當前位置: 油氣田化學研究所
白寶君 特聘教授
作者: 發布者:趙小明 發布時間:2016-05-02 訪問次數:10618
»姓名:白寶君 »職稱:特聘教授

»單位:油氣田化學研究所 »最高學曆/學位:研究生/博士
»學科:油氣田開發工程學科,石油與天然氣工程領域 »所學專業:油氣田開發工程
»聯係電話:(Office) (573)341-4016
2006年8月至今 密蘇裏科技大學石油工程專業 教授,博士、博士後導師
2005年6月至2006年7月 加州理工學院能源技術專業 提高采收率技術,博士後
2002年5月至2005年6月 美國新墨西哥礦業學院石油工程專業獲博士學位
1999年9月至2002年6月 中國地質大學地質專業獲博士學位
1999年2月至2002年5月 石油勘探院采油所堵水室,主任
1995年7月至1999年2月 石油勘探院采油所堵水室,工程師,項目負責人
1992年9月至1995年7月 勘探院研究生部油氣田開發技術專業獲碩士學位
1988年9月至1992年7月 大慶石油學院油藏工程專業獲學士學位


Journal of Petroleum Technology 編委(負責提高采收率EOR技術)
SPE Journal 期刊編輯
SPE Reservoir Engineering and Evaluation,編輯



一、美國, 科研經費為美元
1.“Effect of Polymer/Polymer Gel on Disproportionate Permeability Reduction to Gas and Water for Tight Gas,” Funded by American Chemistry Society Petroleum Research Funding, 1/1/2010-12/31/2011, $100,000, 100%, Principle Investigator (PI).
2.“Preformed Particle Gel for Conformance Control,” Funded by the Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America (RPSEA) under US DOE contract, US$786,716.00, July 31, 2008-July 30, 2010, Active, PI.
3.“The City Utilities in Springfield Shallow CO2 Sequestration Demonstration (Lamotte Formation),” Funded by US DOE, $2,970,000, Jan 2009-Jan 2011, Co-PI.
4.“Novel Method to Enhanced Oil Recovery for Mature Oilfields,” Funded by PetroChina Company Limited, $270,083, 5/09—5/11, 100%, PI.
5.“Combination of Gel and Surfactant Treatments for Enhanced Oil Recovery, funded by Missouri Research Board,” $29,600, Aug 2007-Aug 2008, 100%, PI.
6.“Mechanical Earth Modeling Initiative,” Funded by Chevron Company, $1,500,000, 5/1/2006-4/30/2009, Key Investigator.
7.“Bio-Engineering High Performance Microbial Strains for MEOR by Directed Protein Evolution Technology (DE-FC26-04NT15525), Funded by U.S. Department of Energy and Industrial Advisory Consortium, $674,663, 10/01/2005—9/30/2007.
8.“Cost Effective Surfactant Formulations for Improved Oil Recovery in Carbonate Reservoirs (DOE Contract No. DE-FC26-04NT15521)”, Funded by U.S. Department of Energy, and Industrial Advisory Consortium. $648,731, 10/01/2005—9/30/2007.
9.“Improving CO2 Efficiency for Recovering Oil in Heterogeneous Reservoirs,” Funded by U.S. Department of Energy, State of New Mexico and Industrial Advisory Consortium. $1,499,072, 9/28/2001—9/27/2005.
10.“Transport of Bright Water (a crosslinked polymer) through Porous Media,” funded by Chevron, $120,000, 6/2006—5/2007.
11.“Polymer evaluation for polymer flooding,” $120,000, 10/2006—9/2007, Funded by Shell, Chevron and Saudi Armco.

獲省部科技進步二等獎 3項。
1.體膨顆粒深部調剖技術研究與應用,中石油、中石化及油田,項目總經費超過300萬元,1997-2002,項目負責人之一 (二次獲石油勘探院十大科研成果、獲總公司科技進步一等獎);
2.區塊整體調剖優化決策技術,項目負責人之一,約80萬人民幣, 1997-1999 (總公司科技進步二等獎);
3.稠化油選擇性堵水技術研究,項目負責人之一,約10萬人民幣, 1997-1998 (總公司科技推廣項目二等獎)。

已發表學術論文70 多篇。
1.Liu, Y., Bai, B., Wang, Y. “Applied Technologies and Prospects of Conformance Control Treatments in China,” Oil & Gas Science and Technology, in press.
2.Yang, F, Bai, B., Tang, Dazhen, Dunn-Norman, Shari, Wronk, D. “Characteristics of CO2 sequestration in saline aquifers,” Petroleum Sciences, to appear in Jan 2010 (in press).
3.Bai, B., Grigg, Reid B.; Svec, Yi; Wu, Y., “Adsorption Kinetics and Equilibrium of a Foam Agent on Sandstone,” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 353(2010): 189-196.
4.Bai, B; Wu, Y.; and Grigg, R. “Adsorption and Desorption Kinetics and Equilibrium of Calcium Lignosulfonate on Dolomite Porous Media,” J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113 (31), pp 13772–13779.
5.Zhang, T., Zhang, M., Bai, B. Wang, X. and Li, L., “Origin and Accumulation of Carbon Dioxide in the Huanghua Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China,” AAPG Bulletin, 92(3), 2008: 341-358.
6.Bai, B., et al, “Conformance Control by Preformed Particle Gel: Factors Affecting its Properties and Applications,” SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, Aug 2007, 10 (2), 415-421.
7.Fang, X., Wang, Q, Bai, B., Shuler, P., Tang, Y. and Goddard, W., “Engineering Bacteria for Production of Rhamnolipid as an Agent for Enhanced Oil Recovery,” Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Nov 2007, 92(4), 842-853.
8.Wei, M, Bai, B., Sung, A., Liu, Q., Wang, J., and Cather, M., “Predicting Injection Profiles Using ANFIS,” Information Sciences, Oct 2007, 117(20), 4445-4461.
9.Bai, B., et al, “Preformed Particle Gel for Conformance Control: Transport Mechanism through Porous Media,” SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, April 2007, 176-184.
10.Zhao, H., Zhao, P. and Bai, B. “Using Gel Prepared by Associating Polymer to Control Conformance in High Temperature and High Salinity Reservoirs,” Journal of Canada Petroleum Technology, 45(5), 49-54, 2006.
11.Grigg, R., Bai, B., “Calcium Lignosulfonate Adsorption and Desorption on Berea Sandstone,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 279(1), 36-45, November 2004.