當前位置: 油氣井工程研究所
陳澤華 特任副教授
作者: 發布者:趙小明 發布時間:2021-12-03 訪問次數:3364
»姓名:陳澤華 »職稱:特任副教授

»單位:油氣井工程研究所 »最高學曆/學位:博士
»學科:油氣井工程學科,石油與天然氣工程領域 »所學專業:油氣井/油氣田開發工程
2020.5- ,中國石油大學(華東),必威app精裝版客服 特任副教授;


擔任SPE Journal, Fuel, langmuir, Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Energy & Fuels, Fluid Phase Equilibria等多個石油工程/流體熱力學著名期刊的審稿人;美國石油工程師協會(SPE)和美國化學協會(ACS)會員。

選修課 《完井工程》 石油工程專業
選修課 《石油工程概論》 俄語專業


1. 基於分子混合與相互作用的CO2-烴密度演化和混相機理,國家自然科學基金青年基金,2022-2024,主持
2. CO2驅組分演化中CO2與油氣烴分子的微觀混合機製,山東省自然科學基金青年基金,2022-2024,主持
3. 自組裝/納米SiO2熱增黏聚合物及其調控超深井高密度水泥漿恒勻機理研究, 國家自然科學基金麵上項目,2021-2024,技術骨幹
4. 出砂冷采後期用於提高稠油采收率的烴溶劑強化蒸汽+煙道氣技術研究,加拿大自然科學與工程研究委員會,合作研發項目,2019-2024,技術骨幹
5. 不確定條件下致密油藏提高采收率的動態裂縫表征和集成優化,加拿大自然科學與工程研究委員會,合作研發項目,2019-2024,技術骨幹
6. 納米顆粒的傳輸現象及其在提高石油采收率中的應用,加拿大自然科學與工程研究委員會,合作研發項目,2018-2019,參與
7. 低滲碎屑岩氣藏保護新技術及超低傷害保護液研究,國家科技重大專項,2016-2017,參與
8. 汽驅井逐次深部調剖技術推廣應用,油田橫向課題,2015,技術骨幹
9. 致密碎屑岩儲層傷害機理及儲層保護與修複技術研究,國家科技重大專項,2014-2016,參與
10. 泡沫微觀調驅機理研究,油田橫向課題,2014,參與

1. 2015年度研究生國家獎學金;
2. 2018年度國家優秀自費留學生獎學金;

1. 2015年,中國石油大學(華東)研究生“學術十傑”;
2. 2019年,裏賈納大學傑出研究生;

1. Zehua Chen; Daoyong Yang*; A Tangent-Line Approach for Effective Density Used in Ideal Mixing Rule: Part I—Prediction of Density for Heavy-Oil/Bitumen Associated Systems, SPE Journal, 2020, 25(3): 1140-1154. SCI一區(石油工程頂級期刊)
2. Zehua Chen; Daoyong Yang*; A Tangent-Line Approach for Effective Density Used in the Ideal Mixing Rule: Part II—Evaluation of Mixing Characteristics of Oil/Gas Systems and Application Criteria, SPE Journal, 2020, 25(6): 3160-3185. SCI一區(石油工程頂級期刊)
3. Zehua Chen*; Zulong Zhao; Daoyong Yang*; Quantification of Phase Behavior for Solvent/Heavy-Oil/Water Systems at High Pressures and Elevated Temperatures with Dynamic Volume Analysis, SPE Journal, 2020, 25(6): 2915-2931. SCI一區(石油工程頂級期刊)
4. Chengwen Wang*, Zehua Chen*, Erding Chen, Junyi Liu, Fengfeng Xiao, Hongxiang Zhao. Ultrasonic-Assisted Removal of Undesirable Submicron-Sized Particulates To Realize Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Circulation of Drilling Fluid [J]. SPE Journal, 2021, 26(5): 2516-2526. SCI一區(石油工程頂級期刊)
5. Zehua Chen; Daoyong Yang*; Optimization of the Reduced Temperature Associated with Peng−Robinson Equation of State and Soave−Redlich−Kwong Equation of State To Improve Vapor Pressure Prediction for Heavy Hydrocarbon Compounds, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2017, 62(10): 3488-3500. SCI三區
6. Zehua Chen; Daoyong Yang*; Prediction of Phase Behaviour for n-Alkane-CO2-Water Systems With Consideration of Mutual Solubility Using Peng-Robinson Equation of State, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2018, 138: 174-186. SCI二區
7. Zehua Chen; Daoyong Yang*; Correlations/Estimation of Equilibrium Interfacial Tension for Methane/CO2-Water/Brine Systems Based on Mutual Solubility, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2019, 483: 197-208. SCI二區
8. Zehua Chen; Xiaoli Li; Daoyong Yang*; Quantification of Viscosity for Solvents−Heavy Oil/Bitumen Systems in the Presence of Water at High Pressures and Elevated Temperatures, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(2): 1044-1054. SCI二區
9. Zehua Chen; Daoyong Yang*; Determination of Mutual Solubility Between n-Alkanes/n-Alkylbenzenes and Water by Using Peng-Robinson Equation of State With Modified Alpha Functions and Generalized BIP Correlations, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2018, 477: 19-29. SCI二區
10. Zehua Chen; Daoyong Yang*; Quantification of Phase Behaviour of Solvents-Heavy Oil/Bitumen Systems in the Presence of Water at High Pressures and Elevated Temperatures, Fuel, 2018, 232: 803-816. SCI一區
11. Zehua Chen; Daoyong Yang*; Prediction of Equilibrium Interfacial Tension between CO2 and Water Based on Mutual Solubility, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57(26): 8740-8749. SCI二區
12. Zehua Chen*; Xiutai Zhao; Enhancing Heavy-oil recovery by Using Middle Carbon Alcohol-Enhanced Hot Polymer Flooding, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 149: 193-202. SCI一區
13. Zehua Chen*; Xiutai Zhao; Enhancing Heavy-Oil Recovery by Using Middle Carbon Alcohol Enhanced Waterflooding, Surfactant Flooding, and Foam Flooding, Energy Fuels, 2015, 29(4): 2153-2161. SCI三區
14. Zehua Chen*; Xiutai Zhao; Zengbao Wang; Minjie Fu; A Comparative Study of Inorganic Alkaline/Polymer Flooding and Organic Alkaline/Polymer Flooding for Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 469: 150-157. SCI二區
15. Zehua Chen*; Daoyong Yang; Predicting Viscosities of Solvents/Heavy Oil/Bitumen Systems Using ANN-enhanced Correlations/Mixing Rules, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2021, 143(11): 113001-1-113001-10. SCI三區
16. Zehua Chen; Daoyong Yang*; Correlations of Equilibrium Interfacial Tension Based on Mutual Solubility/Density: Extension to n-Alkane-Water and n-Alkane-CO2 Binary/Ternary Systems and Comparisons With the Parachor Model, Journal of Energy and Resources Technology, 2019, 141(12): 122901-1-122901-12. SCI三區
17. 陳澤華,趙修太. 低碳醇對低質量分數α-烯烴磺酸鈉溶液泡沫性能的影響 [J]. 新疆石油地質, 2015, 36(6):729-732. 中文核心
18. 陳澤華,趙修太,王增寶,馬漢卿,陳文雪. 乙二胺-HPAM與NaOH-HPAM體係提高稠油采收率的對比[J]. 石油學報(石油加工), 2015, 31(5):1156-1163. EI檢索
19. 陳澤華,趙修太,王增寶. 低碳醇對α-烯烴磺酸鹽吸附性能的影響 [J]. 精細石油加工, 2015, 32(5):40-43. 中文核心
20. 趙修太,陳澤華*,陳文雪,馬漢卿,翟東啟,任增雷. 顆粒類調剖堵水劑的研究現狀與發展趨勢[J]. 石油鑽采工藝, 2015, 37(4): 105-112. 中文核心
21. 陳澤華,趙修太,王增寶,馬漢卿,陳文雪. 石油磺酸鹽與非離子表麵活性劑TritonX-100的相互增效作用[J]. 石油化工, 2015, 44(9):1089-1093. 中文核心
22. 陳澤華,趙修太,王增寶. 異步交聯深部調剖體係的室內實驗[J]. 新疆石油地質, 2015, 36(3): 317-321. 中文核心
23. 趙修太,陳澤華*,王增寶,陳文雪,馬漢卿,韓光偉,馮碩,郝延征. 有機堿和無機堿對原油的乳化性質及對聚合物黏度的影響[J]. 精細石油加工, 2015, 32(3):33-38. 中文核心