當前位置: 油氣藏工程研究所
作者: 發布者:趙小明 發布時間:2023-12-16 訪問次數:17306








地址郵編:山東省青島市西海岸新區長江西路66號必威app精裝版客服 工科樓E2131,郵編:266580

  • 個人主頁
  • 學習與工作經曆
    袁彬,男,山東臨朐人,教授,博士生導師,國家海外高層次青年人才,國家特聘青年專家,山東省泰山學者,學校首批光華學者特聘教授,國家重點研發計劃項目負責人。長期從事油氣藏滲流力學與高效數值模擬、非常規油氣壓裂生產監測調控、CO2驅油與埋存過程模擬與強化化學材料等方麵科研工作,近5年承擔國家自然科學基金、重點研發計劃、加拿大自然科學與工程基金、美國化學協會石油研究基金等國家級項目10餘項,成果在國內外超20個油田應用推廣,在SPE J、AIChE J等權威期刊發表SCI論文70餘篇,出版英文著作1部。曾先後兼任期刊《Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering》執行主編、《Geoenergy Science and Engineering》副主編、《Fuel》專題主編、URTeC會議主題委員會主席、國際石油工程師協會(SPE)數據科學與工程計算專委會委員、中國石油學會非常規油氣專委會委員、中國工程院院刊《Engineering》青年編委、中國石油學會高端智庫專家等。

    2017.10-2020.06,加拿大卡爾加裏大學,TOC油藏動態監測技術首席(Team Lead)
    2020.07-2020.11,中國石油大學(華東),必威app精裝版客服 ,特任教授、博導
    2020.12- 至 今,中國石油大學(華東),必威app精裝版客服 ,教授、博導
    2021.07- 至 今,美國俄克拉荷馬大學,兼職教授(Adjunct Professor)

  • 研究方向

    (1) 油氣藏壓裂生產智能監測與調控
    (2) CO2驅油與埋存強化理論與技術
    (3) 油氣藏滲流力學與高效數值模擬
    (4) 油田開發大數據分析與人工智能
    (5) 納米流體新材料提高油藏采收率

  • 招生方向
  • 主講課程
    本科專業必修課 《滲流力學》 石油工程專業
    本科專業限選課 《油藏驅替機理》 石油工程專業
    本科專業限選課 《現代試井解釋原理》 石油工程專業
    研究生課程 《高等油氣藏監測理論與方法》 油氣田開發工程專業
  • 學術兼職
    (1) SCI期刊Geoenergy Science and Engineering副主編
    (2) 中國工程院院刊《Engineering》青年編委
    (3) SCI期刊Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering執行主編、副主編
    (4) SCI期刊Fuel《非常規油氣開發技術進展》專題主編
    (5) SCI期刊Simulation Trans. of SCS《多相多尺度顆粒流動模擬》專題主編
    (6) 中國石油學會高端智庫專家
    (7) 國際石油工程師協會(SPE)數據科學與工程計算(DSEA)技術委員會委員,
    (8) 國際數字地球學會中國國家委員會數字能源專業委員會委員
    (9) 中國石油學會非常規油氣專業委員會委員
    (10) SPE/AAPG/SEG國際非常規資源技術大會(URTeC)國際油氣資源主題委員會主席
    (11) 深圳大學學報(理工版)編委、【環境與能源】學科主編
    (12) 首屆中國石油大學北美青年學者聯誼會秘書長
    (13) 國家自然科學基金委項目評議專家
    (14) SPE Journal、Applied Energy、Nanotechnology等30+部權威SCI期刊審稿專家

  • 指導研究生
    2021級:趙明澤(博士生)、李 躍,朱 璿、李錦昌、韓明亮、劉帥辰
    2022級:黃 剛(博士生)、田建泉、張洪彬、柯 燦、萬 碩、傅婷婷、付晨龍
    2023級:彭曉寅(博士生)、高冀東(博士生)、張 碩、 陳耀明、金傲然、李東明



  • 承擔科研課題
    (1) CO2驅油埋存強化體係與注采優化調控關鍵技術及應用研究,國家重點研發計劃“政府間國際科技創新合作專項”項目,主持,2023.01-2025.12
    (2) 油/水/固界麵浸潤調控智能流體提高采收率關鍵材料與機理研究,國家“變革性技術關鍵科學問題重點專項”項目專題,主持,2020.11-2025.05
    (3) 活性納米流體油/水/固界麵調控與多相滲流微觀機理研究,國家自然基金麵上項目,主持,2021.01-2024.12
    (4) 複雜油氣藏開發動態監測與提高采收率,國家級海外高層次引進人才資助項目,主持,2020.12-2023.12
    (5) 致密油藏納米流體提高采收率,山東省泰山學者資助項目,主持,2021.01-2024.12
    (6) 複雜油藏壓裂生產智能監測與優化調控,自主創新科研計劃,主持,2020.07-2025.07
    (7) CO2深部調驅/高效埋存協同調控技術研究,自主創新科研計劃,主持,2021.11-2024.10
    (8) 基於數據驅動的開發指標預測與調控方法研究:單井措施效果模式識別及樣本建立,中石化勝利油田勘探開發研究院,主持,2020.11-2021.09
    (9) 砂礫岩油藏試油壓裂動態監測與優化預測技術研究,中石油新疆油田分公司,主持,2021.06-2021.12
    (10) 致密砂岩氣藏剩餘氣挖掘潛力量化評價技術,中國石油集團川慶鑽探工程有限公司,主持,2022.04-2022.11
    (11) 頁岩油水平井壓裂甜點識別及分段分簇優化,中石化勝利油田工程有限公司,主持,2022.06-2022.12
    (12) 泡沫液膜穩定性機理及調驅性能研究,中石化勝利油田勘探開發研究院,主持,2022.09-2022.12
    (13) 頁岩氣井壓後多尺度非穩態流動機理研究,中石油勘探開發研究院,主持,2022.10-2023.09
    (14) 頁岩氣壓裂過程事件識別處理,中石油勘探開發研究院,主持,2023.01-2023.06
    (15) 壓裂水平井動態油藏-井筒-油嘴協同分析解釋,中石油勘探開發研究院,主持,2023.5-2023.11
  • 獲獎情況
    (1) 2019年度加拿大SPE會議十佳熱點論文獎
    (2) 2017年度美國俄克拉荷馬大學石油與地質工程傑出博士獎
    (3) 2016年度美國俄克拉荷馬大學石油與地質工程傑出博士獎
  • 榮譽稱號
    (1) 國家高層次青年人才
    (2) 山東省泰山學者
    (3) 首批中國石油大學(華東)光華學者
  • 著作
    1. Yuan, B., and Wood, D. A. (2018). Formation damage during improved oil recovery: Fundamentals and applications. Cambridge: Gulf Professional Publishing
  • 論文
    1. 袁彬,趙明澤,孟思煒等. 水平井壓裂多類型複雜事件智能識別與預警方法[J]. 石油探勘與開發, 2023,50(06):1298-1306.
    2. Liu S., Yuan B., Zhang W. (2023). A New Gradient-Accelerated Two-Stage Multi-Objective Optimization Method for CO2-Alternative-Water Injection in Oil Reservoir. SPE Journal. Accepted.
    3. Li Y, Yuan B., Ke C., Zhang W., Han M., Hou H. (2023). A New Hybrid Pore-Scale Simulation Method to Characterize Nanoparticles Transport, Aggregation, and Attachment Behaviors. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2023, 62(27), 10676–10685.
    4. Li J., Yuan B., Clarkson C.R., Tian J. (2023). A semi-analytical rate-transient analysis model for light oil reservoirs exhibiting reservoir heterogeneity and multiphase flow, Petroleum Science, 20(01): 309-321
    5. Ke C, Yuan B, Li Y, et al. Micro-scale simulation of adsorption-diffusion behaviors of nanoparticles onto mobile oil/water interface[J]. Powder Technology, 2023, 429: 118836.
    6. Yuan, B., Clarkson, C. R., Zhang, Z., & Zhu, X. (2021). Deviations from transient linear flow behavior: A systematic investigation of possible controls on abnormal reservoir signatures. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 205, 108910.
    7. Yang, Z., Yuan, B., Clarkson, C.R., Ghanizadeh, (2021). A. Evaluation of surface diffusion in microporous/mesoporous media using a numerical model applied to rate-of-adsorption data: Implications for improved gas permeability estimation in shales/tight rocks using drill cuttings. Fuel, 285, 118974.
    8. Yuan, B. (2021). Introduction to special issue on advances in multi-phase fluid and multi-scale particulate reactive flow modeling and simulation for petroleum engineering applications. Simulation Transactions of Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 97(2),65-67.
    9. 劉旭鵬,袁彬,戴彩麗,李躍,韓明亮.低滲油藏活性納米顆粒減阻增注解析模擬方法[J].深圳大學學報(理工版),2021,38(06):563-571.
    10. Clarkson, C.R., Yuan, B., and Zhang, Z., et al. (2020). Evaluation of the impact of multi-phase flow on reservoir signatures in the Wolfcamp shale. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 76, 103187.
    11. Behnam, Z., Clarkson, C.R. Yuan, B., and Zhang, Z., (2020). Field trial of a modified DFIT (pump-in/flowback) designed to accelerate estimates of closure pressure, reservoir pressure and well productivity index. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 78, 103265.
    12. Clarkson, C.R., Yuan, B., Zhang, Z. (2020). A New Straight-Line Analysis Method for Estimating Fracture/Reservoir Properties Using Dynamic Fluid-in-Place Calculations. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 23(02): 606-626.
    13. Zhang, Z., Clarkson, C.R., Williams-Kovacs, J., Yuan, B., Ghanizadeh, A. (2020). Rigorous Estimation of the Initial Conditions of Flowback Using a Coupled Hydraulic-Fracture/Dynamic-Drainage-Area Leakoff Model Constrained by Laboratory Geomechanical Data. SPE Journal. SPE-201095-PA.
    14. Yuan, B., Zhang, Z., Clarkson, C.R. (2019). Generalized analytical model of Transient linear flow in heterogeneous fractured liquid-rich tight reservoirs with non-static properties. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 76, 632-654.
    15. Yuan, B., Zhang, Z., Clarkson, C.R. (2019). Improved distance-of-investigation model for rate-transient analysis in a heterogeneous unconventional reservoir with nonstatic properties. SPE Journal, 24(02): 2362-2377, SPE-191698-PA.
    16. Yuan, B., Moghanloo, R.G. (2019) Analytical Modeling Nanoparticles-Fines Reactive Transport in Porous Media Saturated with Mobile Immiscible Fluids. AIChE Journal, 65(10): e16702.
    17. Yuan, B. Moghanloo, R.G. (2018). Nanofluid Precoating: An effective method to reduce fines migration in radial systems saturated with two mobile immiscible fluids. SPE Journal, 23(03), 998-1018.
    18. Yuan, B. Moghanloo, R.G. and Wang, W. (2018). Using nanofluids to control fines migration for oil recovery: Nanofluids co-injection or nanofluids pre-flush? - A comprehensive answer. Fuel, 215, 474-483.
    19. Yuan, B. and Wood, D. A. (2018). A holistic review of geosystem damage during unconventional oil, gas and geothermal energy recovery. Fuel, 227, 99-110.
    20. Yuan, B. and Wood, D. (2018). A comprehensive review of formation damage during enhanced oil recovery. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 167, 287-299
    21. Wang, K., Yuan, B., Ji, G., and Wu, X. (2018). A comprehensive review of geothermal energy extraction and utilization in oilfields. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 168: 465-477.
    22. Zhang, Y., Zhang, J., Yuan, B., and Yin, S. (2018). In-situ stresses controlling hydraulic fracture propagation and fracture breakdown pressure. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 164, 164-173.
    23. Wang, W., Su, Y., Yuan, B., Wang, K., and Cao, X. (2018). Numerical simulation of fluid flow through fractal-based discrete fractured network. Energies, 11(2), 286.
    24. Yuan, B. and Moghanloo, R.G. (2018). Nanofluid pre-treatment, an effective strategy to improve the performance of low-salinity waterflooding. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 165, 978-991.
    25. Yuan, B. and Moghanloo, R.G. (2017). Analytical model of well injectivity improvement using nanofluid preflush. Fuel, 202, 380-394.
    26. Yuan, B., Zheng, D., Moghanloo, R.G., and Wang, K. (2017). A novel integrated workflow for evaluation, optimization, and production predication in shale plays. International Journal of Coal Geology, 180, 18-28.
    27. Zheng, D., Yuan, B., Moghanloo, R.G. (2017). Analytical modeling dynamic drainage volume for transient flow towards multi-stage fractured wells in composite shale reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 149, 756-764.
    28. Wang, W., Yuan, B., and Su, Y. (2018). A composite dual-porosity fractal model for channel-fractured horizontal wells. Engineering Application Computational Fluid Mechanics, 12(01): 104-116.
    29. Yuan, B., Xu, C., and Wang, K., (2017). Enhance horizontal well performance by optimising multistage hydraulic fracture and water flooding. International Journal of Coal, Gas Oil Technology, 15(01): 25-46.
    30. Hao, Y., Wang, W., Yuan, B., Su, Y., An, J., and Shu, H. (2018). Shale gas simulation considering natural fractures, gas desorption, and slippage flow effects using conventional modified model. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 8(2), 607-615.
    31. Yuan, B. and Moghanloo, R.G. (2016). Analytical evaluation of nanoparticle application to mitigate fines migration in porous media. SPE Journal, 21(06), 2317-2332.
    32. Yuan, B., Wang, W., Moghanloo, R.G., Su, Y., et al. (2017). Permeability Reduction of Berea Cores Owing to Nanoparticle Adsorption onto the Pore Surface: Mechanistic Modeling and Experimental Work. Energy & Fuels, 31(1), 795-804.
    33. Yuan, B., Moghanloo, R.G., Shariff, E. (2016). Integrated investigation of dynamic drainage volume and inflow performance relationship (transient IPR) to optimize multistage fractured horizontal wells in tight/shale formations. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 138(5), 052901.
    34. Yuan, B. and Wood, D.A. (2015). Production analysis and performance forecasting for natural gas reservoirs: Theory and practice (2011–2015). Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, (26), 1433-1438.
    35. Yuan, B., Su, Y., Moghanloo, R. G., et al. (2015). A new analytical multi-linear solution for gas flow toward fractured horizontal wells with different fracture intensity. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 23, 227-238.
    36. Yuan, B., Wood, D.A., and Yu, W. (2015). Stimulation and hydraulic fracturing technology in natural gas reservoirs: Theory and case studies (2012–2015). Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, (26), 1414-1421.
    37. Wood, D. A., Wang, W., and Yuan, B. (2015). Advanced numerical simulation technology enabling the analytical and semi-analytical modeling of natural gas reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 26, 1442-1451.
    38. Moghanloo, R.G., Younas, D., Yuan, B. (2015). Applying fractional flow theory to evaluate CO2 storage capacity of an aquifer. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 125, 154–161.
    39. Moghanloo, R.G., Yuan, B., Ingrahama, N. (2015). Applying macroscopic material balance to evaluate dynamic drainage volume and performance prediction of shale oil/gas wells. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 27, 466-478.
    40. 袁彬,古永紅,李紅英,淩雲,蘇玉亮,王文東.蘇裏格東區致密氣藏壓裂水平井產能影響因素及其優化設計[J].西安石油大學學報(自然科學版),2013,28(02):46-48+110+4.
    41. 袁彬,蘇玉亮,豐子泰,徐晨,薛繼超,魯明晶.體積壓裂水平井縫網滲流特征與產能分布研究[J].深圳大學學報(理工版),2013,30(05):545-550.
    42. 蘇玉亮,袁彬,李碩軒,古永紅,李紅英,蘇國輝.盒8致密氣儲層水平井體積壓裂增產影響因素[J].科技導報,2013,31(19):20-25.
    43. 袁彬,蘇玉亮,李碩軒,徐錫勇,古永紅,姚佳.蘇東氣田壓裂水平井分類新方法與泄氣麵積評價[J].科學技術與工程,2013,13(25):7322-7326.
    44. 袁彬,韓龍雨,單理軍,榮新明,葛際江.表麵活性劑-有機膦酸鹽複配體係的防垢性能[J].精細石油化工,2011,28(01):70-72.
    45. 任龍,蘇玉亮,王文東,趙廣淵,袁彬.分段多簇壓裂水平井滲流特征及產能分布規律[J].西安石油大學學報(自然科學版),2013,28(04):55-59+9.
    46. 高麗,袁彬,周曉丹,劉順,李曉慧.天然裂縫性特低滲砂岩油藏等效連續介質模型[J].中國西部科技,2012,11(03):17-18+16.
    47. 蘇玉亮,曹國梁,袁彬,呂廣忠,王文東,魯明晶.低滲透油藏壓裂井網水電模擬[J].深圳大學學報(理工版),2013,30(03):294-298.

    1. Yuan, B., Bedrikovetsky, P., Huang, T., Moghanloo, R. G., Dai, C., Venkatraman, A., Wang, L. (2016). Special issue: Formation damage during enhanced gas and liquid recovery. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering.
    2. Yuan, B., Hao, F., Elsworth, D., and Dindoruk, B. (2018). Special issue: Sustainability of worldwide unconventional oil, gas and energy resources: New advances & challenges. Fuel.
    3. Yuan, B., Zhang, J., Elsworth, D., Roegiers, J. C., Gil, I., Sun, B., Dindoruk, B., and Huang K. (2017). Special issue: Advances in hydraulic fracturing: Theory and practice. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.
    4. Yuan, B., Dai, C., Wang, W., Wang, K., Wang, Z., You, Q. (2018). Special issue: Advances in multi-phase fluids and multi-scale particles transport phenomenon and simulation. SAGE Journal of Simulation.

  • 專利
    1. 一種基於動態泄流體積的頁岩油氣綜合產量分析方法, 1/4,授權號:201710890029.5,
    2. 一種活性納米顆粒和水兩相流動模擬方法和裝置,1/5, 授權號:202110705196.4,
    3. 一種多級壓裂水平井多相生產油嘴工作製度優化設計方法, 1/3, 授權號:202310058351.7,
    4. 基於預搜索加速的二氧化碳水氣交替驅油多目標優化方法,1/3, 授權號:202311153294.7
    5. 一種活性納米顆粒油/水界麵吸附-擴散行為模擬方法和裝置, 1/4, 授權號:202310194369.X
  • 學術交流
    1. Zhao M., Li, Y., Liu Y., Yuan B., Meng S., Zhang W., Liu H. (2023). Auto-Identification and Real-Time Warning Method of Multiple Type Events During Multistage Horizontal Well Fracturing. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 13–15 June 2023
    2. Wan S., Yuan B., He Liu, Meng S., Lei Z., Wang W. (2023). An Improved Analytic-Hierarchy-Quantitative Pre-Evaluation Method for Post-fracturing Recoverability in Lamellation-Type Shale Oil Reservoir. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 13–15 June 2023
    3. Yuan, B., Clarkson, C.R., Zhang, Z. (2020). Deviations from Classical Diffusion Behavior: A Systematic Investigation of Possible Controls on Abnormal Reservoir Signatures. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Virtual, July 2020.
    4. Clarkson, C.R., Williams-Kovacs, J., Zhang, Z., Yuan, B., Ghanizadeh,A. (2020). Case Studies of Integrated Flowback Analysis: Examples from the Montney and Duvernay Formations. SPE Canada Unconventional Resources Conference, Virtual, September 2020.
    5. Yuan, B., Zhang, Z., Clarkson, C.R., Moghadam, S., Hamid, H., Ghanizadeh, A. (2019). Analytical Model for History Matching Drawdown & Buildup Cycles of Multi-Fractured Horizontal Wells Experiencing Multiple Operational Upsets. Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 18-19 November 2019.
    6. Clarkson, C.R., Yuan, B., Zhang, Z., et al. (2019). Anomalous Diffusion or Classical Diffusion in an Anomalous Reservoir? Evaluation of the Impact of Multi-Phase Flow on Reservoir Signatures in Unconventional Reservoirs. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, July 2019.
    7. Clarkson, C.R., Yuan, B., Zhang, Z., (2019). A New Straight-Line Analysis Method for Estimating Fracture/Reservoir Properties Based on Dynamic Fluid-in-Place Calculations. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
    8. Zhang, Z., Clarkson, C.R., Williams-Kovacs, J, Yuan, B., Ghanizadeh, A. (2019). Rigorous Modeling of Salt Transport During Frac, Shut-in, and Flowback to Constrain Hydraulic Fracture/Reservoir Property Estimates. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, July 22–24, 2019
    9. Yuan, B., Zhang, Z., and Clarkson, C. R. (2018). Distance-of-Investigation Could be Misused in Unconventional Heterogeneous Reservoirs with Non-Static Properties. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 24–26, 2018
    10. Yuan, B., Zhang, Z., Hamdi, H., Clarkson, C. R. (2018). Improved Rate-Transient Analysis for Heterogeneous Fractured Liquid-Rich Tight Reservoirs With Non-Static Properties. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, July 23–25, 2018
    11. Zhang, Z., Yuan, B., and Clarkson, C. R. (2018). Rigorous estimation of the initial conditions of flowback using a coupled hydraulic fracture/dynamic drainage area leakoff model constrained by laboratory geomechanical data. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, July 23–25, 2018
    12. Li X ,Wang, S., Yuan, B., and Chen, S. (2018). Optimal Design and Uncertainty Assessment of CO2 WAG Operations: A Field Case Study. SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.
    13. Cai, M., Su, Y., Sun, Z., Li, L., Yuan, B. (2018). Quantitative Evaluation of Fluvial Reservoir Geologic Model Uncertainties Using Virtual Outcrops. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, USA.
    14. Liang, Y., Yuan, B. (2017). A Guidebook of Carbonate Laws in China and Kazakhstan: Review, Comparison and Case Studies. Carbon Management Technology Conference (CMTC 2017), Houston, TX, USA.
    15. Yuan, B., Moghanloo, R. G., and Zheng, D. (2016). Enhanced Oil Recovery by Combined Nanofluid and Low Salinity Water Flooding in Multi-Layer Heterogeneous Reservoirs. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, U.A.E.
    16. Wang, W, Yuan, B.,. and Y. Su. (2016). Nanoparticles Adsorption, Straining and Detachment Behavior and its Effects on Permeability of Berea Cores: Analytical Model and Lab Experiments. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, U.A.E.
    17. Yuan, B., and Moghanloo, R. G. (2016). Transient IPR for Fractured Horizontal Wells in Niobrara Formation. 10th International Petroleum Technology Conference, Bangkok, Thailand
    18. Yuan, B., Wang, K. (2016). Injectivity Improvement by Nanofluid Preflush During Low Salinity Water Flooding. 10th International Petroleum Technology Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
    19. Yuan, B., Zheng, D., and Moghanloo, R. G. (2016). Integrated Production Analysis Using the Concept of Dynamic Drainage Volume: Modelling, Simulation and Field Applications. SPE Asia Pacific Hydraulic Fracturing Conference, Beijing, China.
    20. Yuan, B., Moghanloo, R. G., and Zheng, D. (2016). Analytical Modeling of Nanofluid Injection to Improve the Performance of Low Salinity Water Flooding. Offshore Technology Conference Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
    21. Yuan, B., Zheng, D., Moghanloo R. G., (2016). An Integrated Approach for Fracturing Evaluation and Optimization using Rate-transient Analysis and Dynamic Drainage Volume. SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, Perth, Australia.
    22. Yuan, B., Moghanloo, R. G., and Purachet. P. (2015). Applying Method of Characteristics to Study Utilization of Nanoparticles to Reduce Fines Migration in Deepwater Reservoirs. SPE European Formation Damage Conference and Exhibition, Budapest, Hungary.
    23. Zheng, D., Moghanloo, R. G., and Yuan, B. (2016). Modeling Dynamic Drainage Volume for Multi-Stage Fractured Wells in Composite Shale Systems: New Analytical Solution for Transient Linear Flow. SPE Asia Pacific Hydraulic Fracturing Conference, August 24–26, 2016
    24. Davudov, D., Moghanloo R. G., Yuan, B. (2016). Impact of Pore Connectivity and Topology on Gas Productivity in Barnett and Haynesville Shale Plays. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA, August 2016.
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