王鵬 副教授
作者: 發布者:趙小明 發布時間:2021-11-03 訪問次數:6633
»姓名:王鵬 »職稱:副教授

»單位:油氣井工程研究所 »最高學曆/學位:博士
»學科:油氣井工程學科,石油與天然氣工程領域 »所學專業:油氣井工程
»地址郵編:山東省青島市經濟技術開發區長江西路66號必威app精裝版客服 高壓水射流研究中心,266580
2005.09-2009.07,中國石油大學(華東),必威app精裝版客服 ,石油工程,學士;
2009.09-2015.07,中國石油大學(華東),必威app精裝版客服 ,油氣井工程,博士;
2018.07-2020.12,中國石油大學(華東),必威app精裝版客服 ,油氣井工程研究所,講師;
2021.01-至今,中國石油大學(華東),必威app精裝版客服 ,油氣井工程研究所,副教授。

2. 鑽柱振動監測與利用技術;
2. 高效破岩鑽井方法理論與技術。

1.《Shock and Vibration》、《Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing》專刊編輯;
2.《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》、《Tribology International》等期刊審稿人。


1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金“水平井鑽柱仿蚯蚓振/蠕動載荷傳遞及控製機理研究(51704323)”,國家自然基金委,2018.1-2020.12,主持;
2. 中國博士後麵上基金“鑽柱微凹槽織構表麵減阻抗磨機理研究(2016M602224)”,中國博士後科學基金會,2016.7-2018.7,主持;
3. 山東省自然科學基金博士基金“水平井仿蚯蚓振/蠕動鑽井載荷傳遞規律研究(ZR2017BEE053)”,山東省自然基金委,2017.8-2019.12,主持;
4. 山東省博士後基金“仿蚯蚓鑽井載荷傳遞控製方法研究(201702030)”,山東省人社廳,2017.12-2019.11,主持;
5. 青島市科技局源頭創新計劃人才專項“基於蚯蚓運動機理的水平井鑽柱振動減阻方法研究(19-6-2-22-cg)”,青島市科技局,2019.08-2021.08,主持;
6. 青島市博士後應用研究項目“鑽柱振動減摩阻機理研究(2016233)”,青島市人社局,2016.12-2018.12,主持;
7. “鑽柱軸向多點激振減摩阻技術(18CX02177A)”,校自主創新科研計劃項目,2018.1-2020.12,主持;
8. “仿生鑽柱蠕動式載荷傳遞實驗研究(20CX02322A)”,海洋物探及勘探設備國家工程實驗室開放課題,2020.05-2022.04,主持;
9. “鑽柱振動減摩阻機理研究(YJ201601021)”,人才引進項目,2016.12-2018.12,主持;
10. 國家自然科學基金麵上項目“激發鑽柱振動減小摩阻的機理與方法研究(51374234)”,國家自然基金委,2014-2017,第三負責人;
11. 國家自然科學基金麵上項目“井底直接調製式脈衝粒子射流鑽井方法研究(51174227)”,2012.1-2015.12,參與;
12. 973重大項目之課題“超臨界二氧化碳破岩及井筒控製理論(2014CB239202)”科技部,參與。

1. 鑽柱振動減摩阻機理及技術研究,山東省研究生優秀科技創新成果一等獎,省級,2015,獨立完成(指導教師:王瑞和、倪紅堅)。

1.Wang, P., Ni, H., Liu, H., et al. A novel wellbore strengthening method by using rotary jet while drilling[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 194, 107556. (SCI二區TOP)
2.Wang, P., Li, Z., Ni, H., et al. Experimental study of rock breakage of an interrupted pulsed waterjet[J]. Energy Reports, 2020, 6, 713-720. (SCI二區)
3.Wang, P., Ni, H., Wang, R. Modeling the flow of carbon dioxide during the drilling of oil, gas, and geothermal energy[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 138, 443-453. (SCI一區TOP)
4.Wang, P., Zhao, B., Ni, H., et al. Research on the modulation mechanism and rock breaking efficiency of a cuttings waterjet[J]. Energy Science & Engineering, 2019, 7, 1687-1704. (SCI三區)
5.Wang, P., Ni, H., Wang, R., et al. Novel mechanical foam breaker based on self-oscillation for promoting the application of foam drilling technology[J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 188, 121-131. (SCI二區TOP).
6.Wang, P., Ni, H., Wang, R. A novel vibration drilling tool used for reducing friction and improve the penetration rate of petroleum drilling[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 165, 436-443. (SCI三區).
7.Wang, P., Ni, H., Wang, R., et al. Modelling the load transfer and tool surface for friction reduction drilling by vibrating drill-string[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 164, 333-343. (SCI三區).
8.Wang, P., Ni, H., Wang, R., et al. Research on the characteristics of earthworm-like vibration drilling[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 160, 60-71. (SCI三區).
9.Wang, P., Ni, H., Wang, R., et al. Research on the Mechanism of In-Plane Vibration on Friction Reduction[J]. Materials, 2017, 10(1015), 1-21. (SCI二區)
10.Wang, P., Ni, H., Wang, R., et al. Experimental investigation of the effect of in-plane vibrations on friction for different materials[J]. Tribology International, 2016, 99, 237-247. (SCI三區)
11.Wang, P., Ni, H., Wang, R., et al. Modulating downhole cuttings via a pulsed jet for efficient drilling-tool development and field testing[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 27, 1287-1295. (SCI三區)
12.Wang, X., Ni, H., Wang, R., Wang, P., et al. Theoretical Study of Tool-Face Disorientation Mechanisms During Slide Drilling and Correction by Surface-Rotation Pulses[J]. SPE Drilling & Completion, 2018, SPE 191374. (SCI四區)
13.Wang, X., Ni, H., Wang, R., Wang, P., et al. Drag-Reduction and Resonance Problems of a Jointed Drillstring in the Presence of an Axial Excitation Tool[J]. Journal of Energy Resources Technology-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 2018, 141, 032904. (SCI三區).
14.Liu, W., Ni, H., Wang, P., et al. Investigation on the tribological performance of micro-dimples textured surface combined with longitudinal or transverse vibration under hydrodynamic lubrication[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 174, 105474. (SCI二區)
15.Liu, W., Ni, H., Wang, P., et al. Analytical investigation of the friction reduction performance of longitudinal vibration based on the modified elastoplastic contact model[J]. Tribology International, 2020,146, 106237. (SCI一區)
16.Liu, W., Ni, H., Wang, P., et al. An investigation on the drag reduction performance of bioinspired pipeline surfaces with transverse microgrooves[J]. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2020, 11, 24–40. (SCI三區)
17.Liu, W., Ni, H., Chen, H., Wang, P. Numerical simulation and experimental investigation on tribological performance of micro-dimples textured surface under hydrodynamic lubrication[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 163, 105095. (SCI二區)
18.Liu, S., Ni, H., Wang, X., Wang, P. Numerical study of the compound vertical and horizontal impact cutting with a single PDC cutter[J]. Energy Reports, 2020, 6, 1520-1527. (SCI二區)
19.王鵬, 倪紅堅, 王瑞和, 等. 基於微凸體接觸的鑽柱縱向振動減摩阻[J].中國石油大學學報: 自然科學版, 2015, 39(1), 88-94. (EI收錄)
20.王鵬, 倪紅堅, 王瑞和, 等. 調製式振動對大斜度井減摩阻影響規律[J]. 中國石油大學學報: 自然科學版, 2014, 38(4), 93-97. (EI收錄)

1. 鑽柱仿生減摩阻方法及自牽引鑽具組合,授權號:201410548756.X,排名第1;
2. 一種清潔井眼的鑽井工具,授權號:201410353821.3,排名第1;
3. 一種複合振動鑽井工具,授權號:201210256211.2,排名第2;
4. 一種減小鑽柱與井壁摩阻的方法及一種分割接頭,授權號:201410548757.4,排名第2;
5. 多點激勵鑽柱減摩阻方法及裝置,授權號:201410548764.4,排名第2;
6. 一種振動加壓鑽井工具,授權號:201210256105.4,排名第3;
7. 一種激發鑽柱振動的鑽井工具,授權號:201210256028.2,排名第3。

1. GOPE 2018,會議報告,休斯頓