近年來在《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》、《Fuel》、《International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control》、《Energy》、《中國科學: 物理學 力學 天文學》、《石油學報》等國內外權威期刊發表論文150餘篇(其中SCI收錄90餘篇,EI收錄59篇,ESI高被引論文6篇),成果受到郭尚平、陶文銓、何雅玲、李根生、John Chen等國內外院士的正麵引用和高度評價,目前總他引4000餘次,H因子36。部分論文如下:
1. Zhang K., Yu H.-Q., Ma X.-P., Zhang J.-D., Wang J., Yao C.-J., Yang Y.-F., Sun H., Yao J., 2022. Multi-source information fused generative adversarial network model and data assimilation based history matching for reservoir with complex geologies, Petroleum Science, 19(2):707-719.
2. Yang Y., Xu Q., Li X., Zhang L., Lan X., Wang J., Zhang K., Sun H., Zhang L., Yao J., 2022. Pore-scale simulation of gas-water two-phase flow in volcanic gas reservoir based on Volume of Fluid method, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 106104733.
3. Yan X., Liu P.-y., Huang Z.-q., Sun H., Zhang K., Wang J.-f., Yao J., 2023. Effect of hydraulic fracture deformation hysteresis on CO2 huff-n-puff performance in shale gas reservoirs, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 24(1):37-55.
4. 鍾俊傑, 王曾定, 孫誌剛, 姚軍, 楊永飛, 孫海, 張磊, 張凱, 2023. 基於納米流控技術的頁岩儲層微觀流體特征研究進展, 石油學報, 44(1):207.
5. Wang Z., Yao J., Sun H., Liu L., Yan X., 2022. Coupled Thermal-Reactive Flow Simulation Study on IN-SITU Conversion Process of Low-Medium Maturity Fractured Shale Oil Reservoir, Fractals-complex Geometry Patterns And Scaling In Nature And Society, 30(07):2250155.
6. Sun H., Zhou L., Fan D., Zhang L., Yang Y., Zhang K., Yao J., 2023. Permeability prediction of considering organic matter distribution based on deep learning, Physics Of Fluids, 35(3):032014.
7. Song W., Yao J., Zhang K., Yang Y., Sun H., Wang Z., 2022. Nano-scale multicomponent hydrocarbon thermodynamic transport mechanisms in shale oil reservoir, Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering, 219111093.
8. Song W., Yao J., Zhang K., Yang Y., Sun H., 2022. Understanding gas transport mechanisms in shale gas reservoir: Pore network modelling approach, Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 6(4):359-360.
9. Song W., Yao J., Zhang K., Yang Y., Sun H., 2022. Accurate Prediction of Permeability in Porous Media: Extension of Pore Fractal Dimension to Throat Fractal Dimension, Fractals-complex Geometry Patterns And Scaling In Nature And Society, 30(03):2250038.
10. Ma X., Zhang K., Wang J., Yao C., Yang Y., Sun H., Yao J., 2022. An efficient spatial-temporal convolution recurrent neural network surrogate model for history matching, SPE Journal, 27(02):1160-1175.
11. Liu Z., Ping J., Imani G., Zhang L., Yang Y., Sun H., Zhong J., Yao J., 2023. Investigation on water-oil displacement efficiency in heterogeneous porous media based on Voronoi tessellations, Journal Of Porous Media, 26(7):
12. Liu L., Yao J., Imani G., Sun H., Zhang L., Yang Y., Zhang K., 2023. Reconstruction of 3D multi-mineral shale digital rock from a 2D image based on multi-point statistics, Frontiers in Earth Science, 101104401.
13. Li Y., Yang Y., Dong M., Yao J., Zhang K., Sun H., Zhang L., 2022. In-Situ Imaging of CO2 Trapping and Oil Recovery in Three-Phase Systems: Dependence on Pore Geometry and Wettability, SPE Journal1-15.
14. Li Y., Yang Y., Dong M., Liu C., Iglauer S., Kang L., Yao J., Zhang K., Sun H., Zhang L., 2022. Effect of pore structure and capillary number on gas-water flow patterns in carbonate rocks, SPE Journal, 27(04):1895-1904.
15. Imani G., Zhang L., Xu C., Sun H., Yang Y., Yao J., 2023. Study of the trapping mechanism of merging drops moving under thermocapillary migration on a surface with wettability contrast, Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering, 220111172.
16. Imani G., Zhang L., Xu C., Ntibahanana M., Sun H., Yao J., 2023. Finite droplets vs long droplets: Discrepancy in release conditions in a microscopic constricted channel, Physics Of Fluids, 35(3):032101.
17. Imani G., Zhang L., Blunt M.J., Xu C., Guo Y., Sun H., Yao J., 2022. Quantitative determination of the threshold pressure for a discontinuous phase to pass through a constriction using microscale simulation, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 153104107.
18. Imani G., Zhang L., Blunt M.J., Foroughi S., Ntibahanana M., Sun H., Yao J., 2022. Three-dimensional simulation of droplet dynamics in a fractionally-wet constricted channel, Advances in Water Resources, 170104341.
19. Duan L., Sun H., Zhang L., Jin Z., Fan D., He Y., Yang Y., Zhang K., Yao J., 2022. A method for pore-scale simulation of single-phase shale oil flow based on three-dimensional digital cores with hybrid mineral phases, Physics Of Fluids, 34(6):062010.
20. Q. Zhu, W. Song, Y. Yang, X. Lu, L. Liu, Y. Zhang, H. Sun, J. Yao, An advection-diffusion-mechanical deformation integral model to predict coal matrix methane permeability combining digital rock physics with laboratory measurements, Applied Geochemistry, 126 (2021).
21. L. Zhang, C. Xu, Y. Guo, G. Zhu, S. Cai, X. Wang, W. Jing, H. Sun, Y. Yang, J. Yao, The Effect of Surface Roughness on Immiscible Displacement Using Pore Scale Simulation, Transport In Porous Media, (2021).
22. K. Zhang, X. Zhao, G. Chen, M. Zhao, J. Wang, C. Yao, H. Sun, J. Yao, W. Wang, G. Zhang, A double-model differential evolution for constrained waterflooding production optimization, Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering, 207 (2021).
23. X. Yu, Y. Wang, Y. Yang, K. Wang, J. Yao, K. Zhang, H. Sun, L. Zhang, W. Song, V. Lisitsa, Effect of particle content on relative permeabilities in water flooding, Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering, 205 (2021).
24. Y. Yang, S. Cai, J. Yao, J. Zhong, K. Zhang, W. Song, L. Zhang, H. Sun, V. Lisitsa, Pore-scale simulation of remaining oil distribution in 3D porous media affected by wettability and capillarity based on volume of fluid method, International Journal Of Multiphase Flow, 143 (2021).
25. X. Yan, H. Sun, Z. Huang, L. Liu, P. Wang, Q. Zhang, J. Yao, Hierarchical Modeling of Hydromechanical Coupling in Fractured Shale Gas Reservoirs with Multiple Porosity Scales, Energy & Fuels, 35(7) (2021) 5758-5776.
26. L. Xiao, G. Zhu, L. Zhang, J. Yao, H. Sun, Effects of pore-size disorder and wettability on forced imbibition in porous media, Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering, 201 (2021).
27. D. Wang, J. Yao, Z. Chen, W. Song, H. Sun, X. Yan, Assessment of extended Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek-based water film on multiphase transport behavior in shale microfractures, Aiche Journal, 67(4) (2021).
28. D. Wang, W. Song, J. Yao, Q. Yang, X. Yan, H. Sun, A FRACTAL MULTIPHASE TRANSPORT MODEL IN SHALE POROUS MEDIA WITH MULTIPLE TRANSPORT MECHANISMS AND ROCK-FLUID INTERACTION, Fractals-Complex Geometry Patterns And Scaling In Nature And Society, 29(2) (2021).
29. W. Song, J. Yao, K. Zhang, H. Sun, Y. Yang, The Impacts of Pore Structure and Relative Humidity on Gas Transport in Shale: A Numerical Study by the Image-Based Multi-scale Pore Network Model, Transport In Porous Media, (2021).
30. Y. Guo, L. Zhang, H. Sun, Y. Yang, Z. Xu, B. Bao, J. Yao, The Simulation of Liquid Flow in the Pore Network Model of Nanoporous Media, Journal Of Energy Resources Technology-Transactions Of the Asme, 143(3) (2021).
31. D. Fan, H. Sun, J. Yao, K. Zhang, X. Yan, Z. Sun, Well production forecasting based on ARIMA-LSTM model considering manual operations, Energy, 220 (2021).
32. Y. Bai, L. Liu, W. Fan, H. Sun, Z. Huang, J. Yao, Coupled compositional flow and geomechanics modeling of fractured shale oil reservoir with confined phase behavior, Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering, 196 (2021).
33. M. Zhao, K. Zhang, G. Chen, X. Zhao, C. Yao, H. Sun, Z. Huang, J. Yao, A surrogate-assisted multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with dimension-reduction for production optimization, Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering, 192 (2020).
34. Y. Yang, L. Tao, H. Yang, S. Iglauer, X. Wang, R. Askari, J. Yao, K. Zhang, L. Zhang, H. Sun, Stress Sensitivity of Fractured and Vuggy Carbonate: An X-Ray Computed Tomography Analysis, Journal Of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 125(3) (2020).
35. Y. Yang, J. Liu, J. Yao, J. Kou, Z. Li, T. Wu, K. Zhang, L. Zhang, H. Sun, Adsorption behaviors of shale oil in kerogen slit by molecular simulation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 387 (2020).
36. Y. Yang, Y. Li, J. Yao, S. Iglauer, L. Luquot, K. Zhang, H. Sun, L. Zhang, W. Song, Z. Wang, Dynamic Pore-Scale Dissolution by CO2-Saturated Brine in Carbonates: Impact of Homogeneous Versus Fractured Versus Vuggy Pore Structure, Water Resources Research, 56(4) (2020).
37. Z. Wang, W. Fan, H. Sun, J. Yao, G. Zhu, L. Zhang, Y. Yang, Multiscale flow simulation of shale oil considering hydro-thermal process, Applied Thermal Engineering, 177 (2020).
38. X. Wang, J. Yao, L. Gong, H. Sun, Y. Yang, W. Liu, Y. Li, Numerical study on particle transport and deposition in rough fractures, Oil & Gas Science And Technology-Revue D Ifp Energies Nouvelles, 75 (2020).
39. D. Wang, J. Yao, Z. Chen, W. Song, H. Sun, Multiphase flow model from pores to cores in organic-rich shale, Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering, 194 (2020).
40. W. Song, J. Yao, D. Wang, Y. Li, H. Sun, Y. Yang, Dynamic pore network modelling of real gas transport in shale nanopore structure, Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering, 184 (2020).
42. D. Fan, H. Sun, J. Yao, H. Zeng, X. Yan, Z. Sun, Pressure-Transient Performances of Fractured Horizontal Wells in the Compartmentalized Heterogeneous Unconventional Reservoirs, Energies, 13(19) (2020).
43. G. Chen, K. Zhang, X. Xue, L. Zhang, J. Yao, H. Sun, L. Fan, Y. Yang, Surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithm with dimensionality reduction method for water flooding production optimization, Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering, 185 (2020).
44. L. Zhang, C. Zhang, K. Zhang, L. Zhang, J. Yao, H. Sun, Y. Yang, Pore-Scale Investigation of Methane Hydrate Dissociation Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method, Water Resources Research, 55(11) (2019) 8422-8444.
45. Weipeng Fan, Hai Sun*, Jun Yao*, Dongyan Fan, Kai Zhang. An upscaled transport model for shale gas considering multiple mechanisms and heterogeneity based on homogenization theory. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019,183:106392.
46. Wang, X., Yao, J., Gong, L.*, Sun, H*., Yang, Y., Zhang, L., ... & Liu, W. (2019). Numerical simulations of proppant deposition and transport characteristics in hydraulic fractures and fracture networks. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019,183:106401.
47. Yang Yongfei*,Wang Ke,Zhang Lei,Sun Hai,Zhang Kai,Ma Jingsheng. Pore-scale simulation of shale oil flow based on pore network model[J]. Fuel, 2019, 251: 683-692
48. Yao, J., Song, W., Wang, D., Sun, H., & Li, Y. (2019). Multi-scale pore network modelling of fluid mass transfer in nano-micro porous media. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 141, 156-167.
49. Song, W., Yao, J., Wang, D., Li, Y., Sun, H., Yang, Y., & Zhang, L. (2019). Nanoscale confined gas and water multiphase transport in nanoporous shale with dual surface wettability. Advances in Water Resources.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.06.01250. Weipeng Fan, Hai Sun*, Jun Yao*, Dongyan Fan, Yongfei Yang ,Homogenization approach for liquid flow within shale system considering slip effect, Journal of Cleaner Production, 235(2019):146-157.
51. D. Wang, J. Yao, Z. Chen, W. Song, H. Sun, Image-based core-scale real gas apparent permeability from pore-scale experimental data in shale reservoirs, Fuel, 254 (2019) 115596.
52. Song Wenhui, Wang Dongying, Yao Jun, Li Yang, Sun Hai, Yang Yongfei, Zhang Lei, 2019. Multiscale image-based fractal characteristic of shale pore structure with implication to accurate prediction of gas permeability, Fuel, 241:522-532.
53. Zhang Liming, Deng Zekun, Zhang Kai, Long Tao, Desbordes Joshua Kwesi, Sun Hai, Yang Yongfei, 2019. Well-Placement Optimization in an Enhanced Geothermal System Based on the Fracture Continuum Method and 0-1 Programming, Energies, 12(4):709.
54. 樊冬豔,孫海*,姚軍,嚴俠,張凱,張建光,張林.考慮熱流固耦合幹熱岩儲層熱提取解析模型[J].中國石油大學學報(自然科學版),2018,42(06):106-113.
55. F. Gang, S. Nan, J. Tan, X. Yousheng, S. Hai, Y. Jun, Z. Wei, F. Haiping, Hydrophobic nanochannel self-assembled by amphipathic Janus particles confined in aqueous nano-space, Chinese Physics B, 27(3) (2018) 030505.
56. 劉磊,姚軍,孫海,張磊,楊永飛. 考慮微裂縫的數字岩心多點統計學構建方法. 科學通報, 2018, 63
57. J. Zhao, Q. Kang, J. Yao, L. Zhang, Z. Li, Y. Yang, H. Sun, Lattice Boltzmann simulation of liquid flow in nanoporous media, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 125 (2018) 1131-1143.
58. W. Fan, H. Sun*, J. Yao, D. Fan, K. Zhang, A new fractal transport model of shale gas reservoirs considering multiple gas transport mechanisms, multi-scale and heterogeneity, Fractals, (2018).
59. Z. Li, J. Yao, Z. Ren, H. Sun, L. Zhang, Y. Yang, J. Fan, J. Kou, Accumulation behaviors of methane in the aqueous environment with organic matters, Fuel, 236 (2019) 836-842.
60. L. Lijun, Y. Jun, S. Hai*, H. Zhaoqin, Y. Xia, L. Longlong, Compositional modeling of shale condensate gas flow with multiple transport mechanisms, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 172 (2019) 1186-1201.
61. W. Song, H. Liu, W. Wang, J. Zhao, H. Sun, D. Wang, Y. Li, J. Yao, Gas flow regimes judgement in nanoporous media by digital core analysis, in: Open Physics, 2018, pp. 448.
62. W. Song, B. Yao, J. Yao, Y. Li, H. Sun, Y. Yang, L. Zhang, Methane surface diffusion capacity in carbon-based capillary with application to organic-rich shale gas reservoir, Chemical Engineering Journal, 352 (2018) 644-654.
63. W. Song, J. Yao, J. Ma, G.D. Couples, Y. Li, H. Sun, Pore-scale numerical investigation into the impacts of the spatial and pore-size distributions of organic matter on shale gas flow and their implications on multiscale characterisation, Fuel, 216 (2018) 707-721.
64. Liu, P., Yao, J., Couples, G. D., Ma, J., Huang, Z., & Sun, H. (2017). Modeling and simulation of wormhole formation during acidization of fractured carbonate rocks. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 154, 284-301.
65. Liu, P., Yao, J., Couples, G. D., Huang, Z., Sun, H., & Ma, J. (2017). Numerical modelling and analysis of reactive flow and wormhole formation in fractured carbonate rocks. Chemical Engineering Science, 172, 143-157.
66. Zhang, K., Zhang, X., Zhang, L., Li, L., Sun, H., Huang, Z., & Yao, J. (2017). Assisted history matching for the inversion of fractures based on discrete fracture-matrix model with different combinations of inversion parameters. Computational Geosciences, 21(5-6), 1365-1383.
67. Zhao, J., Kang, Q., Yao, J., Viswanathan, H., Pawar, R., Zhang, L., & Sun, H. (2018). The Effect of Wettability Heterogeneity on Relative Permeability of Two‐Phase Flow in Porous Media: A Lattice Boltzmann Study. Water Resources Research, 54(2), 1295-1311.
68. Song, W., Yao, J., Ma, J., Sun, H., Li, Y., Yang, Y., & Zhang, L. (2018). Numerical simulation of multiphase flow in nanoporous organic matter with application to coal and gas shale systems. Water Resources Research, 54(2), 1077-1092.
69. Song, W., Yao, J., Ma, J., Li, A., Li, Y., Sun, H., & Zhang, L. (2018). Grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations of pore structure influence on methane adsorption in micro-porous carbons with applications to coal and shale systems. Fuel, 215, 196-203.
70. Song, W., Yao, J., Li, Y., Sun, H., & Yang, Y. (2018). Fractal models for gas slippage factor in porous media considering second-order slip and surface adsorption. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 118, 948-960.
71. Song, W., Yao, J., Ma, J., Couples, G. D., Li, Y., & Sun, H. (2018). Pore-scale numerical investigation into the impacts of the spatial and pore-size distributions of organic matter on shale gas flow and their implications on multiscale characterisation. Fuel, 216, 707-721.
72. Yan, X., Huang, Z., Yao, J., Li, Y., Fan, D., Sun, H., & Zhang, K. (2018). An Efficient Numerical Hybrid Model for Multiphase Flow in Deformable Fractured-Shale Reservoirs. SPE Journal.
73. 楊永飛,劉誌輝,姚軍,王晨晨,孫海,張磊,劉磊,趙建林,安森友,張文傑,劉鵬飛.基於疊加數字岩心和孔隙網絡模型的頁岩基質儲層孔隙空間表征方法[J].中國科學:技術科學,2018,48(05):488-498.
74. 趙建林,姚軍,張磊,楊永飛,孫海,孫致學,白玉湖.微裂縫對致密多孔介質中氣體滲流的影響機製[J].中國石油大學學報(自然科學版),2018,42(01):90-98.
75. 姚軍,孫海*,李愛芬,楊永飛,黃朝琴,王月英,張磊,寇建龍,謝昊君,趙建林,嚴俠,張慶福,任曉霞,韓文成,劉丕養,朱光普,宋文輝,隋宏光,安森友,王振,劉文正,張旭,李正.現代油氣滲流力學體係及其發展趨勢[J].科學通報,2018,63(04):425-451.
76. 孫海,姚軍,YALCHIN Efendiev.基於均勻化理論的頁岩基岩運移機製尺度升級研究[J].中國科學:物理學 力學 天文學,2017,47(11):119-128.
77. 張風昀,隋宏光,姚軍,孫海,張磊.頁岩氣在有機質中吸附規律的分子模擬研究[J].中國科學:物理學 力學 天文學,2017,47(11):146-152.
78. 張凱,張秀清,張黎明,張進,孫海,黃朝琴,姚軍.基於改進的同步擾動隨機逼近算法的聚表二元驅優化[J].中國石油大學學報(自然科學版),2017,41(05):102-109.
79. 劉禮軍,姚軍,孫海,白玉湖,徐兵祥,陳嶺.考慮啟動壓力梯度和應力敏感的頁岩油井產能分析[J].石油鑽探技術,2017,45(05):84-91.
80. 姚軍,宋文輝,李陽,孫海,楊永飛,張磊.有機質孔隙對頁岩氣流動能力影響研究[J].中國科學:物理學 力學 天文學,2017,47(09):55-66.
81. 朱光普,姚軍,張磊,孫海,李愛芬,張凱.特高含水期剩餘油分布及形成機理[J].科學通報,2017,62(22):2553-2564.
82. 宋文輝,姚軍,CHRISTOPH Arns,李陽,張磊,楊永飛,孫海.孔隙尺度下岩性分類及參數粗化[J].科學通報,2017,62(16):1774-1787.
83. 朱光普,姚軍,孫海,張磊,李愛芬.基於界麵追蹤的黏彈性流體微觀流動模擬[J].科學通報,2016,61(36):3973-3981.
84. Sun Hai, Yao Jun, Gao Sunhua, et al. Numerical study of CO2 enhanced natural gas recovery and sequestration in shale gas reservoirs[J]. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2013, 19:406-419.
85. Hai Sun, Jun Yao, Dong-yan Fan, et al. Gas Transport Mode Criteria in Ultra-tight Porous Media[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2015, 83:192-199.
86. Hai Sun, Jun Yao*, Yingchang Cao, et al. Characterization of gas transport behaviors in shale gas and tight gas reservoirs by digital rock analysis [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017,104:227-239
87. Yao Jun, Sun Hai, Fan Dong-yan, et al. Numerical Simulation of Gas Transport Mechanisms in Tight Shale Gas Reservoir[J]. Petroleum Science, 2013,10: 528-537.
88. Wenhui Song, Jun Yao*, Yang Li, Hai Sun*, Lei Zhang, Yaongfei Yang, Jianlin Zhao. Apparent gas permeability in an organic-rich shale reservoir[J]. Fuel, 2016, 181: 973-984.
89. Fan Dongyan,Yao Jun,Sun Hai* ,Zeng Hui,Song Wenhui,A Composite Model of Hydraulic Fractured Horizontal Well with Stimulated Reservoir Volume in tight Oil&Gas Reservoir[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 24: 115-123.
90. 孫海, 姚軍, 廉培慶, 樊冬豔, 孫致學. 考慮基岩向井筒供液的壓裂水平井非穩態模型[J]. 石油學報, 2012, 33(01): 117-122. (EI檢索)
91. 孫海,姚軍,張磊等. 基於孔隙結構的頁岩滲透率計算方法[J]. 中國石油大學學報(自然科學版),2014,38(02):92-98. (EI檢索)
92. 姚軍, 孫海, 樊冬豔, 黃朝琴, 孫致學, 張國浩. 頁岩氣藏運移機製及數值模擬[J]. 中國石油大學學報(自然科學版), 2013, 37(01): 91-98. (EI檢索)
93. 姚軍,孫海,黃朝琴等. 頁岩氣藏開發中的關鍵力學問題[J]. 中國科學: 物理學 力學 天文學, 2013, 43: 1527–1547.
94. Wenjuan Zhang ,Jun Yao,Hai Sun,Electrokinetic coupling in single phase flow in periodically changed capillary with a very small throat size,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2015,84:722-728.
95. Min Zhang, Jun Yao, Hai Sun, Jianlin Zhao, Dongyan Fan, Zhaoqin Huang, Yueying Wang. Triple-continuum modeling of shale gas reservoirs considering the effect of kerogen[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 24: 252-263.
96. Zhu Guang-pu, Yao Jun, Sun Hai, Zhang min, Xie Meijie, Sun Zhixue, Lu Tao. The numerical simulation of thermal recovery based on hydraulic fracture heating technology in shale gas reservoir[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 28: 305-316.
97. Wang Wei, Yao Jun, Sun Hai, Song Wenhui. Influence of gas transport mechanisms on the productivity of multi-stage fractured horizontal wells in shale gas reservoirs[J]. Petroleum Science, 2015: 1-10. (SCI,IF= 0.901)
98. Fan Dongyan, Yao Jun, Sun Hai, et al. Inflow performance of multiple-fractured horizontal well based on discrete-fracture model[J]. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2013,31(5) 492-499.
99. 孫海, 姚軍,孫致學.頁岩氣數值模擬技術及展望[J]. 油氣地質與采收率,2012, 19(1):46-49.
100. 張磊, 姚軍, 孫海, 孫致學, 高瑩, 趙建林. 基於數字岩心技術的氣體解析/擴散格子Boltzmann模擬[J]. 石油學報, 2015, 36(2). (EI 檢索)
101. 張磊, 姚軍, 孫海, 孫致學. 利用格子Boltzmann方法計算頁岩滲透率[J]. 中國石油大學學報(自然科學版), 2014, 38(1): 87-91. (EI檢索)
102. 樊冬豔,姚軍,孫海,謝銀伍,曾慧,張凱,頁岩氣藏分段壓裂水平井不穩定滲流模型,中國石油大學學報(自然科學版),2014,(05):116-123. (EI檢索)
103. 樊冬豔,姚軍,孫海,曾慧, 考慮多重運移機製耦合頁岩氣藏壓裂水平井數值模擬,力學學報,2015,47(6):906-915. (EI檢索)
104. Hui Zeng, Dongyan Fan, Jun Yao, Hai Sun, Pressure and Rate Transient Analysis of Composite Shale Gas Reservoirs Considering Multiple Mechanisms, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 27: 914-925.
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