◎學習與工作經曆 學習經曆: 2008.09-2012.06,中國石油大學(華東),信息與計算科學學士 2012.09-2014.08,中國石油大學(華東),油氣田開發工程碩博連讀 2014.09-2019.06,中國石油大學(華東),油氣田開發工程博士 2016.09-2017.09,佛羅裏達國際大學,博士生聯合培養 工作經曆: 2019.07-2021.07,中國石油大學(華東),師資博士後 2021.08-2021.12,中國石油大學(華東),特任副教授 2022.01-至今,副教授
◎研究方向 1. 熱化學驅提高采收率方法 2. 微觀滲流實驗及模擬 3. 非常規油氣滲流理論及應用
◎學術兼職 SCI期刊 Petroleum Science 青年編委 SPE 會員, Interpore 會員 國家自然科學基金項目評審專家 Water Resources Research, Journal of CO2 Utilization, Physics of Fluids等多個國際期刊審稿人
◎主講課程 油氣田開發工程,注蒸汽熱力采油
◎指導研究生 協助指導碩士研究生5名,博士研究生3名 碩士招生專業: 石油與天然氣工程(學術、專業碩士) 03:滲流理論與油氣藏開發工程 06:油氣工程信息與智能技術 07:非常規地質能源開發工程理論與技術 08:地下儲碳儲能理論與技術 每年招收研究生名額2人,團隊名額10人,歡迎報考石油與天然氣工程方向研究生
◎承擔科研課題 主持項目: 1. 基於格子玻爾茲曼方法的稠油乳狀液滲流演化規律研究,國家自然科學青年基金,2021-2023 2. 乳狀液微觀滲流機製及驅油機理研究,山東省自然科學青年基金,2021-2023 3. 稠油乳狀液微觀滲流機製及驅油機理研究,中國博士後基金麵上資助,2020-2021 4. 乳狀液微觀驅油機理研究,青島市博士後應用研究項目,2019-2021 5. 基於多孔介質重構的微流控芯片設計及滲流模擬研究,校自主創新科研計劃青年項目,2019-2021 6. 緩釋增粘聚合物微觀滲流實驗及模擬研究,校自主創新科研計劃青年項目,2021-2023 7. 多元熱流體蒸汽腔在微觀多孔介質中的擴展機理研究,勝利油田橫向課題,2020-2021 8. II型微膠囊聚合物不同緩釋階段流動行為及其提高采收率機理,勝利油田橫向課題,2022-2023 參與項目: 1. 稠油化學複合冷采滲流機理及油藏數值模擬方法,國家重點研發計劃,2019-2024 2. 柔性膠囊聚合物驅提高采收率的基礎理論研究,國家自然科學基金聯合基金重點項目,2022-2025 3. 油氣藏滲流力學與提高采收率,國家傑出青年自然科學基金,2017-2021 4. 預交聯凝膠顆粒分散體係微觀滲流的LBM-DEM模擬方法研究,國家自然科學基金麵上項目,2016-2019 5. 化學驅動態預警方法及油藏工程研究,國家油氣重大專項專題,2016-2020 6. 超低滲及致密油體積壓裂後補充地層能量開采機理研究,中石油勘探開發研究院橫向課題,2019-2020
◎獲獎情況 1. 深層稠油油藏熱化學複合驅提高采收率關鍵技術及工業化應用, 教育部科技進步二等獎, 2020 2. 國家留學公派資格,2016 3. 博士研究生國家獎學金,2016 4. 國家勵誌獎學金,2009 5. 中國石油大學(華東)優秀博士論文,2019
◎榮譽稱號 1. 山東省優秀畢業生(博士),2019 2. 山東省優秀畢業生(本科),2012 3. Petroleum Science 優秀青年編委,2021
◎論文 1. Wei B., Hou J., Sukop M. C., Liu H. (2019).Pore scale study of amphiphilic fluids flow using the Lattice Boltzmann model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 139, 725-735. (SCI一區TOP) 2. Wei B., Hou J., Huang H., Sukop M. C., Liu Y., Zhou K. (2018). Entry Pressure for the Rough Capillary: Semi-analytical Model, Lattice Boltzmann Simulation. Journal of Hydrology, 562, 17-29. (SCI一區TOP) 3. Wei B., Hou J., Sukop M. C., Du Q., Wang H. (2020). Flow behaviors of emulsions in constricted capillaries: a Lattice Boltzmann simulation study. Chemical Engineering Science, 227, 115925. (SCI二區TOP) 4. Wei B., Huang H., Hou J., Sukop M.C. (2018). Study on the meniscus-induced motion of droplets and bubbles by a three-phase Lattice Boltzmann model. Chemical Engineering Science, 176, 35-49. (SCI二區TOP) 5. Wei B., Hou J., Zhou K., Yu B. (2015). Understanding the capillary behavior using the extended reduced similar geometry method. Chemical Engineering Science, 123, 420-428. (SCI二區TOP) 6. Wei B., Hou J., Sukop M.C., Du Q. (2020). Enhancing oil recovery using an immiscible slug:Lattice Boltzmann simulation by three-phase pseudopotential model, Physics of Fluids, 32, 092105. (SCI二區TOP) 7. Wei B., Hou J., Lei Z., Wang H. (2019). A hybrid method to segment the pores and throats of micromodels. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 12:716. (SCI四區) 8. Hou J., Wei B., Du Q., Wang J., Wang Q., Zhang G. (2016). Production prediction of cyclic multi-thermal fluid stimulation in a horizontal well. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 146, 949-958. (SCI三區) 9. Hou J., Wei B., Du Q., Zhou K. (2018). Representing pore shapes by appropriate polygons in pore network models. Journal of Porous Media, 21(4), 329-341. (SCI四區) 10. Wu Z., Du Q.*, Wei B.*, Hou J. (2020). Study on the regional characteristics during foam flooding by population balance model. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 0144598720983614. (SCI四區) 11. Hou J.*, Ren W., Wei B.*, Wang J., Liu H. (2017). The Feasibility Study of High Pressure Steam Flooding after Water Flooding for Common Heavy Oil Reservoir. Journal of Engineering Research, 5(1), 200-219. (SCI四區) 12. Wang H., Wei B., Sun Z., Du Q., Hou J. (2021). Microfluidic Study of Heavy Oil Emulsification on Solid Surface. Chemical Engineering Science, 117009. (SCI二區TOP) 13. Liu H., Sun S., Wu R., Wei B., Hou, J. (2021). Pore‐scale Modeling of Spontaneous Imbibition in Porous Media Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method. Water Resources Research, e2020WR029219. (SCI一區TOP) 14. Hou J., Ji Y., Zhou K., Liu Y., Wei B. (2018). Effect of hydrate on permeability in porous media: Pore-scale micro-simulation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 126, 416-424. (SCI一區TOP) 15. Zhou K., Hou J., Fu H., Wei B., Liu Y. (2017). Estimation of relative permeability curves using an improved Levenberg-Marquardt method with simultaneous perturbation Jacobian approximation. Journal of Hydrology, 544, 604-612. (SCI一區TOP) 16. Li S., Jiang F., Wei B., Hou J., Liu H. (2021). Prediction of three-phase relative permeabilities of Berea sandstone using lattice Boltzmann method. Physics of Fluids, 33, 063302. (SCI二區TOP) 17. Ji Y., Hou J., Zhao E., Liu C., Guo T., Liu Y., Wei B., Bai Y. (2021). Pore-scale study on methane hydrate formation and dissociation in a heterogeneous micromodel. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 104230. (SCI二區)
◎專利 1. 芯上油藏結構生成方法、係統、計算機設備、終端及應用,中國發明專利,2021,授權,排名1/3 2. 一種乳狀液生成及微觀滲流監測一體化實驗裝置、監測方法,中國發明專利,2021,公開,排名1/11 3. 一種考慮井筒沿程能量損耗的水平井蒸汽吞吐熱擴散半徑計算方法,中國發明專利,2020,公開,排名1/6 4. 一種考慮孔喉末端的孔隙喉道識別方法,中國發明專利,2016,授權,排名2/8 5. 一種考慮凹凸性的岩石孔隙網絡模型的孔喉截麵構造方法,中國發明專利,2017,授權,排名2/15 6. 一種考慮粗糙表麵特征的岩石毛管力確定方法,中國發明專利,2017,授權,排名2/15. 7. Method for obtaining formation parameters of gas hydrate reservoir through well testing interpretation,美國發明專利,2020,授權,排名5/9 8. Method for enhancing gas recovery of natural gas hydrate reservoir,美國發明專利,2020,授權,排名5/9
◎學術交流 1. Wei B., Hou J., Wu D., Wang H., Liu H. (2018). Pore Scale Simulation of Surfactant Flooding by Lattice Boltzmann Method. Society of Petroleum Engineers. SPE International Heavy Oil Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 December, Kuwait City, Kuwait. 2. Wei B., Hou J. (2017). A Method to Segment the Pores and Throats of Micromodels Based on Thinning Algorithm and Watershed Algorithm. SPE the 7th Future Petroleum Engineers Forum, 12 May, Beijing. 3. Sukop M.C., Wei B. and Castex S. (2018). Another Look At Freshwater Lenses. The Geological Society of America (GSA) 130th Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, November 5, Indiana. 4. Wei B., Hou J., Sukop Michael. (2020). Lattice Boltzmann simulation of amphiphilic fluids flow through porous media, Interpore 12th Annual Meeting, 31 August, online. 5. 韋貝,基於偶極子模型的表麵活性劑驅微觀滲流模擬研究,全國第七屆LBM及其應用學術論壇,2019.10.26,杭州。 6. Wei, B., Hou, J., & Zhao, E. (2021). Effects of Non-Newtonian Fluid Characteristics on Flow Dynamics in Polymer Flooding: A Lattice Boltzmann Study. SPE-205225-MS, EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition. 7. Liu, Y., Wei, B., Hou, J. (2022). Study on Flow Mechanism and oil Displacement Mechanism of Microcapsule Polymer in Porous Media.Interpore 2022, 14th Annual meeting, Abu Dhabi,United Arab Emirates & Online. 8. Wei, B., Zhang Y, Hou, J. (2022) . Effects of microscopic pore-throat structure on macroscopic flow parameters of porous media: a Lattice Boltzmann study, 31st International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics DSFD 2022, Suzhou.
◎個人風采 目前為油氣藏滲流力學與提高采收率團隊核心成員,山東省青創人才引育計劃核心成員 團隊成員主頁: 侯健教授://www.odespower.com/2017/0516/c14043a196656/page.htm 杜慶軍副教授://www.odespower.com/2017/1204/c14043a196623/page.htm 劉永革副教授://www.odespower.com/2017/1129/c14043a196626/page.htm 部分合作者主頁: 中國科學技術大學黃海波教授:http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~huanghb/ 西安交通大學劉海湖教授:https://gr.xjtu.edu.cn/en/web/haihu.liu/home FIU Michael Sukop教授:https://faculty.fiu.edu/~sukopm/