當前位置: 油氣田化學研究所
趙明偉 教授
作者: 發布者:趙小明 發布時間:2021-09-08 訪問次數:16490
»姓名:趙明偉 »職稱:教授

»單位:油氣田化學研究所 »最高學曆/學位:研究生/博士
»學科:油氣田開發工程學科,石油與天然氣工程領域 »所學專業:膠體與界麵化學
»電子郵箱:zmwupc@163.com, zhaomingwei@upc.edu.cn
2019.10--2020.10 加拿大阿爾伯塔大學訪學
2018.08--2019.08 教育部科技司借調
2013.12--至今 中國石油大學(華東) 副教授
2011.07--2013.12 中國石油大學(華東)講師
2006.09--2011.06 山東大學博士
2002.09--2006.06 山東大學學士


2017.01-2021.12 泰山學者攀登計劃團隊 骨幹成員
2017.11-至今 山東省“黃大年式”教師團隊 骨幹成員
2019.01-2021.12 聊城大學學報(自然科學版) 青年編輯
2016.01-2018.12 校創新團隊 骨幹成員



2019--2022 國家自然科學基金麵上項目
2018--2020 山東省自然科學基金青年項目
2017--2020 國家科技重大專項子課題
2017--2019 973計劃專題
2019--2022 校青年拔尖人才培育項目
2017--2019 中國石油大學(華東)自主創新科研計劃項目
2014--2016 國家自然科學基金青年項目
2013--2015 中國博士後科學基金特別資助
2013--2014 山東省博士後創新項目專項資金
2013--2014 中國石油大學(華東)自主創新基金
2012--2013 中國博士後科學基金麵上一等資助

2019.10 獲中國專利優秀獎
2019.03 獲新疆維吾爾自治區科技進步一等獎
2019.01 獲高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎科學技術進步二等獎
2018.12 獲中國專利優秀獎
2018.11 獲中國石油和化學工業聯合會技術發明一等獎
2018.04 獲山東省專利一等獎
2015.01 獲山東省科技進步二等獎
2013.10 獲中國石油和化學工業聯合會科技進步一等獎

2020.03 霍英東基金會第十七屆高等院校青年教師獎三等獎
2017-2019 必威app精裝版客服 青年學術拔尖人才
2019.09 獲中國石油大學優秀碩士學位論文指導教師
2018.06 獲中國石油大學優秀本科學位論文指導教師
2017.06 獲中國石油大學優秀本科學位論文指導教師
2016.06 獲中國石油大學優秀本科學位論文指導教師
2014-2016 中國石油大學青年骨幹計劃
2013.11 獲中國石油大學(華東)優秀班主任

[1] Zhao Mingwei, Song Xuguang, Zhou Dan, Lv Wenjiao, Dai Caili*, Yang Qianru, Li Yang, Zhang Bohan, Zhao Yurong*, Wu Yining*. Study on the Reducing Injection Pressure Regulation of Hydrophobic Carbon Nanoparticles, Langmuir, 2020, 36, 3989-3996. (封麵文章)
[2] Zhao Mingwei*, Li Yang, Wang Tao, Gao Mingwei, Zhang Bohan, Song Xuguang, Wang Xin, Guan Baoshan, Liu Ping, Dai Caili*. The dissolution characteristic of nonionic surfactants in supercritical CO2, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 305, 112846.
[3] Zhao Mingwei*, Song Xuguang, Lv Wenjiao, Wu Yining, Dai Caili*. The preparation and spontaneous imbibition of carbon-based nanofluid for enhanced oil recovery in tight reservoirs. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 113564.
[4] Zhao Mingwei, Mengjiao Cao, Hu Yong, Yang Qianru, Wu Yining*, Chu Zhongzhong, Hu Xuewen, Dai Caili*. Investigating breakup behaviors of the non-Newtonian fluid: A case study of oil droplet using 3-D pore throat structured microchannels. Colloids and Surface A, 2020, 587, 124330.
[5] Dai Caili*, Hu Yong, Wu Yining*, Zhao Mingwei, Yue Tongtao*. Effects of structural properties of alcohol molecules on decomposition of natural gas hydrates: A molecular dynamics study. Fuel, 2020, 268, 117322.

[1] Gao Zhibin, Dai Caili,* Sun Xin, Huang Yongping, Gao Mingwei, Zhao Mingwei,* Investigation of cellulose nanofiber enhanced viscoelastic fracturing fluid system: Increasing viscoelasticity and reducing filtration.Colloids and Surfaces A-physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2019,582.
[2] Zhao Mingwei, Wang Ruoyu, Dai Caili,* Wu Xuepeng, Wu Youran, Dai Yingjie, Wu Yining,* Adsorption behaviour of surfactant-nanoparticles at the gas-liquid interface: Influence of the alkane chain length.Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 206, 203-211.
[3] Zhou Hongda, Zhang Qingsheng, Dai Caili,* Li Yuyang, Lv Wenjiao, Wu Yining, Cheng Rui, Zhao Mingwei,* Experimental investigation of spontaneous imbibition process of nanofluid in ultralow permeable reservoir with nuclear magnetic resonance. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 201, 212-221.
[4] Fang Jichao, Zhao Guang, Zhao Mingwei, Dai Caili,* New channel flow control agent for high-temperature and high-salinity fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs. Energy Sources Part A-recovery Utilization and Environmrntal Effects. DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2019.1624886.
[5] Yang Xiujie,* Zhang Peng, Lv Wenjiao, Zhou Ting, Li Peng, Zhao Mingwei,* Aggregation Behavior of Imidazolium-Based Amino Acid Ionic Liquid Surfactants in Aqueous Solution: The Effect of Amino Acid Counterions. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2019.
[6] Zhao Mingwei, Gao Zhibin, Dai Caili,* Sun Xin, Zhang Yue, Yang Xiujie, Wu Yining,* Effect of Silica Nanoparticles on Wormlike Micelles with Different Entanglement Degrees. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2019, 22(3), 587-595.
[7] Wu Yining, Wang Rruoyu, Dai Caili,* Xu Yan, Yue Tongtao, Zhao Mingwei,* Precisely Tailoring Bubble Morphology in Microchannel by Nanoparticles Self-assembly. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019.
[8] Zhang Yue, Dai Caili, Wu Xuepeng, Wu Yining, Li Yuyang, Huang Yongping, He Haonan, Gu Chenglin, He Long, Zhao Mingwei,* The construction of anhydride-modified silica nanoparticles (AMSNPs) strengthened wormlike micelles based on strong electrostatic and hydrogen bonding interactions. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, 277, 372-379.
[9] Li Yuan, Wang Rongjun, Wang Rruoyu, Liu Wei, Dai Caili,* Yao Xue, Zhao Mingwei, Sun Yongpeng, Zhao Guang, Wu Yining,* Investigation on flow characteristic of viscoelasticity fluids in pore-throat structure[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 174:821-832.
[10] Li Yuyang, Dai Caili,* Wang Xinke, Lv Wenjiao, Zhou Hongda, Zhao Guang, Li Lin, Sun Yongpeng, Wu Yining, Zhao Mingwei,* A novel strategy to create bifunctional silica-protected quantum dot nanoprobe for fluorescence imaging. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2019, 282, 27-35.
[11] Dai Caili,* Huang Yongping, Lyu Xiaoying, Li Lin, Sun Yongpeng, Zhao Mingwei, Zhao Guang, Wu Yining,* Solid-like film formed by nano-silica self-assembly at oil–water interface. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 195:51-61.

[1] Dai Caili,* Sun Xin, Sun Yongpeng,* Zhao Mingwei, Du Mingyong, Zou Chenwei, Guan Baoshan, The effect of supercritical CO2 fracturing fluid retention-induced permeability alteration of tight oil reservoir. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 171, 1123-1132.
[2] Zhao Mingwei, Gao Zhibin, Dai Caili,* Zhang Yue, Sun Xin, Gao Mingwei, Huang Yongping, He Long, Wu Yining,* Investigation of Active–Inactive Material Interdigitated Aggregates Formed by Wormlike Micelles and Cellulose Nanofiber. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2018, 122(45): 10371-10376.
[3] Zhao Mingwei,* He Haonan, Dai Caili,* Wu Xuepeng, Zhang Yue, Huang Yongping, Gu Chenglin. Micelle formation by amine-based CO2-responsive surfactant of imidazoline type in an aqueous solution. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018: 875-881.
[4] Wu Xuepeng, Zhang Yue, Sun Xin, Huang Yongping, Dai Caili,* Zhao Mingwei. A novel CO2 and pressure responsive viscoelastic surfactant fluid for fracturing. Fuel, 2018: 79-87.
[5] Zhang Yue, Dai Caili,* Qian Yao, Fan Xiqun, Jiang Jianfeng, Wu Yining, Wu Xuepeng, Huang Yongping, Zhao Mingwei,* Rheological properties and formation dynamic filtration damage evaluation of a novel nanoparticle-enhanced VES fracturing system constructed with wormlike micelles, Colloids and Surfaces A-physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2018, 553, 244-252.
[6] Dai Caili,* Yang Qianru, Gao Mingwei, Zhao Mingwei,* Jiang Jianfeng. The mechanism difference between CO2 and pH stimuli for a dual responsive wormlike micellar system. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20(30): 19900-19905.
[7] Zhao Mingwei,* Lv Wenjiao, Li Yuyang, Dai Caili,* Zhou Hongda, Song Xuguang, Wu Yining. A Study on Preparation and Stabilizing Mechanism of Hydrophobic Silica Nanofluids. Materials, 2018, 11(8).
[8] Wu Yining, Fang Sisi, Zhang Kaiyi, Zhao Mingwei,* Jiao Baolei, Dai Caili.* Stability Mechanism of Nitrogen Foam in Porous Media with Silica Nanoparticles Modified by Cationic Surfactants. Langmuir, 2018, 34(27): 8015-8023.
[9] Zhao Mingwei,* Lv Wenjiao, Li Yuyang, Dai Caili,* Wang Xinke, Zhou Hongda, Zou Chenwei, Gao Mingwei, Zhang Yue, Wu Yining. Study on the synergy between silica nanoparticles and surfactants for enhanced oil recovery during spontaneous imbibition. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018: 373-378.
[10] Du Mingyong,* Sun Xin, Dai Caili, * Li Hao, Wang Tao, Xu Zhongliang, Zhao Mingwei, Guan Baoshan, Liu Ping. Laboratory experiment on a toluene-polydimethyl silicone thickened supercritical carbon dioxide fracturing fluid. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018: 369-374.
[11] Wu Xuepeng, Huang Yongping, Fang Sisi, Dai Caili,* Li Hao, Xu Zhongliang, Zhao Mingwei.* CO2-responsive smart wormlike micelles based on monomer and “pseudo” gemini surfactant. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2017: 348-354.
[12] Dai Caili,* Li Hao, Zhao Mingwei, Wu Yining,* You Qing, Sun Yongpeng, Zhao Guang, Xu Ke.Emulsion behavior control and stability study through decorating silica nanoparticle with dimethyldodecylamine oxide at n-heptane/water interface. Chemical Engineering Sciene, 2018, 179, 73-82.
[13] Zhao Mingwei, He Haonan, Dai Caili,* Sun Yongpeng, Fang Yanchao, Liu Yifei, You Qing, Zhao Guang, Wu Yining. Enhanced Oil Recovery Study of a New Mobility Control System on the Dynamic Imbibition in a Tight Oil Fracture Network Model. Energy & Fuels, 2018.
[14] Li Yuyang, Dai Caili,* Zhou Hongda, Wang Xinke, Lv Wenjiao, Zhao Mingwei.* Investigation of Spontaneous Imbibition by Using a Surfactant-Free Active Silica Water-Based Nanofluid for Enhanced Oil Recovery. Energy & Fuels, 2018.
[15] Dai Caili,* Fang Jichao, Ding Qinfang, Wang Tao, Zhao Mingwei, Wu Yining.* Study on adsorption characteristic of novel nonionic fluorocarbon surfactant (4-hydroxyethyl ether) (pentadecafluoro-alkyl) amide at coal-water interface. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2018, 296(1), 21-30.
[16] Dai Caili,* Wang Tao, Zhao Mingwei,* Sun Xin, Gao Mingwei, Xu Zhongliang, Guan Baoshan, Liu Ping. Impairment mechanism of thickened supercritical carbon dioxide fracturing fluid in tight sandstone gas reservoirs. Fuel, 2018: 60-66.
[17] 趙明偉,高誌賓,戴彩麗,孫鑫,黃永平,油田轉向壓裂用暫堵劑研究進展.油田化學,2018,35(03):538-544.

[1] Dai Caili,* Fang Sisi, Wu Yining,* Wu Xuepeng, Zhao Mingwei, Zou Chenwei, Li Hao, Zhou Hongda, Zhang Kaiyi. Experimental study of bubble breakup process in non-Newtonian fluid in 3-D pore-throat microchannels. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2017: 130-138.
[2] Li Yuyang, Dai Caili,* Zhou Hongda, Wang Xinke, Lv Wenjiao, Wu Yining, Zhao Mingwei.* A Novel Nanofluid Based on Fluorescent Carbon Nanoparticles for Enhanced Oil Recovery. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56(44): 12464-12470.
[3] Dai Caili,* Liu Yifei, Zou Chenwei, You Qing,* Yang Shuai, Zhao Mingwei, Zhao Guang, Wu Yining, Sun Yongpeng. Investigation on matching relationship between dispersed particle gel (DPG) and reservoir pore-throats for in-depth profile control. Fuel, 2017: 109-120.
[4] Dai Caili,* Fang Sisi, Hu Mei, He Xiaojuan, Zhao Mingwei, Wu Xuepeng, Yang Shuai, Wu Yining.* Synthesis, surface adsorption and micelle formation of a class of morpholinium gemini surfactants[J]. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2017: 226-233.
[5] Zhao Mingwei, Zhang Yue, Zou Chenwei, Dai Caili,* Gao Mingwei, Li Yuyang, Lv Wenjiao, Jiang Jianfeng, Wu Yining.* Can More Nanoparticles Induce Larger Viscosities of Nanoparticle-Enhanced Wormlike Micellar System (NEWMS)?. Materials, 2017, 10(9).
[6] Liu Yifei, Dai Caili,* Wang Kai, Zou Chenwei, Gao Mingwei, Fang Yanchao, Zhao Mingwei, Wu Yining, You Qing.* Study on a Novel Cross-Linked Polymer Gel Strengthened with Silica Nanoparticles. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(9): 9152-9161.
[7] Dai Caili,* Xu Zhongliang, Wu Yining, Zou Chenwei, Wu Xuepeng, Wang Tao, Guo Xu, Zhao Mingwei.* Design and Study of a Novel Thermal-Resistant and Shear-Stable Amphoteric Polyacrylamide in High-Salinity Solution. Polymers, 2017, 9(7).
[8] Wu Yining, Chen Wenxia, Hu Mei, Dai Caili,* Zhao Mingwei, He Long. Application of Dispersed Particle Gel to Inhibit Surfactant Adsorption on Sand. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2017, 20(4): 863-871.
[9] Zhao Mingwei,* Wang Shilu, Dai Caili.* A New Insight into the Pressure-Decreasing Mechanism of Hydrophobic Silica Nanoparticles Modified by n-Propyltrichlorosilane. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2017, 20(4): 873-880.
[10] Dai Caili,* Zhang Yue, Gao Mingwei, Li Yuyang, Lv Wenjiao, Wang Xinke, Wu Yining, Zhao Mingwei.* The Study of a Novel Nanoparticle-Enhanced Wormlike Micellar System. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2017, 12(1).
[11] Wu Xuepeng, Dai Caili,* Fang Sisi, Li Hao, Wu Yining, Sun Xin, Zhao Mingwei.* The effect of hydroxyl on the solution behavior of a quaternary ammonium gemini surfactant. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19(24): 16047-16056.
[12] Zhao Mingwei,* Gao Mingwei, Dai Caili,* Zou Chenwei, Yang Zhe, Wu Xuepeng, Liu Yifei, Wu Yining, Fang Sisi, Lv Wenjiao. Investigation of Novel Triple-Responsive Wormlike Micelles. Langmuir, 2017, 33(17): 4319-4327.
[13] Wu Yining,* Chen Wenxia, Dai Caili,* Huang Yongping, Li Hao, Zhao Mingwei, He Long, Jiao Baolei. Reducing surfactant adsorption on rock by silica nanoparticles for enhanced oil recovery. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017: 283-287.
[14] Dai Caili,* Wang Xinke, Li Yuyang, Lv Wenjiao, Zou Chenwei, Gao Mingwei, Zhao Mingwei.* Spontaneous Imbibition Investigation of Self-Dispersing Silica Nanofluids for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Low-Permeability Cores. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(3): 2663-2668.
[15] 徐中良,戴彩麗,趙明偉,楊帥,酸壓用交聯酸的研究進展.應用化工,2017,46(12):2424-2427.
[16] 孫鑫,杜明勇,韓彬彬,孫永鵬,趙明偉,管保山,戴彩麗,二氧化碳壓裂技術研究綜述.油田化學,2017,34(02):374-380.

[1] Zhang Yan, You Qing,* Fu Yang, Zhao Mingwei, Fan Hongfu, Liu Yifei, Dai Caili.* Investigation on interfacial/surface properties of bio-based surfactant Naliphatic amide-NN-diethoxypropylsulfonate sodium as an oil displacement agent regenerated from waste cooking oil. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016, 223, 68-74.
[2] Zhao Mingwei,* Gao Mingwei, Dai Caili,* Du Mingyong, Liu Yifei, Zou Chenwei, Tao Jiaping, Wang Xinke, Wang Tao. Investigation on a novel photo-responsive system formed by N-methyl-Ncetylpyrrolidinium bromide and ortho-methoxycinnamic. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016, 223, 329-334.
[3] Dai Caili, Yang Zhe, Liu Yifei, Gao Mingwei, Zheng Guochao, Fang Sisi, Wu Wenjun, Zhao Mingwei.* Surface adsorption and micelle formation of surfactant N-alkyl-Nmethylmorpholinium bromide in aqueous solutions. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016, 220, 442-447.
[4] Liu Yifei, Dai Caili,* Wang Kai, Zhao Mingwei, Gao Mingwei, Yang Zhe, Fang Jichao, Wu Yining.* Investigation on Preparation and Profile Control Mechanisms of the Dispersed Particle Gels (DPG) Formed from Phenol–Formaldehyde Cross-linked Polymer Gel. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55(22): 6284-6292.
[5] Dai Caili, Yang Zhe, Yang Huili, Liu Yifei, Fang Jichao, Chen Wenxia, Li Weitao, Zhao Mingwei.* Micelle-to-vesicle transition induced by β-cyclodextrin in mixed catanionic surfactant solutions. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016: 1-6.
[6] Yan Zhihu, Dai Caili,* Zhao Mingwei, Sun Yongpeng, Zhao Guang. Development, formation mechanism and performance evaluation of a reusable viscoelastic surfactant fracturing fluid. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2016: 115-122.
[7] Zhao Mingwei,* Gao Mingwei, Dai Caili, Wang Shilu, Chen Wenxia, Liu Yifei, Wu Xuepeng, Xu Zhongliang. A Novel Study on the Gel Phase Formed in a Catanionic Surfactant System. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2016, 19(3): 519-525.
[8] Liu Yifei, Dai Caili,* Wang Kai, Zhao Mingwei, Zhao Guang, Yang Shuai, Yan Zhihu, You Qing.* New insights into the hydroquinone (HQ)–hexamethylenetetramine (HMTA) gel system for water shut-off treatment in high temperature reservoirs. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2016: 20-28.
[9] Yan Zhihu, Dai Caili,* Zhao Mingwei,* Sun Yongpeng. Rheological characterizations and molecular dynamics simulations of self-assembly in an anionic/cationic surfactant mixture. Soft Matter, 2016, 12(28): 6058-6066.
[10] Wu Xuepeng, Wu Yining, Yang Sisi, Zhao Mingwei,* Gao Mingwei, Li Hao, Dai Caili.* Synergistic effect of pH-responsive wormlike micelles based on a simple amphiphile. Soft Matter, 2016, 12(20): 4549-4556.

[1] Zhao Guang,* Dai Caili, Chen Ang, Yan Zhihu, Zhao Mingwei. Experimental study and application of gels formed by nonionic polyacrylamide and phenolic resin for in-depth profile control. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2015: 552-560.
[2] You Qing,* Wang Kai, Tang Yongchun, Zhao Guang, Liu Yifei, Zhao Mingwei, Li Yuyang, Dai Caili. Study of a Novel Self-Thickening Polymer for Improved Oil Recovery. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54(40): 9667-9674.
[3] Zhao Guang,* Dai Caili, Zhang Yanhui, Chen Ang, Yan Zhihu, Zhao Mingwei. Enhanced foam stability by adding comb polymer gel for in-depth profile control in high temperature reservoirs. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015: 115-124.
[4] Yan Zhihu, Dai Caili,* Zhao Mingwei, Zhao Guang, Li Yuyang, Wu Xuepeng, Du Mingyong, Liu Yifei. pH-switchable wormlike micelle formation by N-alkyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bromide-based cationic surfactant. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015: 283-289.
[5] You Qing,* Wang Chenyu, Ding Qinfang, Zhao Guang, Fang Jichao, Liu Yifei, Zhao Mingwei, Dai Caili, Geng Men. Impact of surfactant in fracturing fluid on the adsorption–desorption processes of coalbed methane. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015: 35-41.
[6] Yan Zhihu, Dai Caili,* Zhao Mingwei, Zhao Guang, Li Yuyang, Wu Xuepeng, Liu Yifei, Du Mingyong. Thermal and pH dual stimulated wormlike micelle in aqueous N-cetyl-Nmethylpyrrolidinium bromide cationic surfactant-aromatic dibasic acid system. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2015, 293(9), 2617-2624.
[7] Yan Zhihu, Dai Caili,* Zhao Mingwei, Zhao Guang, Li Yuyang, Wu Xuepeng, Liu Yifei, Du Mingyong. Multi-Responsive Wormlike Micelles Based on N-alkyl-N- Methylpiperidinium Bromide Cationic Surfactant. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2015, 18(5): 739-746.
[8] Dai Caili, Wang Kai, Liu Yifei, Li Hui, Wei Ziyang, Zhao Mingwei.* Reutilization of Fracturing Flowback Fluids in Surfactant Flooding for Enhanced Oil Recovery. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(4): 2304-2311.
[9] Dai Caili, Wu Xuepeng, Li Wwitao, You Qing, Zhao Mingwei,* Du Mingyong, Liu Yifei, Li Yuyang. The role of hydroxyethyl groups in the construction of wormlike micelles in the system of quaternary ammonium surfactant and sodium salicylate. Soft Matter, 2015, 11(39): 7817-7826.
[10] Du Mingyong, Dai Caili,* Chen Ang, Wu Xuepeng, Li Yuyang, Liu Yifei, Li Weitao, Zhao Mingwei. Investigation on the aggregation behavior of photo-responsive system composed of 1-hexadecyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide and 2-methoxycinnamic acid. RSC Advances, 2015, 5(84): 68369-68377.
[11] Dai Caili, Wang Shilu, Li Yuyang, Gao Mingwei, Liu Yifei, Sun Yongpeng, Zhao Mingwei. The first study of surface modified silica nanoparticles in pressure-decreasing application. RSC Advances, 2015, 5(76): 61838-61845.
[12] Mingwei Zhao,* Zhihu Yan, Caili Dai,* Mingyong Du, Hui Li, Yurong Zhao, Kai Wang, Qinfang Ding, Formation and rheological properties of wormlike micelles by N-hexadecyl-N-methylpiperidinium bromide and sodium salicylate. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2015, DOI:10.1007/s00396-014-3495-2.
[13] Jianhui Zhao, Caili Dai,* Qinfang Ding, Mingyong Du, Haishun Feng, Ziyang Wei, Ang Chen, Mingwei Zhao,* The structure effect on the surface and interfacial properties of zwitterionic sulfobetaine surfactants for enhanced oil recovery. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 13993-14001.
[14] Caili Dai, Qinfang Ding, Mingwei Zhao,* Jianhui Zhao, Jichao Fang, Hui Li, Construction and performance evaluation of a highly efficient mixed foaming system. RSC Advances, 2015, DOI: 10.1039/c5ra02166a.
[15] Caili Dai, Shilu Wang, Mingyong Du, Yifei Liu, Dongxu Peng, Zhihu Yan, Mingwei Zhao,* Phase behavior of a nonaqueous ternary microemulsion containing ethylammonium nitrate, TX-100, and cyclohexane. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s00396-015-3525-8.
[16] Caili Dai, Yifei Liu, Shilu Wang, Mingyong Du, Dongxu Peng, Kai Wang, Zhe Yang, Mingwei Zhao,* Investigation on the phase behaviors of aqueous surfactant two-phasesystems in a mixture of N-dodecyl-N-methylpiperidinium bromide(C12MDB) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Colloids and Surfaces A, 2015, 468, 322–326.
[17] Guang Zhao,* Caili Dai,* Siyu Wang, Mingwei Zhao, Synthesis and application of nonionic polyacrylamide with controlled molecular weight for fracturing in low permeability oil reservoirs. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/APP.41637.
[18] Zhihu Yan*, Caili Dai*, Mingwei Zhao, Yuyang Li, Mingyong Du, Dongxu Peng, Study of pH-responsive surface active ionic liquids: the formation of spherical and wormlike micelles. Colloid and Polymer Science. 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s00396-015-3552-5.
[19] 戴彩麗,馮海順,簡家斌,趙明偉,何秀萍,趙健慧,嚴誌虎,耐高溫凍膠泡沫選擇性堵水劑——適用於東海氣田高溫氣藏堵水穩產.天然氣工業,2015,35(3) :60-67.
[20] 嚴誌虎,戴彩麗,趙明偉,馮海順,李明,壓裂返排液處理技術研究與應用進展.油田化學,2015,32(03):444-448.
[21] 馮軒,王中武,毛天聰,辛翠平,戴彩麗,吳昊陽,趙明偉,薄層底水油藏控水用凍膠泡沫的室內研究.油田化學,2015,32(02):204-208.
[22] 嚴誌虎,戴彩麗,趙明偉,馮海順,高波,李明,清潔壓裂液的研究與應用進展.油田化學,2015,32(01):141-145+150.

[1] Jianhui Zhao, Caili Dai,* Jichao Fang, Xuan Feng, Lipeng Yan, Mingwei Zhao,* Surface properties and adsorption behavior of cocamidopropyl dimethyl amine oxide under high temperature and high salinity conditions. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2014, 450, 93–98.
[2] Caili Dai, Zhihu Yan, Qing You, Mingyong Du, Mingwei Zhao,* Formation of worm-like micelles in mixed N-hexadecyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bromide-based cationic surfactant and anionic surfactant systems. PLoS One, 2014, 9(7), e102539.
[3] Caili Dai, Kai Wang, Yifei Liu, Jichao Fang, Mingwei Zhao,* Study on the reutilization of clear fracturing flowback fluids in surfactant flooding with additives for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). PLoS One, 2014, 9(11), e113723.
[4] Caili Dai, Mingyong Du, Yifei Liu, Shilu Wang, Jianhui Zhao, Ang Chen, Dongxu Peng, Mingwei Zhao,* Aggregation behavior of long-chain piperidinium ionic liquids in ethylammonium nitrate. Molecules, 2014, 19, 20157-20169.
[5] Caili Dai, Guang Zhao,* Qing You, Mingwei Zhao, A study on environment-friendly polymer gel for water shut-off treatments in low-temperature reservoirs. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014, DOI: 10.1002/app.40154.
[6] Guang Zhao, Caili Dai, Mingwei Zhao, Qing You, The use of environmental scanning electron microscopy for imaging the microstructure of gels for profile control and water shutoff treatments. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014, DOI: 10.1002/APP.39946.
[7] Caili Dai, Jianhui Zhao,* Lipeng Yan, Mingwei Zhao, Adsorption behavior of cocamidopropyl betaine under conditions of high temperature and high salinity. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014, DOI: 10.1002/APP.40424.
[8] Guang Zhao, Caili Dai,* Mingwei Zhao, Investigation of the profile control mechanisms of dispersed particle gel. PLoS One, 2014, 9(6), e100471.
[9] Qing You,* Zhuojing Li, Qinfang Ding, Yifei Liu, Mingwei Zhao, Caili Dai, Investigation of micelle formation by N-(diethyleneglycol) perfluorooctane amide fluorocarbon surfactant as a foaming agent in aqueous solution. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 53899-53906.
[10] Qing You,* Yongchun Tang, Caili Dai, Mingwei Zhao, Fulin Zhao, A study on the morphology of a dispersed particle gel used as a profile control agent for improved oil recovery. Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 150256.
[11] 方吉超,戴彩麗,由 慶,趙健慧,趙明偉,丁琴芳,趙 冀,塔中402CⅢ高溫高鹽油藏泡沫驅實驗研究. 油氣地質與采收率. 2014, 21(4), 84-88.
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[1] Mingwei Zhao,* Yurong Zhao, Liqiang Zheng,* Caili Dai, Construction of supramolecular self-assembled microfibers with fluorescent properties through a modified ionic self-assembly (ISA) strategy. Chemistry – A European Journal, 2013, 19(3), 1076-1081.
[2] Caili Dai, Mingyong Du, Mingwei Zhao,* Qing You, Baoshan Guan, Xin Wang, Ping Liu, Study of micelle formation by fluorocarbon surfactant N‑(2-hydroxypropyl)perfluorooctane amide in aqueous solution. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2013, 117, 9922-9928.
[3] Guang Zhao, Caili Dai,* Qing You, Mingwei Zhao, Jianhui Zhao, Study on formation of gels formed by polymer and zirconium acetate. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2013, 65, 392-398.
[4] Guang Zhao, Caili Dai, Mingwei Zhao, Qing You, Ang Chen, Investigation of Preparation and Mechanisms of a Dispersed Particle Gel Formed from a Polymer Gel at Room Temperature. PLos One, 2013, 8(12), e82651.

[1] Mingwei Zhao, Jie Yuan, Liqiang Zheng,* Spontaneous formation of vesicles by N-dodecyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bromide (C12MPB) ionic liquid and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in aqueous solution. Colloids and Surface A, 2012, 407, 116-120.
[2] Mingwei Zhao, Jie Yuan, Liqiang Zheng,* The formation of vesicles by N-dodecyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bromide ionic liquid/copper dodecyl sulfate and application in the synthesis of leaflike CuO nanosheets. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2012, 290(14), 1361-1369.
[3] Jun Li, Mingwei Zhao, Hongtao Zhou, Hejun Gao, Liqiang Zheng,* Photo-induced transformation of wormlike micelles to spherical micelles in aqueous solution. Soft Matter, 2012, 8(30), 3858-3864.
[4] Lijuan Shi, Mingwei Zhao, Liqiang Zheng,* Lyotropic liquid crystalline phases formed in ternary mixtures of N-alkyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bromide/1-decanol/water. RSC Advances, 2012, 2 (31), 11922-11929.
[5] Jun Li, Mingwei Zhao, Liqiang Zheng,* Salt-induced wormlike micelles formed by N-alkyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bromide in aqueous solution. Colloids and Surface A, 2012, 396(16-21), 16-21.
[6] Shaohua Zhang, Han Yan, Mingwei Zhao, Liqiang Zheng,* Aggregation behavior of Gemini pyrrolidine-based ionic liquids 1,1’-(butane-1,4-diyl)bis(1-alkylpyrrolidinium) bromide ([Cnpy-4-CnPy][Br2] in aqueous solution. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012, 372(1), 52-57.
[7] Caili Dai,* Guang Zhao,* Mingwei Zhao, Qing You, Preparation of Dispersed Particle Gel (DPG) through a Simple High Speed Shearing Method. Molecules, 2012, 17(12), 14484-14489.
[8] Jie Liu, Qian Zhang, Yu Huo, Mingwei Zhao, Dezhi Sun, Xilian Wei, Shaojie Liu,* Liqiang Zheng,* Interactions of two homologues of cationic surface active ionic liquids with sodium carboxymethylcellulose in aqueous solution. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2012, 290(17), 1721-1730.
[9] 胡衛華,趙玉榮*,趙明偉,莊嚴,趙文忠,烷基糖苷的性質及其不同領域中的應用。中國洗滌用品工業,2012, 2, 64-68.

[1] Mingwei Zhao, Liqiang Zheng,* Micelle formation by N-alkyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bromide in aqueous solution. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2011, 13(4), 1332-1337.
[2] Mingwei Zhao, Yanan Gao, Liqiang Zheng,* Liquid crystalline phases of the amphiphilic ionic liquid N-hexadecyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bromide formed in the ionic liquid ethylammonium nitrate and in water. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2010, 114(35), 11382-11389.
[3] Mingwei Zhao, Yanan Gao, Liqiang Zheng,* Wenpei Kang, Xiangtao Bai, Bin Dong, Microporous silica hollow microspheres and hollow worm-like materials: a simple method for their synthesis and their application in controlled release. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 2010(6), 975-982.
[4] Mingwei Zhao, Yanan Gao, Liqiang Zheng,* Lyotropic liquid crystalline phases formed in binary mixture of 1-tetradecyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride/ethylammonium nitrate and its application in the dispersion of multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Colloids and Surface A, 2010, 369(1-3), 95-100.
[5] Mingwei Zhao, Wenpei Kang, Liqiang Zheng,* Synthesis of silica nanoboxes via a simple hard-template method and their application in controlled release. Materials Letters, 2010, 64(8), 990-992.
[6] Mingwei Zhao, Liqiang Zheng,* Na Li, Li Yu, Fabrication of silica nanoparticles and hollow spheres using ionic liquid microemulsion droplets as templates. Colloids and Surface A, 2009, 346(1-3), 229-236.
[7] Mingwei Zhao, Liqiang Zheng,* Na Li, Li Yu, Fabrication of hollow silica spheres in an ionic liquid microemulsion. Materials Letters, 2008, 62(30), 4591-4593.
[8] Mingwei Zhao, Liqiang Zheng, Li Yu, Synthesis of well-dispersed NiO Nanoparticles with a room temperature ionic liquid. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2008, 29(8), 1103-1105.
[9] Lijuan Shi, Mingwei Zhao, Liqiang Zheng,* Micelle formation by N-alkyl- methylpyrrolidinium bromide in ethylammonium nitrate. Colloids and Surface A, 2011, 392(1), 305-312.
[10] Han Yan, Mingwei Zhao, Liqiang Zheng,* A hydrogel formed by cetylpyrrolidinium bromide and sodium salicylate. Colloids and Surface A, 2011, 392(1), 205-212.
[11] Jie Liu, Mingwei Zhao, Qian Zhang, Dezhi Sun, Xilian Wei, Liqiang Zheng,* Interaction between two homologues of cationic surface active ionic liquids and the PEO-PPO-PEO triblock copolymers in aqueous solutions. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2011, 289(15-16), 1711-1718.
[12] Jie Yuan, Xiangtao Bai, Mingwei Zhao, Liqiang Zheng,* C12mimBr ionic liquid/SDS vesicle formation and use as template for the synthesis of hollow silica spheres. Langmuir, 2010, 26(14), 11726-11731.
[13] Hongying Wang, Yanan Gao, Mingwei Zhao, Liqiang Zheng,* Ionic liquid-assisted synthesis of silver nanorods by polyol reduction. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2010, 21(7), 872-875.
[14] Xiangtao Bai, Liqiang Zheng,* Hongguo Liu, Mingwei Zhao, Synthesis of tadpole-shaped Au nanoparticles using a Langmuir monolayer of fluorocarbon surfactant. Materials Letters, 2009, 63(13-14), 1156-1158.
[15] Yanan Gao, Na Li, Liqiang Zheng,* Xueyan Zhao, Jin Zhang, Quan Cao, Mingwei Zhao, Zhen Li, Gaoyong Zhang, The effect of water on the microstructure of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate/TX-100/benzene ionic liquid microemulsion. Chemistry – A European Journal, 2007, 13(9), 2661-2670.
[16] Yanan Gao, Na Li, Liqiang Zheng,* Xiangtao Bai, Li Yu, Xueyan Zhao, Jin Zhang, Mingwei Zhao, Zhen Li, Role of solubilized water in the reverse ionic liquid microemulsion of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate/TX-100/ benzene. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2007, 111(10), 2506-2513.
[17] Na Li, Quan Cao, Yanan Gao, Jin Zhang, Liqiang Zheng,* Xiangtao Bai, Bin Dong, Zhen Li, Mingwei Zhao, Li Yu, States of water located in the continuous organic phase of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate/Triton X-100/ triethylamine reverse microemulsions. ChemPhysChem, 2007, 8(15), 2211-2217.
