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2017級 鞏法成(研究生國家獎學金、省級/校級優秀碩士論文)、王曉之(首屆“能源·智慧·未來”全國大學生創新創業大賽三等獎)、林強
2018級 宮遠誌(第十屆中國石油工程設計大賽采油單項組二等獎)、唐宋軍(研究生國家獎學金、校級優秀碩士論文)、譚碧君、杜澤明
2019級 魏忠華、羅誌林(第十一屆中國石油工程設計大賽采油單項組三等獎)、張躍龍(研究生國家獎學金、山東省優秀畢業生)、孫悅銘(第七屆山東省“互聯網+”大學生創新創業大賽金獎)
2020級 王雲鵬(第七屆山東省“互聯網+”大學生創新創業大賽金獎)、王赫、封煜(第十二屆中國石油工程設計大賽采油單項組二等獎)、李群(第二屆全國機械工業設計創新大賽石油石化設備分賽一等獎)、餘夢琪、王旭東(副導)
2021級 黃文傑(第七屆、第八屆山東省“互聯網+”大學生創新創業大賽金獎)、劉藝文、胡尊鵬(副導)、王海洋(副導,第十三屆中國石油工程設計大賽綜合組二等獎)、曹金豪(副導)
2022級 張明旺、孫海程、王文宇
2023級 賈慧、張亞暄、楊仁傑、李書奕
2024級 楊寬、鄭宇婷、曹津龍、牛天宇、穀萬強
2025級 石一曼
熱誠歡迎有誌於 “儲層壓裂改造(油氣、地熱)理論與技術” 研究的石油工程、材料化學、計算數學、岩石力學等專業的同學報考!
(1)Tiankui Guo, Shicheng Zhang, Lei Wang, Weibo Sui, Heng Wen. Optimization of proppant size for frac-pack completion based on a new equipment. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 96-97:1-9, 2012. SCI/EI, IF=0.869. 三區
(2)Tiankui Guo, Shicheng Zhang, Bo Xiao, Guoqing Liu, Fei Wang, Jingchen Zhang & Xiaobing Bian. Evaluation and optimization of new nano-composite fiber for fracturing technology based on a new equipment. Transport in porous media, 94(1):243-257, 2012. SCI/EI, IF=1.811. 三區
(3)Tiankui Guo, Shicheng Zhang, Jun Gao, Jingchen Zhang, Haiqing Yu. Experimental study of fracture permeability for stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) in shale formation. Transport in porous media, 98(3):525-542, 2013. SCI/EI, IF=1.811. 三區
(4)Tiankui Guo, Shicheng Zhang, Zhanqing Qu, Tong Zhou, Yongshun Xiao, Jun Gao. Experimental study of hydraulic fracturing for shale by stimulated reservoir volume. Fuel, 128:373-380, 2014. SCI/EI, IF=3.357. 二區TOP (ESI 高被引論文)
(5)Tiankui Guo, Shicheng Zhang, Hongkui Ge, Xiaoqiong Wang, Xin Lei, Bo Xiao. A new method for evaluation of fracture network formation capacity of rock. Fuel, 140:778-787, 2015. SCI/EI, IF=3.406. 二區TOP
(6)Tiankui Guo, Shicheng Zhang, Yushi Zou, Bo Xiao. Numerical simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation in shale gas reservoir. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 26:847-856, 2015. SCI/EI, IF=2.157. 三區
(7)Tiankui Guo, Zhanqing Qu, Diguang Gong, Xin Lei, Ming Liu. Numerical simulation of directional propagation of hydraulic fracture guided by vertical multi-radial boreholes. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 35:175-188, 2016. SCI/EI, IF=2.718. 三區
(8)Tiankui Guo, Binyan Liu, Zhanqing Qu, Diguang Gong, Xin Lei. Study on initiation mechanisms of hydraulic fracture guided by vertical multi-radial boreholes. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 50(7):1767-1785, 2017. SCI, IF=2.905. 二區TOP
(9)Tiankui Guo, Yanchao Li, Yong Ding, Zhanqing Qu, Naicheng Gai.Evaluation of acid fracturing treatments in shale formation. Energy & Fuels, 31(10):10479-10489, 2017. SCI, IF=3.091. 二區TOP (ESI 高被引論文, 榮獲 Energy & Fuels TOP 25 MOST CITED* ARTICLES IN 2017)
(10)Tiankui Guo, Zhanqing Qu, Facheng Gong, Xiaozhi Wang. Numerical simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation guided by single radial boreholes. Energies,10(10):1680, 2017. SCI, IF=2.262. 三區.
(11)Tiankui Guo, Facheng Gong, Xin Lin, Qiang Lin, Xiaozhi Wang. Experimental investigation on damage mechanism of guar gum fracturing fluid to low-permeability reservoir based on nuclear magnetic resonance. Journal of Energy Resources Technology,140(7): 072906, 2018, SCI, IF=1.674. 三區.
(12)Tiankui Guo, Facheng Gong, Zhanqing Qu, Xuxin Tian, Binyan Liu. Study on fracture initiation mechanisms of hydraulic refracturing guided by directional boreholes. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 140(8): 082901, 2018, SCI, IF=1.674. 三區.
(13)Tiankui Guo, Zhenhua Rui, Zhanqing Qu, Ning Qi. Experimental study of directional propagation of hydraulic fracture guided by multi-radial slim holes. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 166:592-601, 2018, SCI, IF=1.873. 三區TOP
(14)Tiankui Guo, Xiaozhi Wang, Zhong Li, Facheng Gong, Qiang Lin, Zhanqing Qu, Wei Lv, Qizhong Tian, Zhishuang Xie. Numerical simulation study on fracture propagation of zipper and synchronous fracturing in hydrogen energy development. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(11):5270-5285, 2018, SCI, IF=3.205. 二區TOP
(15)Tiankui Guo, Facheng Gong, Xiaozhi Wang, Qiang Lin, Zhanqing Qu, Wang Zhang. Performance of enhanced geothermal system (EGS) in fractured geothermal reservoirs with CO2 as working fluid. Applied Thermal Engineering, 152:215-230, 2019, SCI, IF=3.771. 二區TOP
(16)Tiankui Guo, Facheng Gong, Lin Shen, Zhanqing Qu, Ning Qi, Tao Wang. Multi-fractured stimulation technique of hydraulic fracturing assisted by radial slim holes. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 174:572-583, 2019, SCI, IF=1.873. 三區TOP
(17)Tiankui Guo*, Songjun Tang, Jiang Sun, Facheng Gong, Xiaoqiang Liu, Zhanqing Qu, Wei Zhang. A Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical Modeling and Evaluation of Geothermal Extraction in the Enhanced Geothermal System based on Analytic Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation. Applied Energy, 258, 113981, 2019, SCI, IF=8.426. 一區TOP
(18)Tiankui Guo, Songjun Tang, Xiaoqiang Liu, Jianchun Xu, Zhenhua Rui. Physical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing of Large Size Tight Sandstone Outcrops. SPE Journal, 204210-PA, 26(1):372-393, 2020, SCI 二區TOP. ESI 高被引論文
(19)Tiankui Guo*, Songjun Tang, Yanchao Li, Fujian Zhou, Bijun Tan, Zhanqing Qu, Kegang Ling. The effect of dissolved cavern on the fracture propagation in vuggy carbonate reservoir. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 143(5): 053003, 2021. SCI 三區.
(20)Guo Tiankui*, Tang Songjun, Liu Xiaoqianga, Zhang Wei, Qu Guanzheng. Numerical simulation of hydraulic fracturing of hot dry rock under thermal stress. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 240:107350, 2020. SCI三區.
(21)Tiankui Guo, Yunpeng Wang, Zeming Du, Ming Chen, Dexin Liu, Xiaoqiang Liu, and Zhenhua Rui*. Evaluation of Coated Proppant Unconventional Performance. Energy & Fuels, 35(11): 9268–9277, 2021.SCI三區.
(22)Tiankui Guo*, Yuelong Zhang, Jiayuan He, Facheng Gong, Ming Chen, Xiaoqiang Liu. Research on Geothermal Development Model of Abandoned High Temperature Oil Reservoir in North China Oilfield. Renewable Energy, 177:1-12, 2021. SCI 一區TOP.
(23)TiankuiGuo, Yuelong Zhang, Lin Shen, Xuewei Liu, Wenguang Duan, Hualin Liao, Ming Chen, Xiaoqiang Liu. Numerical study on the law of fracture propagation in supercritical carbon dioxide fracturing. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 208, 109369, 2022. SCI 二區TOP.
(24)TiankuiGuo, Yuelong Zhang, Wei Zhang, fBaolun Niu, Jiayuan He, Ming Chen, Yang Yue, Bing Xiao, Rongli Xu. Numerical simulation of geothermal energy productivity considering the evolution of permeability in various fractures. Applied Thermal Engineering, 201, 117756, 2022. SCI 二區TOP.
(25)Tian-Kui Guo*, Zhi-Lin Luo, Jin Zhou, Yuan-Zhi Gong, Cai-Li Dai, Jin Tang, Yang Yu, Bing Xiao, Bao-Lun Niu, Ji-Jiang Ge. Numerical simulation on proppant migration and placement within the rough and complex fractures. Petroleum Science, 201, 117756, 2022 SCI 二區
(26)Tiankui Guo*, Zhilin Luo, Shanbo Mou, Ming Chen, Yuanzhi Gong. Numerical Simulation of Proppant Dynamics in a Rough Inclined Fracture. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 18(2):431-447, 2022. EI
(27)Tiankui Guo*, Yunpeng Wang, Ming Chen, Zhanqing Qu, Songjun Tang, Duwu Wen. Multi-stage and Multi-Well Fracturing and Induced Stress Evaluation: An Experiment study. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 230:212271, 2023, SCI二區TOP
(28)Guo, TK; Hao, T; Chen, M; Zhang, YL; Qu, ZQ ; Jia, XL ; Zhang, W; Yu, HY. Numerical simulation on Geothermal extraction by radial well assisted hydraulic fracturing. Renewable Energy, 210:440-450, 2023. SCI 一區TOP.
(29)Tiankui Guo, Mingkun Lv, Pandeng Luo, Xin Yang, Ming Chen, Dingwei Weng, Zhanqing Qu, Yiwen Liu. Assessment and optimization of fracture-karst cave connectivity in horizontal well hydraulic fracturing of carbonate reservoirs. Rock Mechanics Bulletin,3(2):100112, 2024
(30)Tiankui Guo*, Yunpeng Wang, Bijun Tan, Zhanqing Qu, Ming Chen, Xiaoqiang Liu, Jian Hou. Research on Productivity of Stimulated Natural Gas Hydrate Reservoir. Renewable Energy, 225:120240, 2024.SCI 一區TOP.
(31)Tiankui Guo, Xing Yang, Hai Liu, Ming Chen, Zunpeng Hu, Jilei Niu, Yiman Shi.Numerical simulation of proppant transport from a horizontal well into a perforation using computational fluid dynamics. Nature Gas Industry B, 10(4):341-351, 2023. SCI三區
(32)Tiankui Guo*, Tong Hao, Xin Yang, Qun Li, Yongzan Liu, Ming Chen, Zhanqing Qu. Numerical simulation study of fracture propagation by internal plugging hydraulic fracturing. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 310:110480, 2024. SCI二區TOP
(1)D.G. Gong, Z.Q. Qu, T.K. Guo*, Y. Tian, K.H. Tian. Variation rules of fracture initiation pressure and fracture starting point of hydraulic fracture in radial well. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 140:41-56, 2016. SCI/EI, IF=1.655. 三區TOP
(2)Yu Tian, Zhanqing Qu, Tiankui Guo*, Yangyang Tian. Theoretical research on radial wells orientating hydraulically created fracture directional extended. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(29):18358-18363, 2017, SCI, IF=3.205. 二區TOP
(3)Zhanqing Qu, Wei Zhang*, Tiankui Guo*.Influence of different fracture morphology on heat mining performance of enhanced geothermal systems based on COMSOL. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(29):18263-18278, 2017, SCI, IF=3.205. 二區TOP
(4)Liu X, Qu Z, Guo T*, Wang D, Tian Q, Lv W. A new chart of hydraulic fracture height prediction based on fluid-solid coupling equations and rock fracture mechanics. R. Soc. Open Sci. 5: 180600, 2018, SCI/EI, IF=2.243 三區
(5)Mingzhong Li, Shukai Tang, Tiankui Guo*, Minhui Qi. Numerical investigation of hydraulic fracture propagation in the glutenite reservoir. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 15(5):2124, 2018. SCI, IF=0.994. 四區
(6)Minhui Qi, MingZhong Li, Tiankui Guo*, Chunting Liu, Song Gao, Shukai Tang. Influence of oriented perforation design on refracture reorientation: simulation and experiment. Journal of Energy Resource and Technology, 140(8): 082903, 2018, SCI, IF=1.674. 三區
(7)Zhenhua Rui, Tiankui Guo*, Qiang Feng, Zhanqing Qu, Ning Qi, Facheng Gong. Influence of gravel on the propagation pattern of hydraulic fracture in the glutenite reservoir. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 165:627-639, 2018, SCI, IF=1.873. 三區TOP (ESI 高被引論文\熱點論文)
(8)Xiaolong Li, Wen Xiao, Zhanqing Qu, Tiankui Guo*, Jianxiong Li, Wei Zhang, Yu Tian. Rules of fracture propagation of hydraulic fracturing in radial well based on XFEM. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology,8(4):1547–1557, 2018, EI.
(9)Facheng Gong, Tiankui Guo*, Wei Sun, Zhaomin Li, Bin Yang, Yimei Chen, Zhanqing Qu. Evaluation of geothermal energy extraction in Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) with multiple fracturing horizontal wells (MFHW). Renewable Energy,151:1339-1351, 2019, SCI, IF=4.9. 一區TOP
(10) Wei Zhang, Tiankui Guo*, Zhanqing Qu. Research of fracture initiation and propagation in HDR fracturing under thermal stress from meso-damage perspective. Energy, 178: 508-521, 2019, SCI, IF=4.968. SCI一區TOP
(11)Xiaoqiang Liu, Zhanqing Qu, Tiankui Guo*, Ying Sun, Zhifeng Shi, Luyang Chen, Yunlong Li. Numerical Simulation of Artificial Fracture Propagation in Shale Gas Reservoirs Based on FPS-Cohesive Finite Element Method. Geofluid, ID 9402392, 2019. 三區
(12)Zhenhua Rui, Kegang Ling, Tiankui Guo*. Performance Evaluation of Degradable Temporary Plugging Agent in Laboratory Experiment. Journal of Energy Resources Technology,140(7): 072906, 2020, SCI三區
(13)Xiaoqiang Liu, Vamegh Rasouli, Tiankui Guo*, Zhanqing Qu, Ying Sun, Branko Damjanac.Numerical simulation of stress shadow in multiple cluster hydraulic fracturing in horizontal wells based on lattice modelling. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 238:1072780, 2020. SCI三區.
(14)Minhui Qi, Mingzhong Li*, Tiankui Guo*, Yuan Li, Yanchao Li, Song Gao. Experimental study of the dynamic permeability in two-stage gravel packs considering particle blockage and remigration. Journal of Energy Resources Technology,143(9): 093001, 2020, SCI三區
(15)Ming Chen, Tiankui Guo*, Yushi Zou, Shicheng Zhang, Zhanqing Qu. Numerical Simulation of Proppant Transport Coupled with Multi-Planar-3D Hydraulic Fracture Propagation for Multi-Cluster Fracturing. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 55: 565–590,2021. SCI二區.
(16)Ming Chen, Tiankui Guo*, Shicheng Zhang, Zhanqing Qu, Yushi Zou. Numerical investigation into mechanical responses of frictional discontinuities with hydraulic fractures. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources.8(4): 109, 2022.SCI二區.
(17)Ming Chen, Tiankui Guo*, Zhanqing Qu, Mao Sheng, Lijun Mu. Numerical investigation into hydraulic fracture initiation and breakdown pressures considering wellbore compliance based on the boundary element method.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 211:110162, 2022.SCI二區TOP
(18)Rongli Xu, Tiankui Guo, Zhanqing Qu, Huanpeng Chen, Ming Chen, Jianchun Xu, Hangyu Li. Numerical simulation of THMC coupling temperature prediction for fractured horizontal wells in shale oil reservoir. .Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 217:110782, 2022. SCI二區TOP (“Best Researcher Award by International Research Awards on New Science Inventions (NESIN 2022 Awards))
(19)Bo Zhang, Tiankui Guo, Zhanqing Qu, Jiwei Wang, Ming Chen, Xiaoqiang Liu. Numerical simulation of fracture propagation and production performance in a fractured geothermal reservoir using a 2D FEM-based THMD coupling model. Energy, 273:127175, 2023, SCI一區TOP, IF=8.857
(20)Mingkun Lv, Zhanqing Qu*, Tiankui Guo*, Ming Chen, Yuanhang Zhang, Xuliang Jia, Xiaoqiang Liu, and Yiwen Liu. Experimental Study on the Transport Law of Different Fracturing Granular Materials in Fracture. Energy & Fuels, 36(18):10886–10898, 2022, SCI三區
(21)Rong-Li Xu, Tian-Kui Guo*, Xiao-Jia Xue, Wen-Bin Chen, Zhan-Qing Qu, Ming Chen, Zun-Peng Hu. Numerical simulation of fracturing and imbibition in shale oil horizontal wells. Petroleum Science, 20(5):2981-3001, 2023. SCI一區
(22)Yunpeng Wang, Tiankui Guo*, Ming Chen, Zhanqing Qu, Zunpeng Hu, Jinhao Cao, Dingwei Weng. Numerical Study on Simultaneous Propagation of Multiple Fractures: A Method to Design Nonuniform Perforation and In-Stage Diversion. SPE Journal, 214696-PA, 28(5): 2514-2533, 2023.
(23)Jiwei Wang, Tiankui Guo*. Numerical simulation of deflagration fracturing in shale gas reservoirs considering the effect of stress wave impact and gas drive. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,170:105478, 2023. SCI一區TOP, IF=6.849.
(24)Wang Jiwei, Guo Tiankui* , Chen Ming, Qu Zhanqing, Liu Xiaoqiang, Wang Xudong, Yu Mengqi. Numerical study of the fracture propagation mechanism of staged methane deflagration fracturing for horizontal wells in shale gas reservoirs. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 230: 212209, 2023, SCI二區TOP
(25)Tong Hao, Tiankui Guo*, Huanpeng Chen, Ming Chen, Zhanqing Qu, Yunpeng Wang, Xiaoqiang Liu. Numerical Simulation of Multi-Fracture Propagation in Staged Multi-Cluster SC-CO2 Fracturing of Horizontal Wells. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 229: 212125, 2023, SCI二區TOP
(26)Mingkun Lv, Tiankui Guo*, Xuliang Jia, Duwu Wen, Ming Chen, Yunpeng Wang, Zhanqing Qu, Daibing Ma. Study on the pump schedule impact in hydraulic fracturing of unconventional reservoirs on proppant transport law. Energy, 2024, 286:129569, 2024. SCI一區TOP,IF=9
(27)Bo Zhang, Tiankui Guo*, Ming Chen, Jiwei Wang, Zhanqing Qu, Haiyang Wang, Heng Zheng, Wuguang Li. Research on fracture propagation of hydraulic fracturing in a fractured shale reservoir using a novel CDEM-based coupled HM model. Computers and Geotechnics, 168:106170, 2024. SCI一區TOP
(28)Yuanhang Zhang, Tiankui Guo*, Ming Chen, Zhanqing Qu, Jinhao Cao, Xin Yang, HaiFeng Fu, Xiaolei Zhang. Numerical simulation study of fracture height growth considering the influence of bedding planes.Computers and Geotechnics, 168:106144, 2024. SCI一區TOP
(29)Bo Zhang, Tiankui Guo*, Zhanqing Qu, Ming Chen, Jiwei Wang, Tong Hao. Numerical Research of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Response and Heat Transfer in a Multiwell EGS with Rough-Walled Fractures after Shear Deformation. International Journal of Geomechanics, 24(1):04023251, 2024. SCI二區
(30)Wang Jiwei, Guo Tiankui*, Chen Ming, Qu Zhanqing, Zhang Bo, Zhang Wei, Zhai Cheng, Zheng Peng. Numerical simulation of fracture propagation morphology in hydraulic fracturing development of geothermal reservoirs based on the CDEM-THM3D. Computers and Geotechnics, 172:106444, 2024. SCI一區TOP
(31)Yuanhang Zhang, Tiankui Guo*, Ming Chen, Zhanqing Qu, Zunpeng Hu, Bo Zhang, Linrui Xue, Yunpeng Wang. Real-time monitoring of rock fracture by true triaxial test using fiber-optic strain monitoring in adjacent wells. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2024.SCI一區TOP
(32)Yong Qin , Tiankui Guo*, Haifeng Ding, Tianyu Liu, Ming Chen, Mingwang Zhang, Yu Feng. Mechanism of Inter-well Hydraulic Fracture Interference in the Primary Horizontal Well Pattern. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 213165, 2024. SCI二區TOP
(33)Bo Zhang, Tiankui Guo*, Ming Chen, Jiwei Wang, Jinhao Cao, Haiyang Wang, Zhanqing Qu. Effect of bedding planes and property contrast between layers on the propagation mechanism of hydraulic fracture height in shale reservoirs. Computers and Geotechnics, 175:106715, 2024. SCI一區TOP
(1)Tiankui Guo, Shicheng Zhang, Lei Wang, Xiaobing Bian, Guoqing Liu. Optimization of proppant size for frac-pack treatment basted on a new method. Doctoral 2011 Future Petroleum Engineers Forum. Beijing, 2011.09.
(2)Xiaobing Bian, Shicheng Zhang, Tiankui Guo, Zhengxue Wei. Integral fracturing optimization of rectangular five-spot well network in WUNAN oilfield. International Conference on Smart Materials and Intelligent Systems (SMIS 2011), Advanced Materials Research, 442:295-299, Chongqing, 2011.12.23-25, SCI/EI
(3)Zhang Jingchen, Shicheng Zhang, Bian Xiaobing, Zhuang Zhaofeng, Guo Tiankui. Experimental evaluation of fracture stabilizers. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 40(2):254-258, 2013. SCI/EI, IF=1.903 三區
(4)Bo Xiao, Shicheng Zhang, Tiankui Guo, Tong Zhou. Experimental investigation and performance evaluation of a novel high temperature tolerant seawater-based fracturing fluid. Water Resources Management, 28:2767-2779, 2014. SCI/EI, IF=2.463. 三區
(5)Bo Xiao, Shicheng Zhang, Jian Zhang, Tengfei Hou, Tiankui Guo. Experimental investigation of a novel high temperature resistant and low friction fracturing fluid. Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 51(1):37-47, 2015. SCI, IF=0.862. 四區
(6)Xin Lei, Shicheng Zhang, Tiankui Guo, Bo Xiao. New evaluation method of the ability of forming fracture network in tight sandstone reservoir. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 6(9):688-692, 2015.
(7)Guodong Zhang, Mingzhong Li, Tiankui Guo, Yanchao Li, Zhaowei Chen. Characterization of proppant effective settlement diameter falling in non-newtonian fracturing fluids. Advanced Powder Technology, 27(2):486-495, 2016. SCI, IF=2.478. 二區
(8)Zou Yushi, Zhang Shicheng, Zhou Tong, Zhou Xiang, Guo Tiankui. Experimental investigation into hydraulic fracture network propagation in gas shales using CT scanning Technology. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 49(1):33-45, 2016, SCI, IF=2.386. 二區TOP
(9)Liu XQ, Qu ZQ, Guo TK, Tian QZ, Lv W, Xie ZS, Chu CB. An innovative technology of directional propagation of hydraulic fracture guided by radial holes in fossil hydrogen energy development. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(11): 5286-5302, 2018, SCI/EI, IF=3.367 二區TOP
(10) Yangyang Tian, Yu Tian, Zhanqing Qu, Tiankui Guo. A New Experimental Simulation Method for the Development of Non-renewable Hydrogen Energy—Oil and Gas Resources. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(11):5220-5229, 2018, SCI, IF=3.205. 二區TOP
(11)Zhanqing Qu*, Wei Zhang*, Tiankui Guo. Study of the enhanced geothermal system (EGS) heat mining from variably fractured Hot Dry Rock under thermal stress. Renewable Energy, 143:855-871,2019, SCI, IF=4.9. 二區TOP
(12)Xiaoqiang Liu, Zhanqing Qu, Tiankui Guo, Zhiyuan Wang, Ying Sun, Elham Bakhshi. Numerical simulation of non-planar fracture propagation in multi-clusters fracturing with natural fractures based on Lattice methods. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 220: 106625, 2019, SCI, IF=2.908. 三區
(13)NingQi, Guobin Chen, Chong Liang, Tiankui Guo, Guoliang Liu, Kai Zhang. Numerical simulation and analysis of the influence of fracture geometry on wormhole propagation in carbonate reservoirs. Chemical Engineering Science, 198 (28): 124-143, 2019. 二區TOP
(14)Xiaoqiang Liu, Zhanqing Qu, Weibao Ye, Hongbin Wen, Yongjie Guo, Minglong Zhang, Tiankui Guo, Ying Sun. A new type of double dispersion system for water control in fossil hydrogen energy development. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(56): 29500-29507, 2019, SCI, IF=3.205. 二區TOP
(15)Xiaoqiang Liu, Weidong Zhang, Zhanqing Qu, Tiankui Guo, YingSun Minou Rabiei, Qinya Cao. Feasibility evaluation of hydraulic fracturing in hydrate-bearing sediments based on analytic hierarchy process-entropy method (AHP-EM). Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 81: 103434, 2020, SCI/EI, IF=3.841. 二區
(16)NingQi, Guobin Chen, Lin Pan, Mingyue Cui,Tiankui Guo, Jun Yan, Chong Liang.Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Fracture Etching Morphology during Acid Fracturing of Dolomite Reservoirs. Chemical Engineering Science, 229: 116028, 2020. SCI, IF=3.205. 二區TOP
(17)Jianxiong Li, Shiming Dong, Wen Hua, Xiaolong Li, Tiankui Guo. Numerical simulation of temporarily plugging staged fracturing (TPSF) based on cohesive zone method. Computers and Geotechnics, 121: 103453, 2020. SCI 三區.
(18)Zhaopeng Zhang, Shicheng Zhang, Xinfang Ma, Tiankui Guo, Wenzhe Zhang, Yushi Zou. Experimental and Numerical Study on Proppant Transport in a Complex Fracture System. Energies, 13(23): 6290, 2020. SCI三區
(19)Wei Zhang*, Chunguang Wang, Tiankui Guo, Jiayuan He, Le Zhang, Shaojie Chen, Zhanqing Qu. Study on the cracking mechanism of hydraulic and supercritical CO2 fracturing in hot dry rock under thermal stress. Energy, 221: 119886, 2021. SCI一區
(20)Minhui Qi, Mingzhong Li*, Rouzbeh G. Moghanloo, Tiankui Guo. A novel simulation approach for particulate flows during filtration. AIChE Journal, 2021, 17136. SCI 二區
(21)Wenguang Duan, Baojiang Sun*, Deng Pan, Tao Wang, Tiankui Guo, Zhiyuan Wang. Experimental Study on Fracture Propagation of Hydraulic Fracturing for Tight Sandstone Outcrop. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 39(1): 156-179, 2021, SCI. 四區.
(22)Xiaoqiang Liu, Zhanqing Qu*, Tiankui Guo, Ying Sun, Minou Rabiei, Hualin Liao. A coupled thermo-hydrologic-mechanical (THM) model to study the impact of hydrate phase transition on reservoir damage. Energy, 216:119222, 2021. SCI 一區TOP
(23)Chunting Liu , Mingzhong Li , Tiankui Guo , Guodong Zhang. Numerical simulation on proppant transport in fracture junctions affected by the fracture scale. Journal of Energy Resources Technology,144(3): 033042, 2021, SCI三區
(24)Zhanqing Qu, Jiwei Wang, Tiankui Guo, Lin Shen, Hualin Liao, Xiaoqiang Liu, Jiacheng Fan, Tong Hao. Optimization on fracturing fluid flowback model after hydraulic fracturing in oil well. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 204(4):108703, 2021. SCI二區
(25)Yunkai Ji, Jian Hou, Ermeng Zhao, Changling Liu, Tiankui Guo, Yueliang Liu, Bei Wei, Yajie Bai. Pore-scale study on methane hydrate formation and dissociation in a heterogeneous micromodel. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 95:104230, 2021. SCI二區
(26)Xiaoqiang Liu, Ying Sun, Tiankui Guo, Minou Rabiei, Zhanqing Qu, JianHou. Numerical simulations of hydraulic fracturing in methane hydrate reservoirs based on the coupled thermo-hydrologic-mechanical-damage (THMD) model, Energy, 238:122054, 2022. SCI 一區TOP
(27)Bo Zhang, Zhanqing Qu, Tiankui Guo, Mao Sheng, Ming Chen, Jiwei Wang, Yunpeng Wang, Chang Guo.Coupled thermal-hydraulic investigation on the heat extraction performance considering a fractal-like tree fracture network in a multilateral well enhanced geothermal system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 208:118221, 2022.SCI二區TOP
(28)Mingkun Lv; Tiankui Guo; Zhanqing Qu; Ming Chen; Caili Dai; Xiaoqiang Liu. Experimental Study on Proppant Transport within Complex Fractures.SPE Journal, SPE-209816-PA, 27(5): 2960-2979, 2022. SCI 二區TOP.
(29)Zhanqing Qu, Jiacheng Fan, Tiankui Guo, Xiaoqiang Liu, Jian Hou, Meijia Wang. Development and Evaluation of Large‐Size Phase Change Proppants for Fracturing of Marine Natural Gas Hydrate Reservoirs. Energies, 15:8018, 2022. SCI三區
(30)Jia-Cheng Fan, Zhan-Qing Qu, Tian-Kui Guo, Ning Qi, Ming Chen, Jian Hou, Ji-Jiang Ge, Xiao-Qiang Liu, Ji-Wei Wang. Development of self-generated proppant based on modified low-density and low-viscosity epoxy resin and its evaluation .Petroleum Science, 19(5): 2240-2252, 2022 SCI一區
(31)Xian Shi, Haoyong Huang, Bo Zeng, Tiankui Guo, Shu Jiang. Perforation cluster spacing optimization with hydraulic fracturing-reservoir simulation modeling in shale gas reservoir. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 8(5): 141, 2022. SCI二區
(32)Xian Shi, Weian Huang, Yangming Zhang, Chunguo Mou, Tiankui Guo, Shu Jiang. Experimental study on hydraulic fracture propagation behavior on dolomite rocks with open-hole completion. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 218(4):110840, 2022. SCI二區TOP
(33)Wei Zhang, Zenglin Wang, Tiankui Guo, Chunguang Wang, Fengming Li, Zhanqing Qu. The enhanced geothermal system heat mining prediction based on fracture propagation simulation of thermo-hydro-mechanical-damage coupling: Insight from the integrated research of heat mining and supercritical CO2 fracturing. Applied Thermal Engineering, 215: 118919, 2022. SCI二區TOP
(34)Bo Zhang, Zhanqing Qu, Tiankui Guo, Ming Chen, Jiwei Wang. Numerical simulation on hydraulic fracture propagation in laminated shale based on thermo-hydro-mechanical-damage coupling model. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 32(5): 651-682, 2023 SCI二區
(35)Wei Zhang, Dong Wang, Zenglin Wang, Tiankui Guo, Chunguang Wang, Jiayuan He, Le Zhang, Peng Zheng, Zhanqing Qu. Study on permeability evolution and damage mechanism along the EGS fracture in heat mining stage under thermal stress/cracking. Geothermal Energy, 11(1):31, 2023. SCI二區
(1)郭天魁, 張士誠, 雷鑫, 張雄. 弱膠結地層中影響支撐劑嵌入的因素研究. 石油天然氣學報, 2010, 32(6):299-302. 中文核心
(2)郭天魁, 張士誠. 影響支撐劑嵌入的因素研究. 斷塊油氣田, 2011, 18(4): 527-532. 中文核心
(3)郭天魁, 張士誠, 王雷. 裂縫充填模擬實驗裝置的研製. 石油機械, 2012, 40(8):102-106. 中文核心
(4)郭天魁, 張士誠, 王雷, 賀甲元. 疏鬆砂岩地層壓裂充填支撐劑粒徑優選, 中國石油大學學報(自然科學版), 2012, 36(1): 94-100. EI
(5)郭天魁, 張士誠, 葛洪魁. 評價頁岩壓裂形成縫網能力的新方法. 岩土力學, 2013, 34(4):947-953. EI. 入選 F5000(中國精品科技期刊頂尖學術論文)數據庫
(6)郭天魁, 張士誠, 劉衛來, 賴文旭. 頁岩儲層射孔水平井分段壓裂起裂壓力理論研究. 天然氣工業, 2013, 33(12):87-93. EI
(7)張士誠, 郭天魁, 周彤, 鄒雨時, 牟鬆茹. 天然頁岩壓裂裂縫擴展機理試驗研究. 石油學報, 2014, 35(3):496-503. EI
(8)郭天魁, 張士誠, 葛洪魁, 王小瓊. 四川上三疊統須家河組頁岩波速各向異性測試. 測井技術, 2014, 38(6): 663-667. 中文核心
(9)郭天魁, 張士誠, 潘林華. 頁岩儲層射孔水平井水力裂縫起裂數值模擬研究. 岩土力學與工程學報, 2015, 34:2721-2731. EI
(10)郭天魁, 劉曉強, 顧啟林. 用於射孔井水力壓裂模擬實驗的相似準則. 中國海上油氣, 2015, 27(3): 108-112. 中文核心
(11)郭天魁, 李明忠, 曲占慶. 基於大型儀器設備的創新實驗探索與實踐. 實驗科學與技術, 2015, 13(5):130-134. 教學論文
(12)郭天魁, 雷鑫, 李明忠, 曲占慶. 微型水力壓裂模擬教學實驗裝置開發, 實驗技術與管理, 2016, 33(6): 89-93. 教學核心論文
(13)龔迪光, 曲占慶, 李建雄, 曲冠政, 曹彥超, 郭天魁*. 基於ABAQUS平台的水力裂縫擴展有限元模擬研究. 岩土力學, 2016, 37(5):1512-1519. EI
(14)曲占慶, 田雨, 李建雄, 郭天魁*, 李小龍, 劉曉強. 水平井多段分簇壓裂裂縫擴展形態數值模擬, 中國石油大學學報(自然科學版), 2017, 41(1):102-109. EI. 入選“2017年度中國石油科學十佳論文”
(15)房好青, 郭天魁*, 王 洋, 翟乃城, 曲占慶.四川盆地涪陵地區頁岩酸壓裂縫滲透率實驗, 石油與天然氣地質, 2018, 39(6):1336-1342. EI
(16)曲占慶, 李小龍, 李建雄, 郭天魁, 田克寒, 張偉, 田 雨. 基於擴展有限元法的多徑向井壓裂裂縫形態, 中國石油大學學報(自然科學版), 2018, 42(1):90-98. EI入選(2018年度中國石油科學十佳論文提名獎)
(17)郭天魁, 曲占慶, 李明忠, 陳德春, 董長銀, 王衛陽, 齊寧. 大型複雜裂縫支撐劑運移鋪置虛擬仿真裝置的開發. 實驗室研究與探索, 2018, 37(10): 242-246. 教學核心論文
(18)曲占慶, 張偉, 郭天魁, 孫江, 鞏法成, 田雨, 李小龍. 基於局部熱非平衡的含裂縫網絡幹熱岩采熱性能模擬. 中國石油大學學報(自然科學版).2019, 43(1):73-81. EI
(19)張偉, 曲占慶, 郭天魁, 孫江. 熱應力影響下幹熱岩水壓致裂數值模擬研究. 岩土力學. 2019, 40(5): 2001-2008. EI
(20)郭天魁*, 宮遠誌, 徐建春, 盛茂, 陳銘, 羅誌林. 複雜裂縫中支撐劑運移鋪置規律數值模擬. 中國石油大學學報(自然科學版), 2022. EI
(21)郭天魁, 王雲鵬, 陳銘, 胡毅, 吳飛鵬, 劉曉強, 曹金豪. 煤層頂板水平井穿層壓裂適應性數值模擬. 天然氣工業, 2021,41(11): 74-85. (封麵文章) EI
(22)郭天魁, 戰永平, 朱丹, 齊寧, 陳銘, 曲占慶. 多功能大尺寸真三軸儲層改造實驗裝置的開發與應用. 實驗技術與管理, 2021, 28(2): 108-115. 教學核心論文
(23)陳銘, 郭天魁*, 胥雲, 曲占慶, 張士誠, 周彤, 王雲鵬. 水平井壓裂多裂縫擴展誘發光纖應變演化機理. 石油勘探與開發, 49(1), 2022. SCI一區
(24)徐榮利, 郭天魁*, 曲占慶, 陳銘, 覃建華, 牟善波, 陳喚鵬, 張躍龍. 基於離散裂縫模型的頁岩油儲層壓裂滲吸數值模擬. 工程科學學報. 2022. EI
(25)郭天魁, 呂明錕, 陳銘, 胥雲, 翁定為, 曲占慶. 體積壓裂多分支裂縫支撐劑運移規律. 石油勘探與開發, 2023, 50(04): 832-844. SCI一區
(26)郭天魁, 王雲鵬, 陳銘, 翁定為, 田助紅, 胡尊鵬, 張遂安, 賀甲元. 基於孔彈性效應的水平井多簇壓裂誘導應力及裂縫擴展分析. 天然氣工業, 2023, 43(10): 64-72. EI
(27)陳銘, 郭天魁, 翁定為, 張源航, 胡尊鵬, 修乃嶺, 唐金. 基於裂縫前緣鄰井光纖應變的壓裂裂縫參數解釋方法研究. 石油學報, 2024, 45(8):1-15. EI
(28)郭天魁, 郝彤, 張躍龍, 陳 銘, 曲占慶, 呂明錕, 楊仁傑, 戴海靜.井筒-射孔-裂縫全耦合雙暫堵壓裂實驗裝置的研發與應用. 實驗技術與管理, 2024. 教學核心論文
>>登記軟件著作權 12 項:
(1)定向鑽孔引導重複壓裂裂縫起裂計算分析軟件 V1.0
(2)水平井分段壓裂優化設計軟件 V1.0
(3)直井壓後壓裂液返排優化設計軟件 V1.0
(4)基於注入水固相顆粒懸浮物儲層傷害預測軟件 V1.0
(5)水平井壓後壓裂液返排優化設計軟件 V1.0
(6)注泡沫井管柱校核優選軟件 V1.0
(7)氣井壓裂液返排製度優化設計係統 V1.0
(8)儲層靶向壓裂改造優化設計係統 V2.0
(9)水平井壓裂裂縫擴展-顆粒運移一體化模擬係統 V1.0
(10)儲層壓裂分布式光纖聲波與溫度監測一體化解釋軟件 V1.0
(11)儲層壓裂裂縫分布式光纖應變監測解釋軟件 V1.0
(12)壓裂用能評價與優化設計軟件 V1.0
>>參與製訂行業標準 2 項(2024年立項):
熱誠歡迎有誌於 “儲層壓裂改造(油氣、地熱)理論與技術” 研究的石油工程、計算數學、岩石力學、材料化學等專業的同學報考!