1. Ming Chen,Tiankui Guo*,Yushi Zou,et al.Numerical simulation of proppant transport coupled with multi-planar-3D hydraulic fracture propagation for multi-cluster fracturing. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2022, 55(2), 565-590. (SCI2區,裂縫模擬與支撐劑運移)
2. Ming Chen, Tiankui Guo*, Yun Xu, et al. Evolution mechanism of optical fiber strain induced by multi-fracture growth during fracturing in horizontal wells. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2022, 49(1): 1-11. (SCI2區,裂縫監測)
3. Ming Chen, Tiankui Guo*, Shicheng Zhang, et al. Numerical investigation into hydraulic fracture initiation and breakdown pressures considering wellbore compliance based on the boundary element method. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, 211, 110162. (SCI2區,裂縫模擬)
4. Ming Chen, Tiankui Guo*, Zhanqing Qu, et al. Numerical investigation into mechanical responses of frictional discontinuities with hydraulic fractures. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 2022,8:109 (SCI2區,裂縫模擬)
5. Ming Chen, Shicheng Zhang, Tong Zhou, Xinfang Ma, Yushi Zou*. Optimization of In-Stage Diversion To Promote Uniform Planar Multifracture Propagation: A Numerical Study. SPE Journal, 2020, 25 (06): 3091–3110. SPE-201114-PA. (石油工程權威,裂縫模擬)
6. Ming Chen, Shicheng Zhang, Sihai Li, Xinfang Ma, Xi Zhang, Yushi Zou*. An explicit algorithm for modeling planar 3D hydraulic fracture growth based on a super-time-stepping method. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020, 191: 370-389. (SCI2區,裂縫模擬, 固體力學權威)
7. Ming Chen*, Shicheng Zhang, Yun Xu, et al. A numerical method for simulating planar 3D multi-fracture propagation in multi-stage fracturing of horizontal wells. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2020, 47(1): 171-183. (SCI2區,裂縫模擬)
8. Ming Chen, Shicheng Zhang, Tong Zhou, Xinfang Ma, Yushi Zou*. A semi-analytical model for predicting fluid partitioning among multiple hydraulic fractures from a horizontal well, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 171: 1041-1051. (SCI2區,裂縫模擬)
9. 陳銘, 張士誠, 柳明, 馬新仿, 鄒雨時*, 等. 水力壓裂支撐劑嵌入深度計算方法. 石油勘探與開發, 2018, 45(1):149-156. (SCI2區,裂縫導流)
10. 陳銘*, 張士誠, 胥雲,等. 基於互補算法的水力裂縫與天然裂縫相互作用邊界元模型. 岩石力學與工程學報, 2018, S2. (EI,力學模型)
11. 陳銘*, 胥雲, 吳奇, 等. 水平井體積改造多裂縫擴展形態算法——不同布縫模式的研究. 天然氣工業, 2018, 36(8): 79-87. (EI,裂縫模擬)
12. 陳銘*, 胥雲, 翁定為. 水平井多段壓裂多裂縫擴展計算方法. 岩石力學與工程學報, 2016, S2. (EI,裂縫模擬)
13. 陳銘*,胥雲,翁定為. 頁岩氣藏遊離氣量和解吸氣量計算方法研究.科學技術與工程,2015,15(29):33-38. (中文核心,油藏工程)
14. 周彤, 張士誠, 陳銘*, 等. 水平井多簇壓裂裂縫的競爭擴展與工程控製. 中國科學(技術科學), 2019, 49(4): 469-478. (EI,裂縫模擬)
15. 張士誠,陳銘*,馬新仿,鄒雨時,郭天魁.水力壓裂設計模型研究進展與發展方向.新疆石油天然氣,2021,17(03):67-73. (裂縫模擬綜述)
16. 胥雲,雷群,陳銘,吳奇,楊能宇,翁定為,李德旗,蔣豪.體積改造技術理論研究進展與發展方向.石油勘探與開發,2018,45(05):874-887. (SCI2區,體積改造綜述)
17. 周彤,陳銘,張士誠,李遠照,李鳳霞,張馳. 非均勻應力場影響下的裂縫擴展模擬及投球暫堵優化.天然氣工業,2020,40(03):82-91. (EI,裂縫模擬與工藝優化)
18. 郭天魁,王雲鵬,陳銘,胡毅,吳飛鵬,劉曉強,曹金豪. 煤層頂板水平井穿層壓裂適應性數值模擬.天然氣工業,2021,41(11):74-85. (EI,裂縫模擬與工藝優化)
19. Wang Tengfei, Ming Chen*, Xu Yun, et al. Numerical Simulation of Multifracture Growth under Extremely Limited Entry Fracturing of Horizontal Well. 2022,Processes 10(12):2508. (SCI3區,裂縫模擬)
1. Ming Chen, Tiankui Guo, Zhanqing Qu, et al. Numerical Simulation of Strain and Strain Rate Evolution of Optical Fiber in the Observation Well During Multi-Cluster Fracturing. presented at the 55th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Virtual, June 2021. (EI)
2. Ming Chen, Nailing Xiu, Yun Xu, et al. Anisotropy of shear behavior in shale based on an open-box-style inclined shear test. The 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium held in New York, NY, USA, 23-26 June 2019. (EI)
3. Ming Chen, Shicheng Zhang, Yun Xu, et al. Numerical Investigation on the Effect of Horizontal Frictional Interfaces on Hydraulic Fracture Growth Based on 2D BEM with a Complementarity Algorithm. The 52nd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Seattle, Washington, June 17-20, 2018. (EI)
4. 第二屆頁岩氣高效開采力學研討會,口頭報告,山東青島,2015