徐龍 講師
作者: 發布者:趙小明 發布時間:2018-11-28 訪問次數:5733
»姓名:徐龍 »職稱:講師

»單位:油氣田化學研究所 »最高學曆/學位:
»學科:油氣田開發工程學科,石油與天然氣工程領域 »所學專業:
2016.01-2017.01,加拿大 Calgary大學,化學與石油工程係,聯合培養博士;
2017.11-至今 加拿大Bitcan地質科學與工程技術公司,兼職研究員;
2018.08-至今,中國石油大學(華東),必威app精裝版客服 ,講師。

1. 化學驅提高采收率理論和技術
2. 膠體與界麵化學
3. 稠油、頁岩油等非常規能源開發研究

擔任Carbohydrate Polymers, Langmuir, Fuel, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Energy & Fuels, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, International Journal of Food Engineering, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Colloids and Surfaces A, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering等期刊審稿人。


1. 科研機構開放基金項目(G5800-18-ZS-KFNY006),鄂南頁岩油可動資源量評價參數研究,2018.09-2019.08,參與;
2. 國家自然科學基金麵上項目(51774310),CO2提高頁岩油采收率及埋存機理, 2018.01-2021.12,參與;
3. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金資助(18CX02165A),納米乳液在高溫高鹽低滲砂岩油藏中的流動機理研究,2018.01-2020.12,主持;
4. 山東省自然科學基金(博士基金)(ZR2017BEE064),O/W納米乳液穩定性調控及其在低滲油藏中的流動機理研究,2017.08-2019.12,主持;
5. 中國博士後科學基金項目(2017M612377),納米顆粒天然氣泡沫高溫高壓穩定性研究及其應用,2017.01-2019.01,主持;
6. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金資助項目(17CX05005),頁岩儲層壓裂用超臨界CO2稠化體係的構築及機理研究,2017.01-2019.01,參與;
7. 加拿大Bitcan公司SAGD 快速均勻啟動項目(FUSETM:Fast and Uniform SAGD Start-up Enhancement),2017.11-1018.11,參與;
8. 校人才引進項目(YJ201601098),納米顆粒強化CH4泡沫穩定性及其提高稠油采收率研究,2017.01-2018.12,主持;
9. 國家重大專項(2017ZX05049-006), 鄂南長7頁岩油流動機理及數值模擬技術研究,2017.01-2018.12,參與;
10. 加拿大Cenovus能源公司合作項目:The Application of Nanoparticle Stabilized Foam in Oil Sands Steam Flooding,2016-2017,參與;
11. 國家973項目(2014CB239103),陸相頁岩油儲集性能與流動機理,2014.01-2018.12,參與;
12. 國家自然科學青年基金項目,超臨界CO2微乳液體係的構築及其驅油機理研究, 2013-2016,參與;
13. 中石化先導項目,薄層稠油油藏化學驅提高采收率技術研究,2012-2013,參與;
14. 勝利油田地質院項目,聚合物驅後油藏化學驅進一步提高采收率合理技術政策界限研究, 2012-2014,參與;
15. 勝利油田地質院項目:非均相複合驅滲流機理研究,2011-2013,參與。

1. 第三屆研究生“學術年會”高水平論文評比中,榮獲高水平論文獎,2014.12
2. 博士研究生國家獎學金,2014.12
3. 優秀學術論文獎,2016.06


1. Mina Doroudian Rad, Ali Telmadarreie, Long Xu, Mingzhe Dong, Steven L. Bryant. Insight on methane foam stability and texture via adsorption of surfactants on oppositely charged nanoparticles[J]. Langmuir. 2018, 34 (47), 14274–14285.
2. Long Long, Yajun Li, Houjian Gong, Long Xu, Qian Sang, and Mingzhe Dong. Investigation of pressure drop of trapped oil in capillaries with circular cross-sections[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2018, 57 (41), 13866–13875.
3. Houjian Gong, Long Xu, Guiying Xu, Teng Zhu, Mingzhe Dong. Effects of sodium benzoate and sodium chloride on the aggregation behaviors of PEO-PPO-ph-PPO-PEO and PPO-PEO-ph-PEO-PPO at the air/water interface[J]. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents. 2018.
4. Zhe Qiu, Long Xu, Houjian Gong, Chaofan Zhu, Yajun Li, Mingzhe Dong. Effects of temperature and salinity on the rheological properties of polysaccharide/B-PPG composites[C]. Advanced in Oilfield Chemistry. 2018, 81-91.
5. Long Xu, Mina Doroudian Rad, Ali Telmadarreie, Chen Qian, Chenguang Liu, Steven L. Bryant, Mingzhe Dong. Synergy of surface-treated nanoparticle and anionic-nonionic surfactant on stabilization of natural gas foams[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2018, 550, 176-185.
6. Long Xu, Zhe Qiu, Houjian Gong, Chenguang Liu, Yajun Li, Mingzhe Dong. Effect of diutan microbial polysaccharide on the stability and rheological properties of O/W nanoemulsions formed with a blend of Span20-Tween20[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. 2018, 39(11), 1644-1654.
7. Yajun Li, Long Xu, Houjian Gong, Boxin Ding, Mingzhe Dong, and Yanchao Li. A microbial exopolysaccharide Produced by sphingomonas species for enhanced heavy oil recovery at high temperature and high salinity[J]. Energy & Fuels. 2017, 31(4): 3960-3969.
8. Houjian Gong, Hao Zhang, Long Xu, Kangning Li, Long Yu, Qian San, Yajun Li, and Mingzhe Dong. The synergistic effect of branched-preformed particle gel and hydrolyzed polyacrylamide on further-enhanced oil recovery after polymer flooding[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31 (8), 7904–7910.
9. Houjian Gong, Hao Zhang, Long Xu, Kangning Li, Long Yu, Yajun Li and Mingzhe Dong. Further enhanced oil recovery by branched-preformed particle gel/HPAM/surfactant mixed solutions after polymer flooding in parallel-sandpack models[J]. RSC Advances, 2017, 7(63), 39564-39575.
10. Houjian Gong, Long Xu, Teng Zhu, Guiying Xu, Xiaofeng Shi, Mingzhe Dong, and Yajun Li. Interactions between pluronic block polyether and CTAB at air/water interface: interfacial dilational rheology study[J]. Colloid and Polymer Science. 2016, 294(10): 1577-1584.
11. Long Xu, Mingzhe Dong, Houjian Gong, Mengjiao Sun, Yajun Li. Effects of inorganic cations on the rheology of aqueous welan, xanthan, gellan solutions and their mixtures[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2015, 121, 147-154.
12. Long Xu, Houjian Gong, Mingzhe Dong, Yajun Li. Rheological properties and thickening mechanism of aqueous diutan gum solution: The effects of temperature and inorganic salts[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2015, 132, 620-629.
13. 楊澤皓,董明哲,宮厚健,李亞軍,徐龍. 測量頁岩徑向滲透率和孔隙度的新方法[J]. 石油學報, 2015, 36(4), 482-489.
14. Long Xu, Guiying Xu, Houjian Gong, Mingzhe Dong, Yajun Li, Yawen Zhou. Foam properties and stabilizing mechanism of sodium fatty alcohol polyoxyethylene ether sulfate-welan gum composite systems[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2014, 456(20): 176-183.
15. Long Xu, Guiying Xu, LongYu, Houjian Gong, Mingzhe Dong, and Yajun Li. The displacement efficiency and rheology of welan gum for enhanced heavy oil recovery[J]. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 2014, 25: 1122-1129.
16. Houjian Gong, Long Xu, Guiying Xu, Mingzhe Dong, and Yajun Li. Effect of PEO-PPO-ph-PPO-PEO and PPO-PEO-ph-PEO-PPO on the rheological and EOR properties of polymer solutions[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2014, 53 (12), 544–4553.
17. 徐龍,宮厚健,李亞軍,張青茹,董明哲. 脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸鈉/疏水締合聚丙烯酰胺複合體係提高稠油采收率機理[J]. 油田化學. 2014, 31(3), 419-423.
18. Long Xu, Houjian Gong, Mengjiao Sun, Yajun Li, Mingzhe Dong. Rheological properties of welan, xanthan, gellan and their mixtures: effects of inorganic salts[C]. Advances in Enhanced Oil Recovery. 2014, 151-158.
19. Long Xu, Guiying Xu, Teng Liu, Yijian Chen, Houjian Gong. The comparison of rheological properties of welan gum and xanthan gum solutions[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 92, 516-522.
20. 徐龍,李亞軍,李立濤,桑茜,宮厚健,董明哲. PPG非均相體係在多孔介質中的滲流規律[C]. 滲流力學進展與挑戰. 中國石油大學出版社,2013,518-520.
21. Haihong Zhang, Guiying Xu, Teng Liu, Long Xu, Yawen Zhou. Foam stability and interfacial properties of tween 20-bovine serum albumin systems[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2013, 416, 23–31.
22. Houjian Gong, Guiying Xu, Teng Liu, Long Xu, and Xueru Zhai. Aggregation behaviors of PEO-PPO-ph-PPO-PEO and PPO-PEO-ph-PEO-PPO at an air/water interface: experimental study and molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Langmuir, 2012, 28, 13590−13600.
23. 徐龍,苑再武,徐桂英. 威蘭膠水溶液的流變性[C]. 流變學進展. 石油工業出版社,2012,241-244.
24. 徐龍,韓煒,範鳳英,黃茗,徐桂英. 脂肪醇聚氧乙醚硫酸鈉-無機鹽體係的流變性[C]. 中國流變學研究進展,浙江大學出版社,2010,113-116.
25. 徐龍,宮厚健,譚業邦,宋新旺,韓玉貴,徐桂英. MO-4000/X10複合體係的流變性行為研究[C]. 中國流變學研究進展,浙江大學出版社,2010,309-314.

1. 一種天然氣泡沫穩泡劑體係及其製備方法,申請號:201710956686.5,排名第1.
2. 一種納米乳液用多孔介質流動測量裝置及測量方法,專利號:ZL201510628727.9,排名第1.
3. 一種粘彈性納米乳液及其製備方法,專利號:ZL201510916973.4,排名第2.
4. 一種納米乳液用毛細管束流動測量裝置及測量方法,專利號:ZL201510629445.0,排名第3.
5. 測定致密岩心徑向滲透率的裝置及方法,專利號:ZL201410438118.2,排名第8
6. 適合於高溫高鹽油藏的生物膠和表麵活性劑複合驅油體係,申請號:ZL 201510925450.6,排名第2.
7. 一種超臨界二氧化碳相平衡儀及其使用方法,申請號:201610186282.8,排名第8
8. 一種由陰-非兩性離子表麵活性劑形成的超臨界CO2微乳液,申請號201610171971.1,排名第5.
9. 測量超臨界CO2微乳液體係濁點壓力和密度的裝置及方法,申請號:201610186363.8,排名第5.

1. The 2nd International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry. 2018.06.20-22. Qingdao, China.
2. The 7th Asian Conference on Colloid & Interface Science. 2017.08.08-11, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 英文口頭報告.
3. 中國化學會第十六屆膠體與界麵化學會議, 2017.07.25-28,青島.
4. The Third International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics. 2015.07. 07-09, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 英文口頭報告.
5. The First International Conference on Enhanced Oil Recovery, 2014.06.17-19,Beijing,英文口頭報告.
6. 第十二屆全國滲流力學學術會議,2013.08.07-09, 青島.
7. 中國化學會第十三屆膠體與界麵化學會議, 2011.07.20-25,太原.
8. 中國第十屆流變學學術會議, 2010.11.13-16,杭州,口頭報告.