當前位置: 油氣田化學研究所
Saule Aidarova 院士
作者: 發布者:趙小明 發布時間:2019-12-18 訪問次數:8767
»姓名:************** »職稱:院士

»單位:油氣田化學研究所 »最高學曆/學位:博士
»學科:油氣田開發工程學科,石油與天然氣工程領域 »所學專業:化學科學
»地址郵編:山東省青島市經濟技術開發區長江西路66號必威app精裝版客服 油田化學係,266580



《Oilfield Chemistry》

2019年,Miras Issakhov
2019年,Darina Sultanbekkyzy

2018-2020-Development of a colloidal-chemical platform for multi-emulsion encapsulation with natural polymers and surfactant
2018-2020-Development of biopolymer latex green technology to create functionalized micro- and nanocapsules based on natural raw materials for use in the agro-industry
2015-2017-Projects with participation of scientists from Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid-und Grenzflachenforschung (Germany) and University of Lisbon (Portugal):
•Development of scientific bases of encapsulation of the active ingredients with new components of synthetic and biopolymers with surfactants
•Development of scientific bases of the methodology of wastewater treatment and sludge of municipal sewage treatment plants to ensure the protection of the environment from the harmful side disinfection by-products of triclosan
•New functional and multifunctional self-healing materials based on nano- and microencapsulated hydrophobic active agents
2011-2015- Coordinator of Tempus IV DOQUP 517340 project “Online documentation for quality assurance of study programmes”
2010-2016-Coordinator of the University of Shanghai Organization for Cooperation (“Nanotechnology”, “IT technologies”, “Ecology”, “Energy”)
2010-2012-Coordinator of Tempus IV SWAN 158982 project“Towards sustainable water resources management in Central Asia”
2008-2010- Programme Development of knowledge-based design of new high technology nanopowder materials for protective coatings
2007-2009-State Program for the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2007-2009. Project “Design of nanofilms and development of nanoscale protective coatings of various types on the basis of water stabilized latexes”.
2005-2008-Programme Development of scientific foundations and technologies for creating new promising materials for various functional purposes. The project Development of scientific bases to develop new polymer compositions for dewatering and desalting deparafinized oil.
1999-2001-International Scientific-Technical Center Consolidation of surface soils contaminated with radionuclides of the Azgir site in western Kazakhstan”.
1989-Dortehnnka Soyuzdornii, Development of environmentally friendly emulsion bituminous paving”.
1988-Chelyabinsk Tractor Transmission Plant, Development of environmentally friendly lubricants for metal working.
1987-The USSR State Committee of Science and Technology, Development of scientific principles of new environmentally amphoteric surfactants synthesis”.

(1)國家獎: 國家級古爾聶特榮譽勳章、哈薩克斯坦共和國科學發展優勢獎、哈薩克斯坦
共和國高等教育卓越獎、高等教育優秀教師、哈薩克斯坦國立研究技術大學(以K.I.Satpayev 命名)突出貢獻獎
(2)科技研究獎項: 德國學術交流項目、英國皇家學會、阿拉木圖市政府創新項目、哈薩克斯坦共和國教育和科學部傑出貢獻獎


Laser Optofluidics in Fighting Multiple Drug Resistance. Bentham Science Publishers, 2017.

[1] A. Sharipova, S.B. Aidarova, V.B. Fainerman, R. Miller. Study of dynamic interfacial tension of alkyl sulphates with different alkyl chain lengths at the water/hexane interface. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2011, Vol. 382, P. 181-185.
[2] A. Sharipova, S.B. Aidarova, V.B. Fainerman, A. Stocco, P. Cernjch, R. Miller. Dynamics of adsorption of polyallylamine hydrochloride/sodium dodecyl sulphate at water/air and water/hexane interfaces. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2011, Vol. 391, P.112-118
[3] A. Sharipova, S.B. Aidarova, N. Mucic, R. Miller. Dilational rheology of polymer/surfactant mixtures at water/hexane interface. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2011, Vol. 391, p.130-134.
[4] K. Toshtay, S. Turganbay, S.B. Aidarova, N. Bekturganova, S.L. C, K. Musabekov. Nanoparticles of sulfur as fungicidal products for agriculture. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 2012, Vol. 14, No.4, P. 313-319.
[5] N. Bekturganova, S.B. Aidarova, M. Kerimkulova, K. Musabekov, A.A. Sharipova. Structure Formation of the Surface Layer of Soil as a Way to Prevent a Wind and Erosion. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 2012, Vol. 14, No.4, P. 321-325.
[6] S.B. Aidarova, K.G. Gareev, I.E. Gracheva, V.A. Moshnikov, T.G. Kairalieva, V.I. Ermolaev. Investigation of phase formation and processes taking place in the system Er2O3-Fe2O3-SiO2. News of SPbGETU LETI, 2012, No. 5, P.16-23.
[7] S.Turganbay, S.B. Aidarova, N.E. Bekturganov, G.K. Alimbekova, K.B. Musabekov, S. Kumargalieva. Surface-modification of sulfur nanoparticles with surfactants and application in agriculture. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, Vol. 785-786, P.475-479. [8] Sharipova, S.B. Aidarova, R. Miller, P. Cernoch. Effect of surfactant hydrophobicity on the interfacial properties of polyallylamine hydrochloride/sodium alkylsulphate at water/hexane interface. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physico-chemical and Engineering Aspects, 2013, Vol. 438, P.141-147.
[9] K.B. Musabekov, S.B. Aidarova, J.B. Ospanov, Z.H. Toktarbay, N. Nabe, N.K. Musabekov. Method for the preparation of a protein foaming agent for foam concrete // Zakl. on the grant of an innovative patent for invention No. 2013 / 1232.1 of September 18, 2013.
[10] S.B. Aidarova, Sharipova, J. Kragel, R. Miller. Polyelectrolytes/surfactant mixtures in the bulk and at water/oil interfaces. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2014, Vol. 205, P. 87-93.
[11] M.S. Sataev, S.T. Koshkarbaeva, S.B. Aidarova, A.B. Tleuova, S. Perni, P. Prokopovich. Novel process for coating textile materials with silver to prepare antimicrobial fabrics. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical Engineering Aspects, 2014, Vol. 442, P.146-151.
[12] S.B. Aidarova, A.A. Sharipova, V.B. Fainerman, E.V. Aksenenko, N.E. Bekturganova, Y.I. Tarasevich, R. Miller. Effect of electrolyte on the adsorption of polyallyl amine hydrochloride/sodium dodecyl sulphate at water/tetradecane interface. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physico-chemical and engineering aspects, 2014, Vol. 460, P. 11-17.
[13] B. Lindman, F. Antunes, M. Miguel, S.B. Aidarova, T. Nylander. Polyelectrolyte surfactant association from fundamentals to applications. Colloid Journal, 2014, Vol. 76, No. 5, P. 635–644.
[14] Z. Ospanova, K. Musabekov, S.B. Aidarova, A. Adilbekova, O. Esimova, M. Kerimkulova. Effect of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose on the surface tension of alkyl sulphates. Materials Research Innovations, 2015, 19 (sup5), S5-1172-S5-1174.
[15] A. Tleuova, S. Aidarova, A. Sharipova, N. Bekturganova, M. Schenderlein, D. Grigoriev. Using profile analysis tensiometry for monitoring auto-oscillations caused by the hydrolysis of 3-(trimethoxysilyl) propyl methacrylate when contacting water. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016, Vol. 505, P.18-22.
[16] A. Sharipova, S.B. Aidarova, N. Bekturganova, A. Tleuova, O. Lygina, S. Lyubchik, R. Miller. Adsorption of model system of triclosan by sorbents obtained from wastes of production. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016, Vol. 505, C.193-196.
[17] A. Tleuova, S.B. Aidarova, A. Sharipova, N. Bekturganova, D. Grigoriev. Using analysis tensiometry for monitoring auto-oscillations caused by the hydrolysis of 3-(trimethoxysilyl) propyl methacrylate when contacting water. Journal of Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016, Vol. 505, P. 18-22.
[18] B. Mutaliyeva, S.B. Aidarova, D. Grigoriev, G. Madybekova, A. Sharipova, A. Saparbekova, R. Miller. Microencapsulation of insulin and its release using W/O/W double emulsion method. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and engineering aspects, 2017, Vol. 521, P. 147–152.
[19] A. Sharipova, S.B. Aidarova, D. Grigoriev, B. Mutalieva, A. Tleuova, G. Madibekova, R. Miller. Polymer-surfactant complexes for microencapsulation of vitamin E and its release. Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2016, Vol. 137, P. 152–157.
[20] M. Mirzaeian, A. A. Ogwu, H. F. Jirandehi, S. Aidarova and Z.H. Ospanova. Surface Characteristics of Silver Oxide Thin Film Electrodes for Supercapacitor Applications. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2017, Vol. 519, P. 223-230.
[21] A.A. Sharipova, S.B. Aidarova, N. Bekturganova, A. Tleuova, O. Lygina, S. Lyubchik, R. Miller. Triclosan adsorption from model system and waste water stocks by mineral sorbent diatomite. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, submitted manuscript, 2017.
[22] B. Sarsenbekuly, W. Kang, H. Yang, B. Zhao, S.B. Aidarova, B. Yu, M. Issakhov. Evaluation of Rheological Properties of a Novel Thermo-viscosifying Functional Polymer for Enhanced Oil Recovery. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2017, Vol.532, P.405-410.
[23] B. Sarsenbekuly, W Kang, H Fan, H Yang, C Dai, B Zhao, S.B. Aidarova. Study of salt tolerance and temperature resistance of a hydrophobically modified polyacrylamide based novel functional polymer for EOR. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2017, Vol. 514, P. 91-97.
[24] M. Muratalin, P.F. Luckham, A. Esimova, S.B. Aidarova, B. Mutaliyeva, G. Madybekova, A. Sharipova, A. Issayeva. Study of N-isopropylacrylamide-based microgel particles as a potential drug delivery agents. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2017, Vol. 532, P. 8-17.
[25] X. Yin, W. Kang, Y. Zhao, J. Liu, H. Yang, C. Dai, B.Sarsenbekuly, S.B. Aidarova, L. Yang, H. Yuan, J. Tan. Study on the indigenous stabilization mechanism of light crude oil emulsions based on an in situ solvent-dissolution visualization method. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2017, Vol. 530, P. 155-163.
[26] T. Kairaliyeva, N. Mucic, L. Spasojevic, S. Bucko, J. Katona, E. Aksenenko, S.B. Aidarova, V. Fainerman, A. Makievski, Y. Tarasevich, R. Miller. Surface tension measurements with the drop profile analysis tensiometry-consideration of the surfactant mass balance in a single drop. Colloids and Interfaces, 2017, Vol. 1, No. 1, P. 1.
[27] W. Kang, X. Yin, H. Yang, Y. Zhao, Z. Huang, X. Hou, B. Sarsenbekuly, Z. Zhu, P. Wang, X. Zhang, J. Geng, S.B. Aidarova. Demulsification performance, behavior and mechanism of different demulsifiers on the light crude oil emulsions. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2018, Vol.545, P.197-204.

1. The method of sorption treatment of industrial wastewater dye production,哈薩克斯坦,排名第1
2. The method of obtaining protein foaming agent for foam concrete,哈薩克斯坦,排名第2
3. Methods for obtaining of highly dispersed wettable powder of colloidal sulfur to combat plant diseases,哈薩克斯坦,排名第2
4. Dust collector,哈薩克斯坦,排名第3

1. 歐洲項目Erasmus,Tempus,DAAD(德國),負責人和經理;
2. “界麵技術去除汙染”國際會議,國際科學谘詢委員會,荷蘭;
3. “歐洲膠體和界麵學會”,德國,西班牙;
4. “溶液中的表麵活性劑”國際會議,葡萄牙,日本,中國,波蘭;
5. “氣泡和液滴”國際會議,德國,法國,保加利亞;
6. “工業中的膠體和納米技術”國際會議(組織者和主席),«CollNanoInd-2010»,«CollNanoInd-2012»,«CollNanoInd-2014»,哈薩克斯坦阿拉木圖;