»姓名:張偉 |
»職稱:講師 |
»係屬:船舶與海洋工程係 |
»最高學曆/學位 :博士研究生/博士 |
»學科: |
»所學專業 :船舶與海洋工程 |
»電子郵箱:dr_wood@163.com |
»聯係電話: |
»地址郵編:山東省青島市黃島開發區長江西路66號Betway88必威 266580 |
»個人主頁: |
1. 專著《A Concept for Seabed Rare Earth Mining in the Eastern South Pacific》, ISBN 978-0-854-32949-6,合作作者
1. Zhang Wei, Zou Zaojian, Time domain simulations of the wave-induced motions of ships in maneuvering condition, Journal of Marine Science and technology, 2016, 21:154-166, DOI 10.1007/s00773-015-0340-3 (SCI)
2. Zhang Wei, Zou Zaojian, Time domain simulations of radiation and diffraction by a Rankine panel method, Journal of Hydrodynamics,2015,27(5):635-646, DOI:10.1016/S1001-60589(15)60526-1 (SCI);
3. 張偉、鄒早建,一種基於B樣條的船體及自由麵麵元生成方法,上海交通大學學報,2014:第48卷第4期;(EI)
1. Zhang Wei, Zou Zaojian, A numerical study on prediction of ship maneuvering in waves;Proceedings of the international workshop on water waves and floating bodies (iwwwfb), 2015, Bristol, UK;
2. Zhang Wei, Zou Zaojian, A wave making computation by a 3D panel method in time domain,Proceedings of the International workshop on ship hydrodynamics(IWSH), 2013, Seoul, Korea