當前位置: 油氣田化學研究所
作者: 發布者:趙小明 發布時間:2023-05-04 訪問次數:51579






電子郵箱:daicl306@163.com ;daicl@upc.edu.cn

聯係電話:+86 86981183, +86 150-5481-5366

地址郵編:山東省青島市經濟技術開發區長江西路66號必威app精裝版客服 油氣田化學研究所,266580

  • 個人主頁
  • 學習與工作經曆
    1993.07-至今 中國石油大學(華東) 助教/講師/副教授/教授
    2008.10-2010.10 中國石油大學(北京) 博士後
    2015.06-至今 油田化學山東省重點實驗室 主任
    2016.07-2017.07 北京大學 訪問學者
    2017.09-2021.07 中國石油大學(華東) 科技處處長
    2018.01-2023.01 中國人民政治協商會議山東省委員會 委員
    2019.04-至今 山東省青年科學家協會 副主席
    2021.01-至今 教育部地學科學技術委員會 委員
    2021.07-至今 中國石油大學(華東) 必威app精裝版客服 院長
    2022.09-至今 中國石油大學(華東) 副校長
    2023.02-至今 第十四屆全國人大代表。

  • 研究方向
  • 招生方向
  • 主講課程
  • 學術兼職
  • 指導研究生
  • 承擔科研課題
    2012年到2015年, “鋯凍膠分散體的製備、表征及其在多孔介質中的運移規律的研究”,國家自然科學基金麵上項目;
    2015年到2019年, “提高采收率與油田化學”,國家傑出青年科學基金項目;
    2015年到2019年, “提高致密油儲層采收率機理與方法研究”,國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973計劃)課題;
    2018年到2023年 “致密油CO2響應壓驅體係構築及高效排驅機製” 國家自然科學基金重點項目
    2020年到2024年 “超深層抗高溫聚合物凍膠壓裂液及耐溫減阻機製” 國家自然科學基金國際合作重點項目
    2020年到2025年, “油/水/固界麵浸潤調控智能流體提高采收率關鍵材料與機理研究”,國家重點研發計劃“變革性技術關鍵科學問題”重點專項,學校首個該類項目 。
    2022年到2027年 “超深層鑽采流動調控” 國家自然科學基金基礎科學中心項目 四個骨幹之一
  • 獲獎情況
    1. 2010年,高含水油田優勢通道定量描述與調控技術及工業化應用,國家科技進步二等獎,戴彩麗,馮其紅,趙福麟,高國強,王業飛,康萬利,薄啟煒,薑漢橋,謝培勇,張 東
    2. 2022年,納米流體協同清潔壓裂液與壓裂排驅一體化關鍵技術及應用,教育部科學技術進步獎一等獎,第1完成人
    3. 2020年,深層/低滲油藏多尺度自生長凍膠分散體提高采收率關鍵技術及應用,教育部技術發明獎一等獎,第1完成人
    4. 2018年,耐溫抗鹽聚合物凝膠體係研發及工業化應用,新疆自治區科技進步一等獎,第1完成人
    5. 2009年,聚驅後地層殘留聚合物再利用提高采收率技術研究與應用,山東省科學技術進步一等獎,第1完成人
    6. 2014年,複雜條件下水平井化學控水提高采收率技術與應用,山東省科學技術進步二等獎,第1完成人
    7. 2016年,稠油蒸汽吞吐深部封竄體係及其注入方法,教育部科技進步二等獎,第1完成人
    8. 2021年,孫越崎能源科學技術獎能源大獎,孫越崎科技教育基金委員會,獨立完成
    9. 2016年,光華工程科技獎青年獎,光華工程科技獎理事會,獨立完成

    1. 2009年,聚合物驅後利用地層聚合物絮凝調驅及配套技術研究與應用,中國石油和化學工業協會科技進步一等獎,排名第1
    2. 2008年,油井選擇性堵水技術研究與應用,中國石油石化協會科技進步一等獎,排名第1
    3. 2013年,“複雜條件下水平井化學控水提高采收率技術研究與應用”,中國石油與化學工業聯合會科技進步一等獎,1/15
    4. 2018年,“稠油油藏波動-化學輔助蒸汽高效開發與應用”,中國石油和化學工業聯合會技術發明一等獎,1/10
    5. 2020年,“深層/低滲油藏多尺度自生長凍膠分散體深部調驅關鍵技術及應用”,中國石油和化學工業聯合會技術發明一等獎,1/10
    6. 2018年,“一種適於高溫高鹽油藏堵水調剖用的堵水劑”,中國專利優秀獎,山東省專利一等獎,1/18
    7. 2019年,“鋯凍膠分散體複合驅油體係及其製備方法” ,中國專利優秀獎,1/4
    8. 2014年,“酚醛樹脂預縮聚體緩交聯劑的製備方法” ,中國專利優秀獎,1/5
    9. 2016年,“稠油蒸汽吞吐深部封竄體係及其注入方法”,中國專利優秀獎,1/6

  • 榮譽稱號
  • 著作
    ① Dai Caili, Zhao Fulin. Oilfield Chemistry, Springer 和中國石油大學出版社,2018.(國家出版基金資助)
    ② Dai Caili, Zhao Guang, You Qing, Zhao Mingwei, Liu Yifei, Zhao Fulin. Theory and Technology of Multiscale Dispersed Particle Gel for In-Depth Profile Control, Elsevier和石油工業出版社,2021.
    ③ 戴彩麗、由慶、趙明偉等. 提高采收率原理,中國石油大學出版社,2019. (國家出版基金資助)
    ④ 戴彩麗、趙光、由慶等. 多尺度凍膠分散體深部調驅理論與技術,石油工業出版社,2020.
    ⑤ 戴彩麗、趙明偉、楊勝來等. 致密油儲層提高采收率機理與方法,科學出版社,2020.
  • 論文
    [1] Dai Caili*, Tao Wang, Mingwei Zhao, Xin Sun, Mingwei Gao, Zhongliang Xu, Baoshan Guan, Ping Liu. Impairment mechanism of thickened supercritical carbon dioxide fracturing fluid in tight sandstone gas reservoirs. Fuel, 2018, 211:60-66.
    [2] Dai Caili*, Yifei Liu, Chenwei Zou, Qing You, Shuai Yang, Mingwei Zhao, Guang Zhao, Yining Wu, Yongpeng Sun. Investigation on matching relationship between dispersed particle gel (DPG) and reservoir pore-throats for in-depth profile control. Fuel, 2017, 207: 109-120.
    [3] Dai Caili*, Shuai Yang, Xuepeng Wu, Yifei Liu, Dongxu Peng, Kai Wang, Yining Wu, Investigation on polymer reutilization mechanism of salt-tolerant modified starch on offshore oilfield. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(7): 5585-5592.
    [4] Dai Caili*, Xuepeng Wu, Weitao Li, Qing You, Mingwei Zhao, Mingyong Du, Yifei Liu, Yuyang Li, The role of hydroxyethyl groups in the construction of wormlike micelles in the system of quaternary ammonium surfactant and sodium salicylate. Soft matter, 2015, 11(39): 7817-7826.
    [5] Dai Caili*, Kai Wang, Yifei Liu, Hui Li, Ziyang Wei, Mingwei Zhao, Reutilization of fracturing flowback fluids in surfactant flooding for enhanced oil recovery. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(4): 2304-2311.
    [6] Dai Caili*, Xinke Wang, Yuyang Li, Wenjiao Lv, Chenwei Zou, Mingwei Gao, Mingwei Zhao. Spontaneous imbibition investigation of self-dispersing silica nanofluids for enhanced oil recovery in low-permeability cores. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31: 2663-2668.
    [7] Dai Caili*, Wenxia Chen, Qing You, Huan Wang, Zhe Yang, Long He, Baolei Jiao, Yining Wu, A novel strengthened dispersed particle gel for enhanced oil recovery application. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2016, 41: 175-182.
    [8] Dai Caili*, Sisi Fang, Mei Hu, Xiaojuan He, Mingwei Zhao, Xuepeng Wu, Shuai Yang, Yining Wu. Synthesis, surface adsorption and micelle formation of a class of morpholinium gemini surfactants. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2017, 54: 226-233.
    [9] 戴彩麗,鄒辰煒,劉逸飛,由慶,佟穎,吳川,單朝暉.彈性凍膠分散體與孔喉匹配規律及深部調控機理[J]. 石油學報,2018,39(4): 427-434.
    Dai Caili*, Zou Chenwei, Liu Yifei, You Qing, Tong Ying, Wu Chuan, Shan Chaohui. Matching principle and in-depth profile control mechanisms between elastic dispersed particle gel and pore throats[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2018, 39(4):427-434.
    [10] 戴彩麗,趙光,由慶. 凍膠分散體軟體非均相複合驅油體係特征及驅替機理,石油勘探與開發, 2018, 45(3): 1-10.
    Guang Zhao, Caili Dai, Qing You. Characteristics and displacement mechanisms of the dispersed particle gel soft heterogeneous compound flooding system, Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2018, 45(3): 1-10.
    [11] 趙光, 由慶, 戴彩麗. 多尺度凍膠分散體的製備機理. 石油學報, 2017, 38(7):97-105.
    Guang Zhao, Qing You, Caili Dai. Preparation mechanism of multiscale dispersed particle gel. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2017, 38(7):97-105
    [12] 戴彩麗,方吉超,焦保雷. 中國碳酸鹽岩縫洞型油藏提高采收率研究進展. 中國石油大學學報(自然科學版), 2018, 42(6): 67-78.
    [13] Caili Dai, Jichao Fang, Qin fang, Ding Tao Wang, Mingwei Zhao, Yining Wu. Study on adsorption characteristic of novel nonionic fluorocarbon surfactant (4-hydroxyethyl ether) (pentadecafluoro-alkyl) amide at coal-water interface. Colloid & Polymer Science. 2018, 296(1):21-30.
    [14] Caili Dai, Xin Su, Yongpeng Sun, Mingwei Zhao, Mingyong Du. The effect of supercritical CO2 fracturing fluid retention-induced permeability alteration of tight oil reservoir. Journal of petroleum science and engineering, 2018, 171,1123-1132.
    [15] Yan Zhihu, Dai Caili*, Zhao Mingwei*, Sun Yongpeng, Rheological characterizations and molecular dynamics simulations of self-assembly in an anionic/cationic surfactant mixture, Soft matter, 2016, 12(28): 6058-6066.
    [16] Mingwei Zhao, Haonan He, Caili Dai, Yongpeng Sun, Yanchao Fang, Yifei Liu. Enhanced oil recovery study of a new mobility control system on the dynamic imbibition in a tight oil fracture network model. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(3):2908-2915.
    [17] Xuepeng Wu, YueZhang, XinSun, Caili Dai, Mingwei Zhao. A novel CO2 and pressure responsive viscoelastic surfactant fluid for fracturing. Fuel, 2018, 229(1):79-87.
    [18] Mingyong Du, Xin Sun, Caili Dai, HaoLi, TaoWang, Zhongliang Xu, Mingwei Zhao, Baoshan Guan, Ping Liu. Laboratory experiment on a toluene-polydimethyl silicone thickened supercritical carbon dioxide fracturing fluid. Journal of petroleum science and engineering, 2018, 166, 36-374.
    [19] Xin Su, Caili Dai, Yongpeng Sun, Mingwei Zhao, Mingyong Du. Experimental study on a novel thickened supercritical CO2 system and its EOR performance in low permeability reservoir. SPE, 2018, 192379-MS.
    [20] Mingwei Zhao, Zhibin Gao, Caili Dai, Yue Zhang, Xin Sun, Mingwei Gao, Yongping Huang, Long He, Yining Wu. Investigation of active-inactive material interdigitated aggregates formed by wormlike micelles and cellulose nanofiber. 2018, 122(45):10371-10376.
    [21] Xue Yao, Ping Yi, Guang Zhao, Xin sun, Caili Dai. A study of the stability mechanism of the dispersed particle gel three-phase foam using the interfacial dilational rheology method. Materials, 2018, 11(5): 699.
    [22] Yue Zhang, Caili Dai, Yao Qian, Xiqun Fan, Jianfeng Jiang, Yining Wu, Xuepeng Wu, Yongping Huang, Mingwei Zhao. Rheological properties and formation dynamic filtration damage evaluation of a novel nanoparticle-enhanced VES fracturing system constructed with wormlike micelles. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2018, 553:244-252.
    [23] Yue Zhang, Caili Dai, Xuepeng Wu, Yining Wu, Yuyang Li, Yongping Huang, Haonan He, Chenglin Gu, Long He, Mingwei Zhao. The construction of anhydride-modified silica nanoparticles (AMSNPs) strengthened wormlike micelles based on strong electrostatic and hydrogen bonding interactions. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, 277:372-379.
    [24] Mingwei Zhao, Wenjiao Lv, Yuyang Li, Caili Dai, Xinke Wang, Hongda Zhou, Chenwei Zou, Mingwei Gao, Yue Zhang, Yining Wu. Study on the synergy between silica nanoparticles and surfactants for enhanced oil recovery during spontaneous imbibition. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, 261:373-378.
    [25] Yahui Lv, Chenglin Gu, Xiliang Fan, Jiaping Tao, Xue Yao, Caili Dai, Guang Zhao. Interfacial rheology of a novel dispersed particle gel soft heterogeneous combination flooding system at the oil-water interface. Colloids and Surfaces A. 2018, 559:23-34.
    [26] Zhen Li, Pan Wang, Yunyun Ma, Jun Zhang*, Dai Caili*, Youguo Yan, Liu Bing. Show affiliations, tuning the self-assembly of surfactants by the confinement of carbon nanotube arrays: a cornucopia of lamellar phase variants, Nanoscale, 2015, 7(14): 6069-6074.
    [27] Fang Jichao, Zhang Xiao, He Long, Zhao Guang, Dai Caili. Experimental research of hydroquinone (HQ)/hexamethylene tetramine (HMTA) gel for water plugging treatments in high-temperature and high-salinity reservoirs, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2017, 134(1): 44359.
    [28] Zhang Yan, You Qing, Fu Yang, Zhao Mingwei, Fan Haiming, Liu Yifei, Dai Caili, Investigation on interfacial/surface properties of bio-based surfactant N-aliphatic amide-NN-diethoxypropylsulfonate sodium as an oil displacement agent regenerated from waste cooking oil, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016, 223: 68-74.
    [29] Zhao Mingwei, Gao Mingwei, Dai Caili, Du Mingyong, Liu Yifei, Zou Chenwei, Tao Jiaping, Wang Xinke, Wang Tao. Investigation on a novel photo-responsive system formed by N-methyl-N-cetylpyrrolidinium bromide and ortho-methoxycinnamic, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016, 223: 329-334.
    [30] Dai Caili, Yang Zhe, Liu Yifei, Gao Mingwei, Zheng Guochao, Fang Sisi, Wu Wenjun, Zhao Mingwei. Surface adsorption and micelle formation of surfactant N-alkyl-N-methylmorpholinium bromide in aqueous solutions, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016, 220: 442-447.
    [31] Dai Caili, Li Weitao, Cui Ya, Sun Yongpeng, Wu Wenjun, Xu Zhongliang, Liu Yifei, Yang Zhe, Wu Xuepeng. The effect of functional groups on the sphere-to-wormlike micellar transition in quaternary ammonium surfactant solutions, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016, 500: 32-39.
    [32] Liu Yifei, Dai Caili, Wang Kai, Zhao Mingwei, Gao Mingwei, Yang Zhe, Fang Jichao, Wu Yining. Investigation on Preparation and Profile Control Mechanisms of the Dispersed Particle Gels (DPG) Formed from Phenol Formaldehyde Cross-linked Polymer Gel, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55(22): 6284-6292.
    [33] Dai Caili, Yang Zhe, Yang Huili, Liu Yifei, Fang Jichao, Chen Wenxia, Li Weitao, Zhao Mingwei. Micelle-to-vesicle transition induced by beta-cyclodextrin in mixed catanionic surfactant solutions, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016, 498: 1-6.
    [34] Yan Zhihu, Dai Caili, Zhao Mingwei, Sun Yongpeng, Zhao Guang. Development, formation mechanism and performance evaluation of a reusable viscoelastic surfactant fracturing fluid, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2016, 37: 115-122.
    [35] Zhao Mingwei, Gao Mingwei, Dai Caili, Wang Shilu, Chen Wenxia, Liu Yifei, Wu Xuepeng, Xu Zhongliang, A novel study on the gel phase formed in a catanionic surfactant system, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2016, 19(3): 519-525.
    [36] Liu Yifei, Dai Caili, Wang Kai, Zhao Mingwei, Zhao Guang, Yang Shuai, Yan Zhihu, You Qing. New insights into the hydroquinone (HQ)-hexamethylenetetramine (HMTA) gel system for water shut-off treatment in high temperature reservoirs, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2016, 35: 20-28.
    [37] Zhao Guang, Dai Caili, Chen Ang, Yan Zhihu, Zhao Mingwei. Experimental study and application of gels formed by nonionic polyacrylamide and phenolic resin for in-depth profile control, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2015, 135: 552-560.
    [38] Zhao Guang, Dai Caili, Zhang Yanhui, Chen Ang, Yan Zhihu, Zhao Mingwei. Enhanced foam stability by adding comb polymer gel for in-depth profile control in high temperature reservoirs, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 482: 115-124.
    [39] Yan Zhihu, Dai Caili, Zhao Mingwei, Zhao Guang, Li Yuyang, Wu Xuepeng, Du Mingyong, Liu Yifei, pH-switchable wormlike micelle formation by N-alkyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bromide-based cationic surfactant, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 482: 283-289.
    [40] Yan Zhihu, Dai Caili, Zhao Mingwei, Zhao Guang, Li Yuyang, Wu Xuepeng, Liu Yifei, Du Mingyong. Thermal and pH dual stimulated wormlike micelle in aqueous N-cetyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bromide cationic surfactant-aromatic dibasic acid system, Colloid and Polymer Science, 2015, 293(9): 2617-2624.
    [41] Yan Zhihu, Dai Caili, Zhao Mingwei, Zhao Guang, Li Yuyang, Wu Xuepeng, Liu Yifei. Du Mingyong, Multi-Responsive Wormlike Micelles Based on N-alkyl-N-Methylpiperidinium Bromide Cationic Surfactant, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2015, 18(5): 739-746.
    [42] Yan Zhihu, Dai Caili, Zhao Mingwei, Li Yuyang, Du Mingyong, Peng Dongxu. Study of pH-responsive surface active ionic liquids: the formation of spherical and wormlike micelles, Colloid and Polymer Science, 2015, 293(6): 1759-1766.
    [43] Dai Caili, Wang Shilu, Du Mingyong, Liu Yifei, Peng Dongxu, Yan Zhihu, Zhao Mingwei. Phase behavior of a nonaqueous ternary microemulsion containing ethylammonium nitrate, TX-100, and cyclohexane, Colloid and Polymer Science, 2015, 293(5): 1475-1481.
    [44] Zhao Mingwei, Yan Zhihu, Dai Caili, Du Mingyong, Li Hui, Zhao Yurong, Wang Kai, Ding Qinfang. Formation and rheological properties of wormlike micelles by N-hexadecyl-N-methylpiperidinium bromide and sodium salicylate, Colloid and Polymer Science, 2015, 293(4): 1073-1082.
    [45] Zhao Guang, Dai Caili, Wang Siyu, Zhao Mingwei, Synthesis and application of nonionic polyacrylamide with controlled molecular weight for fracturing in low permeability oil reservoirs, Applied polymer, 2015, 132(11):114-121.
    [46] Dai Caili, Liu Yifei, Wang Shilu, Du Mingyong, Peng Dongxu, Wang Kai, Yang Zhe, Zhao Mingwei. Investigation on the phase behaviors of aqueous surfactant two-phase systems in a mixture of N-dodecyl-N-methylpiperidinium bromide (C12MDB) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 468: 322-326.
    [47] Du Mingyong, Dai Caili, Chen Ang, Wu Xuepeng, Li Yuyang, Liu Yifei, Li Weitao, Zhao Mingwei, Investigation on the aggregation behavior of photo-responsive system composed of 1-hexadecyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide and 2-methoxycinnamic acid, RSC Advance, 2015, 5(84): 68369-68377.
    [48] Dai Caili, Wang Shilu, Li Yuyang, Gao Mingwei, Liu Yifei, Sun Yongpeng, Zhao Mingwei, The first study of surface modified silica nanoparticles in pressure-decreasing application, RSC Advance, 2015, 5(76): 61838-61845.
    [49] Dai Caili, Ding Qinfang, Zhao Mingwei, Zhao Jianhui, Fang Jichao, Li Hui, Construction and performance evaluation of a highly efficient mixed foaming system, RSC Advance, 2015, 5(35), 27978-27985.
    [50] Zhao Jianhui, Dai Caili, Ding Qinfang, Du Mingyong, Feng Haishun, Wei Ziyang, Chen Ang, Zhao Mingwei, The structure effect on the surface and interfacial properties of zwitterionic sulfobetaine surfactants for enhanced oil recovery, RSC Advance, 2015, 5(18):13993-14001.
    [51] Dai Caili, Du Mingyong, Liu Yifei, Wang Shilu, Zhao Jianhui, Chen Ang, Peng Dongxu, Zhao Mingwei. Aggregation behavior of long-chain piperidinium ionic liquids in ethylammonium nitrate, Molecules, 2014, 19(12): 20157-20169.
    [52] Dai Caili, Zhao Jianhui, Yan Lipeng, Zhao Mingwei. Adsorption behavior of cocamidopropyl betaine under conditions of high temperature and high salinity, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014, 131(12): 40424.
    [53] Zhao Jianhui, Dai Caili, Fang Jichao, Feng Xuan, Yan Lipeng, Zhao Mingwei. Surface properties and adsorption behavior of cocamidopropyl dimethyl amine oxide under high temperature and high salinity conditions, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2014, 450: 93-98.
    [54] Dai Caili, Zhao Guang, You Qing, Zhao Mingwei. A study on environment-friendly polymer gel for water shut-off treatments in low-temperature reservoirs, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014, 131(8): 40154.
    [55] Zhao Guang, Dai Caili, Zhao Mingwei, You Qing. The use of environmental scanning electron microscopy for imaging the microstructure of gels for profile control and water shutoff treatments, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014, 131(4): 39946.
    [56] Dai Caili, Zhao Guang, You Qing, Zhao Mingwei. The investigation of a new moderate water shutoff agent: cationic polymer and anionic polymer, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014, 131(3): 39462.
    [57] You Qing, Dai Caili, Tang Yongchun, Guan Ping, Zhao Guang, Zhao Fulin. Study on Performance Evaluation of Dispersed Particle Gel for Improved Oil Recovery, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2013, 135(4): 042903.
    [58] Li Zhen, Wang Pan, Yan Youguo, Wang Run, Zhang Jun, Dai Caili, Hu Songqing. Tuning and Designing the Self-Assembly of Surfactants: The Magic of Carbon Nanotube Arrays, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2013, 4(22): 3962-3966.
    [59] Dai Caili, Du Mingyong, Zhao Mingwei, You Qing, Guan Baoshan, Wang Xin, Liu Ping. Study of micelle formation by fluorocarbon surfactant N-(2-hydroxypropyl) perfluorooctane amide in aqueous solution, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2013, 117(34): 9922-9928.
    [60] Liu Dong, Li Zhongtao, Fu Yue, Zhang Yinghao, Gao Peng, Dai Caili, Zheng Kaiyuan. Investigation on asphaltene structures during venezuela heavy oil hydrocracking under various hydrogen pressures, Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(7): 3692-3698.
    [61] Fang Timing, Wang Muhan, Wang Chao, Liu Bing, Shen Yue, Dai Caili, Zhang Jun. Oil detachment mechanism in CO2 flooding from silica surface: Molecular dynamics simulation, 2017, 164: 17-22.
    [62] Zhao Guang, Dai Caili, You Qing, Zhao Mingwei, Zhao Jianhui, Study on formation of gels formed by polymer and zirconium acetate. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2013, 65(3): 392-398.
    [63] Dai Caili, Zhao Guang, Zhao Mingwei, You Qing. Preparation of dispersed particle gel (DPG) through a simple high speed shearing method, Molecules, 2012, 17(12): 14484-14489.
    [64] Dai Caili, You Qing, He Long, Zhao Fulin, Study and Field Application of a Profile Control Agent in a High Temperature and High Salinity Reservoir, Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects, 2012, 34: 53-63.
    [65] Dai Caili, You Qing, Zhao H, Guan Baoshan, Wang Xin, Zhao Fulin, A Study on Gel Fracturing Fluid for Coalbed Methane at Low Temperatures, Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects, 2012, 34:82-89.
    [66] Dai Caili, Zhao Juan, Jiang Hanqiao, Lv XR, Wang LS, Jin YX, Zhao Fulin, Research and Field Application of Polymer-Multiple Emulsion Crosslinker Gel for the Deep Profile Control, Petroleum Science and Technology, 2013, 31(9): 902-912.
  • 專利
    (1)Dai Caili, Zhao Mingwei, Liu He, Wu Yining, Sun Yongpeng, Zhao Guang, Xu Zhongliang, Polymer and preparation method thereof, and viscosified acid fluid, 2018.4.3, 美國,US 9932517 B1
    (2)Dai Caili, Zhao Guang, You Qing, Zhao Mingwei, Zirconium dispersed-particle gel combination flooding system and preparation method thereof, 2016.11.18, 澳大利亞,2014352354
  • 學術交流
    1. Study and field application of organic/inorganic cross-linking blocking agent for high temperature reservoir / SPE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium Society of Petroleum Engineers / SPE /14-18 April 2012/ Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA / Oral report
    2. Research on Reutilization Technology of Residual Polymer in Formation after Polymer Flooding / SPE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium Society of Petroleum Engineers / SPE /24-28 April 2010/ Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA / Oral report
    3. Case Study on Polymer Gel to Control Water Coning for Horizontal Well in Offshore Oilfield / Offshore Technolog1y Conference / Offshore Technology Conference /2-5 May 2011/ Houston, Texas, USA / Oral report
    4. Imaging of Oil/Water Migration in Tightsand with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Microscope during Two End Open Surfactant Imbibition / SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition / SPE /17-19 Oct 2017/ Jakarta, Indonesia / Oral report
    5. Investigating the Fundamental Mechanisms Governing Solid Production in Superdeep Hot Tight Gas Reservoirs and Exploring Potential Solutions / SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition / SPE /26-28 Sept 2017 / Dubai, UAE / Wall paper
    6. Progress in Research and Application of Displacement Control System of Dispersed Particle Gels in High-Temperature, Middle and Low- Permeability Reservoirs /2018 2nd International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry /Chinese Petroleum Society and China University of Petroleum (East China) /20-22 June 2018/ Qingdao, Shandong, China / Oral report
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