中發揮了關鍵作用。目前,姚軍正積極參與 2024 年年會的籌備工作,擔任地方組織委員會主席。
1. 油氣藏流動力學的研究進展與發展趨勢,第 17 屆全國多孔介質流動力學會議,大會報告,2023 年
2. 油氣藏流動力學的研究進展與發展趨勢,中國石油學會研究員第一次學術報告會,大會報告,2023 年 3.
3. 油氣藏流動力學及數值模擬研究進展,第十六屆全國多孔介質流動力學學術會議,大會報告,2021 年 4.
4. 多孔介質中多相流現代係統的挑戰與發展趨勢,第五屆數字岩心分析技術國際研討會,大會報告,2021年
5. 孔隙尺度兩相流模擬:數值方案與應用,第十五屆全國多孔介質流體力學會議,大會報告,2019年
6. 儲層中油氣流動的現代力學及其發展趨勢,中國科學院技術科學部能源交叉學科論壇,大會報告,2018
7. 現代油氣流動力學體係及其發展,首屆中國油氣開發技術大會,大會報告,2018
8. 多尺度多物理場輸運現象建模方法研究進展,第十四屆全國多孔介質流體力學會議,大會報告,2017年
9. 頁岩油氣流動力學研究進展,國家自然科學基金委員會,第 168 期雙清論壇,頁岩油氣高效開發的力學機遇與挑戰,大會報告,2016 年
10. 考慮多尺度、多礦物(有機物和無機物)的頁岩數字岩心構建方法,第三屆國際數字岩心分析技術研討會,大會報告,2016年
11. 現代儲層油氣流動力學及其發展趨勢,第十四屆全國儲層流體力學學術會議,大會發言,2016 11. 第十四屆全國多孔介質流體力學會議,全體大會發言人,2015年
12. 現代油氣藏流動力學及其在頁岩氣藏開發中的應用,第二屆頁岩油氣高效開發力學研討會,大會報告,2015年
13. 油氣藏現代流動力學及其發展趨勢,第十三屆全國多孔介質流動力學學術會議,大會報告,2015年
14. 頁岩氣藏中的多尺度流動模擬,第七屆國際流體力學會議(ICFM7),大會報告,2015年
15. 頁岩氣藏的多尺度數值模擬,第七屆國際多孔介質學會國際會議暨年會,特邀報告,2015年
16. 井廠模型頁岩氣開發中的關鍵力學問題,第517屆香山學術會議(中國最高級別學術會議),大會報告,2014年
17. 數字岩心中頁岩氣的格點玻爾茲曼法模擬及應用,阿卜杜拉國王科技大學多孔介質數值年會,大會報告,2014年
18. 非常規資源可借助數字岩心技術走得更遠,第二屆數字岩心分析技術國際研討會,大會報告,2014 年
19. 頁岩氣的多尺度流動機製和流動模擬,第十二屆全國多孔介質流體力學會議,大會報告,2013 年
20. 國際碳酸鹽岩儲層中心年會,裂縫礫岩儲層流體流動模擬及應用,大會報告,2012 年 21.
21. 頁岩氣開發中的關鍵力學問題,中國科學院院士工作部 科技前沿論壇 之 能源利用中的關鍵力學問題,特邀報告人,2012年 22.
22. 數字岩心在非常規油氣田中的應用,弗裏斯特數字岩心分析技術國際研討會,大會報告,2012年
23. 頁岩氣藏流動機理及生產性能數值模擬,中國石化第六屆油氣開采技術研討會,特邀報告人,2012年 24.
24. 儲層多尺度有限元數值模擬方法,第十一屆全國多孔介質流體力學會議,大會報告,2011年
25. 基於儲層生產性能的儲層監測方法及應用,中國石化第六屆油氣開發技術研討會,特邀演講人,2010 年 26.
26. 碳酸鹽岩儲層裂縫礫岩流動建模,第十屆全國多孔介質流體力學會議,大會報告,2009 年 27.
27. 孔隙尺度上的微尺度流動建模,第九屆全國多孔介質流體力學會議,大會報告,2007 年
Organization of major Conferences
In 2018, Jun Yao assumed a leadership role, successfully securing the right to organize the 2020 InterPore Annual Conference. Despite the challenges posed by the New Crown epidemic, Jun Yao played a pivotal role as the Regional Organizing Committee Chair in orchestrating the first-ever online annual meeting in 2020. Currently, Jun Yao is actively involved in preparing for the 2024 Annual Conference, serving as the Chair of the Local Organizing Committee.
Jun Yao's involvement with InterPore dates back to the 2008 Annual Conference, where he led a group of Chinese scholars, marking the inaugural participation of Chinese scholars in InterPore events. Since then, Jun Yao has been dedicated to promoting and disseminating InterPore in China. The number of Chinese scholars attending the annual conference has consistently risen, solidifying China's position as a country with a significant and growing participant base. Jun Yao took a pioneering step by establishing the InterPore China Chapter in 2017 and serving as the Chapter Chair for six years. Under his leadership, six Chapter Annual Meetings were organized, and he curated over 10 sessions for the InterPore annual conference, making substantial contributions to InterPore's development in China.
As the head of the Specialized Group on Flow Mechanics in Porous Media of the Chinese Mechanics Society, Jun Yao has actively engaged in the domestic Specialized Group's activities for over a decade. He organized five national conferences on Flow Mechanics in Porous Media, playing a crucial role in advancing this field in China. Furthermore, Jun Yao's financial support and organization of six international workshops on digital core analysis technology have significantly contributed to the widespread adoption of this technology in China.
Jun Yao's extensive involvement in both national and international arenas reflects his commitment to advancing research and collaboration in the field of porous media flow mechanics.
Invited Talks
1. Research progress and development trend of oil and gas flow mechanics in reservoirs, the 17th National Conference on flow Mechanics in porous media, plenary speaker, 2023
2. Research progress and development trend of flow mechanics in oil and gas reservoirs, Frist Academic Report Meeting of Fellow of Chinese Petroleum Society, plenary speaker, 2023
3. Research progress in flow mechanics in oil and gas reservoirs and numerical simulation, the 16th National Conference on flow Mechanics in porous media, plenary speaker, 2021
4. Challenge and development trend on modern system of multiphase flow in porous media, The fifth International Workshop on Digital Core Analysis Technology, plenary speaker, 2021
5. Pore-scale two-phase flow simulations: numerical schemes and applications, The 15th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics in Porous Media, plenary speaker, 2019
6. Modern mechanics of oil and gas flow in reservoirs and its development trend, Energy Interdisciplinary Forum, Department of Technical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, plenary speaker, 2018
7. System of modern oil and gas flow mechanics and its development, The First China Oil and Gas Development Technology Conference, plenary speaker, 2018
8. Advances in multi-scale multi-physics transport phenomena modelling method, The 14th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics in Porous Media, plenary speaker, 2017
9. Advances in research on shale oil and gas flow mechanics, National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 168 Shuangqing Forum, ‘Mechanical Opportunities and Challenges for High-efficiency development of Shale Oil and Gas’, plenary speaker, 2016
10. The method for constructing shale digital core considering multi scale and multi mineral(organic and inorganic matter), The Third International Workshop on Digital Core Analysis Technology, plenary speaker, 2016
11. Modern mechanics of oil and gas flow in reservoirs and its development trend. The 14th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics in Porous Media, plenary speaker, 2015
12. Modern mechanics of oil and gas flow in reservoirs and its application in shale gas reservoir development, the second seminar on shale oil and gas efficient development mechanics, plenary speaker, 2015
13. Modern mechanics of oil and gas flow in reservoirs and its development trend, the 13th National Conference on flow mechanics in porous media, plenary speaker, 2015
14. Multi-scale Flow Simulation in Shale Gas Reservoirs, the 7th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics (ICFM7), plenary speaker, 2015
15. Multi-scale Numerical Simulation for Shale Gas Reservoir, 7th International Conference & Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media, invited speaker, 2015
16. Key mechanical issues in the development of shale gas by well factory Model, the 517th Xiangshan Academic Conference (China's highest level academic conference), plenary speaker, 2014
17. Simulation and application of shale gas in digital core using lattice Boltzmann method, Annual Meeting of numerical porous media of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, plenary speaker, 2014
18. Unconventional resources can go further with digital core technologies, The Second International Workshop on Digital Core Analysis Technology, plenary speaker, 2014
19. Multi-scale flow mechanism and flow simulation of shale gas, the 12th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics in Porous Media, plenary speaker, 2013
20. Fluid flow simulation of fracture-vuggy reservoirs and application, Annual Meeting of International Centre of Carbonate Reservoirs, plenary speaker, 2012
21. Key mechanics problems in shale gas development, ‘Key Mechanics in Energy Utilization’ of the ‘Science and Technology Frontier Forum’ of the Academician Work Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, invited speaker, 2012
22. The application of digital core in unconventional oil and gas field, The Frist International Workshop on Digital Core Analysis Technology, plenary speaker, 2012
23. Flow mechanism and numerical simulation of production performance in shale gas reservoirs, SINOPEC 6th oil gas exploitation technical workshop, invited speaker, 2012
24. Multi-scale finite-element numerical simulation methods for reservoir, The 11th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics in Porous Media, plenary speaker, 2011
25. Reservoir monitoring methods and application based on reservoir production performance, SINOPEC 6th oil and gas development technical workshop, invited speaker, 2010
26. Flow modeling in fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs, the 10th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics in Porous Media, plenary speaker, 2009
27. Microscale flow modeling on pore scale, the 9th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics in Porous Media, plenary speaker, 2007