
* 通訊作者
1. Hou J., Liu Y., Wei B.*, et al. (2024). Capsule polymer flooding for enhanced oil recovery. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 51(5), 1261-1270. (SCI一區)
2. Wei B., Qiao R., Hou J.* et al. (2025). Multiphase production prediction of volume fracturing horizontal wells in tight oil reservoir during cyclic water injection. Physics of Fluids, 37, 013304. (SCI二區)
3. Liu, Y., Wei, B.*, Hou, J., et al. (2024). Study on time-varying characteristics and flow behavior of microencapsulated polymer. Fuel, 366, 131372. (SCI一區)
4. Wang, H., Wei, B.*, Hou, J. et al. (2024). Microfluidic Study of Effect of Dispersed Phase Viscosity and Continuous Phase Viscosity on Emulsification in a Cross-junction Chip. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 104885. (SCI二區)
5. Wei, B.*, Zhang, Y., Hou, J. et al. (2024). Effects of microscopic pore-throat structure on gas–liquid relative permeability: Porous media construction and pore-scale simulation. Physics of Fluids, 36, 057137. (SCI二區)
6. Feng, H., Huang, H., Hou, J., Li, C., Wei, B.* (2024). Viscosity of capsule suspensions: Effects of internal-external viscosity ratio and capsule rupture release. Physical Review Fluids, 9(9), 093602. (SCI三區)
7. Liu Y., Hou J., Cao X., Wei B.*, et al. (2023). Laboratory studies of the feasibility for microencapsulated polymer flooding. Fuel, 354, 129378. (SCI一區)
8. Wei B., Hou J., Sukop M. C. et al. (2019).Pore scale study of amphiphilic fluids flow using the Lattice Boltzmann model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 139, 725-735. (SCI一區)
9. Wei B., Hou J., Huang H., Sukop M. C. et al. (2018). Entry Pressure for the Rough Capillary: Semi-analytical Model, Lattice Boltzmann Simulation. Journal of Hydrology, 562, 17-29. (SCI一區)
10. Wang H., Wei, B.*, Hou J. et al. (2022). Heavy oil recovery in blind-ends during chemical flooding: Pore scale study using microfluidic experiments. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 368, 120724. (SCI二區)
11. Wang H., Wei B.*, Hou J. et al. (2023). Investigation of microflow mechanisms and emulsion size distribution in porous media. Physics of Fluids, 35(10). (SCI二區)
12. Wei B., Hou J., Sukop M. C. et al. (2020). Flow behaviors of emulsions in constricted capillaries: a Lattice Boltzmann simulation study. Chemical Engineering Science, 227, 115925. (SCI二區TOP)
13. Wei B., Huang H., Hou J. et al. (2018). Study on the meniscus-induced motion of droplets and bubbles by a three-phase Lattice Boltzmann model. Chemical Engineering Science, 176, 35-49. (SCI二區)
14. Wei B., Hou J., Zhou K. et al. (2015). Understanding the capillary behavior using the extended reduced similar geometry method. Chemical Engineering Science, 123, 420-428. (SCI二區)
15. Wei B., Hou J., Sukop M.C. et al. (2020). Enhancing oil recovery using an immiscible slug:Lattice Boltzmann simulation by three-phase pseudopotential model, Physics of Fluids, 32, 092105. (SCI二區)
16. Wei B., Hou J., Lei Z., et al. (2019). A hybrid method to segment the pores and throats of micromodels. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 12:716. (SCI四區)
17. Hou J., Wei B., Du Q., et al. (2016). Production prediction of cyclic multi-thermal fluid stimulation in a horizontal well. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 146, 949-958. (SCI三區)
18. Hou J., Wei B., Du Q. et al. (2018). Representing pore shapes by appropriate polygons in pore network models. Journal of Porous Media, 21(4), 329-341. (SCI四區)
19. Wu Z., Du Q.*, Wei B.*, et al. (2020). Study on the regional characteristics during foam flooding by population balance model. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 0144598720983614. (SCI四區)
20. Hou J.*, Ren W., Wei B.*, et al. (2017). The Feasibility Study of High Pressure Steam Flooding after Water Flooding for Common Heavy Oil Reservoir. Journal of Engineering Research, 5(1), 200-219. (SCI四區)

1. Wei, B., Hou, J., Wu, D., Wang, H., Liu, H. (2018). Pore Scale Simulation of Surfactant Flooding by Lattice Boltzmann Method. Society of Petroleum Engineers. SPE International Heavy Oil Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 December, Kuwait City, Kuwait.
2. Wei, B., Hou, J. (2017). A Method to Segment the Pores and Throats of Micromodels Based on Thinning Algorithm and Watershed Algorithm. SPE the 7th Future Petroleum Engineers Forum, 12 May, Beijing.
3. Wei, B., Hou, J., Sukop, Michael. (2020). Lattice Boltzmann simulation of amphiphilic fluids flow through porous media, Interpore 12th Annual Meeting, 31 August, online.
4. Sukop, M.C., Wei, B. and Castex, S. Another Look At Freshwater Lenses. The Geological Society of America (GSA) 130th Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, 2018, November 5, Indiana.
5. 韋貝,基於偶極子模型的表麵活性劑驅微觀滲流模擬研究,全國第七屆LBM及其應用學術論壇,2019.10.26,杭州。
6. Wei, B., Hou, J., & Zhao, E. (2021, October). Effects of Non-Newtonian Fluid Characteristics on Flow Dynamics in Polymer Flooding: A Lattice Boltzmann Study. SPE-205225-MS, EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition (Vol. 2021, No. 1, pp. 1-12), Amsterdam, Netherlands
7. Wei, B., Hou, J., Threshold pressure for the capillary with irregular cross section, InterPore2021,Monday 31 May 2021 - Friday 04 June 2021, Edinburgh, UK
8. Wei, B., Zhang Y, Hou, J. (2022,August) . Effects of microscopic pore-throat structure on macroscopic flow parameters of porous media: a Lattice Boltzmann study, 31st International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics DSFD 2022, Suzhou.
9. 韋貝, 第六屆全國油氣藏提高采收率技術研討會, 多元熱流體蒸汽腔在微觀多孔介質中的擴展機理研究, 大會報告, 2023年3月22日-24日, 合肥.
10. 韋貝,第三屆離岸碳捕集、利用與封存論壇,鹹水層CO2束縛封存的微觀特征—基於CT掃描的實驗研究,分會場報告,2023年11月12-15日,廈門.
11. 韋貝, 非牛頓流體力學研討會,微膠囊聚合物驅微觀滲流機製及驅油機理,邀請報告,2023年11月24日-25日,西安.
12. 韋貝,第十七屆全國滲流力學學術會議, 柔性膠囊聚合物時變性特征及滲流變化規律, 分會場報告, 2023.8.17-8.20日,北京.
13. Wei, B., Hou, J., Liu Y. et al. (2024, May). Influence of fluids properties and pore-throat structure on snap-off:a microfluidic experiment study, InterPore2024,13 May 2024 – May 16 2024, Qingdao, China