◎學習與工作經曆 2004.09-2008.07,中國石油大學(華東),石油工程,學士; 2008.09-2014.12,中國石油大學(華東),油氣田開發工程,博士; 2013.09-2014.09,Colorado School of Mines,水合物研究中心,Visiting Fellow; 2015.04-2017.4,中國石油大學(華東),動力工程及工程熱物理,師資博士後; 2017.5- 2018.1 ,中國石油大學(華東),必威app精裝版客服 ,講師; 2018.1至今,中國石油大學(華東),必威app精裝版客服 ,副教授。
◎研究方向 (1)氣液固多相流動理論與應用; (2)非常規油氣藏開發理論與技術; (1)天然氣水合物的預測與防治; (2)人工舉升理論與工藝設計。
◎學術兼職 期刊《Langmuir》、《Chemical Engineering Science》、《Chemical Engineering Journal》、《Fuel》、《JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES》等多個國內外重要學術期刊審稿人。
◎主講課程 《多相流理論與計算》、《采油工程(英文版)》、《石油工程概論》、《專業外語》、《人工舉升(英文版)》
◎指導研究生 指導博士研究生3名,碩士研究生24名。 2014級博士:董三寶 2021級博士:周臣儒、王翔宇 2009級碩士:李娣 2010級碩士:梁晨 2011級碩士:方圓 2014級碩士:耿凱麗 2015級碩士:田晉林 2016級碩士:李波鋒、武永吉、盧彥辰 2017級碩士:張崇瑞、弭永飛、嚴賜 2018級碩士:周臣儒 2019級碩士:趙帥、魏哲、吳帥 2020級碩士:曾旭、田明明、馮昌輝、石鑫茹 2021級碩士:李皓嘉、呂森 2022級碩士:各文祥、馬小華、劉龍
◎承擔科研課題 1.粗糙裂縫壁麵形態表征及微粒徑支撐劑性能評價試驗, 川慶鑽探,2023/2-2023/9,主持; 2.頁岩油不同類型裂縫流動規律測試合同,中石化,2022/11-2023/11,主持; 3.注聚井筒保粘工藝對策研究,中石化,2022/7-2022/10,主持; 4.頁岩氣藏儲層-井筒多場耦合流動模擬研究,川慶鑽探,2022/7-2022/5,參與; 5.頁岩油壓力傳播特征及含水飽和度對流動能力影響測試,中石化,2021/11-2021/12,主持; 6.適用於液壓排液裝置示功圖動液麵監測與智能分析係統的研製,中石化,2021/10-2021/12,主持; 7.潛油螺杆泵舉升優化設計軟件研製技術開發,中海油,2021/07-2022/06,主持; 8.國家自然科學基金麵上項目,原位與侵入顆粒作用下人工裂縫滲流能力損傷機製研究,2022/01-2025/12,參與; 9.國家自然科學基金麵上項目,深水氣井測試環霧流條件下天然氣水合物流動障礙形成機製,2020/01-2023/12,參與; 10.國家自然科學基金麵上項目,致密油儲層低摩阻納米磁流體壓裂液構築及滲吸驅油機製,2019/01-2022/12/,參與; 11.中石油重大科技合作項目,水合物試采井筒多相流動規律與壓力安全控製,2019/01-2023/12,參與; 12.國家自然科學基金,深水油氣管道天然氣水合物聚集和壁麵沉積微觀力學機製研究,2018/01-2020/12,主持; 13.薄煤層群射孔段優選與參數優化模擬測試,油田委托,2018-2019,主持; 14.水合物藏開采方式數值模擬的實現和參數優化,油田委托,2018-2019,主持; 15.山東省自然科學基金,海洋油氣管道天然氣水合物壁麵生長沉積機製研究,2016/11-2018/11,主持; 16.中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目,水合物聚集對管道沉積影響機製研究,2016/2-2017/4,主持; 17.國家科技重大專項子課題,長水平井段SAGD多點均勻注汽方式與工藝研究,2016/1-2020/12,參與; 18.國家科技重大專項子課題,特高含水期斜井有杆泵舉升優化設計技術研究,2016/1-2020/12,參與; 19.中國博士後科學基金麵上一等資助項目,油包水乳狀液體係水合物聚集機理研究,2015/04-2017/04,主持; 20.中央高校自主創新科研計劃項目,高剪切條件下油水乳狀液粒徑分布規律研究,2013/06-2014/12,主持。
◎獲獎情況 考慮水合物相變的油包水乳狀液多相流動研究,中國石油大學優秀博士學位論文,2015,排名獨立
◎榮譽稱號 1. 2021.05,第十一屆全國石油工程設計大賽一等獎優秀指導教師; 2. 2016.06,中國博士後科學基金特別資助獲得者; 3. 2015.12,中國石油大學優秀博士學位論文獲得者; 4. 2013.05,國家留學基金委公派留學基金獲得者; 5. 2012.12,教育部博士研究生國家獎學金獲得者。
◎論文 以第一或通訊作者在《JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES》、《Langmuir》、《Chemical Engineering Science》、《Energy & Fuels》和《Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.》等國內外影響力較大期刊和ICGH國際會議上發表科研論文30餘篇, SCI收錄20篇、EI收錄2篇,代表作如下: [1] Zhiyuan Wang,Pengfei Li,Shikun Tong,Jianbo Zhang,Chenru Zhou,Jihao Pei,Hemin Yang,Chenwei Liu*. Investigation on the reduction effect of QAs1 on the adhesion force between methane hydrate particles and wall droplets. Fuel, 2023, 340, 127521. SCI一區 [2] Chenwei Liu*, Chenru Zhou, Mingzhong Li, Shikun Tong, Minghui Qi, Zhiyuan Wang. Direct measurements of the interactions between methane hydrate particle-particle/droplet in high pressure gas phase. Fuel, 2023, 332, 126190. SCI一區 [3] LiuChenwei*, YangLiang, ZhouChenru,WangZhiyuan, LiMingzhong.Effects of hydrate inhibitors on the adhesion strengths of sintered hydrate deposits on pipe walls. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 624, 593-601. SCI一區 [4] WangWeiyang, ZhouChenru, LiuChenwei*, WangZhiyuan, LiMingzhong. Experimental investigation of the adhesion forces/strengths of cyclopentane hydrate in a gas phase. Fuel, 2022, 323,124359. SCI一區 [5] Minhui Qi, Yanlong Li, Rouzbeh Ghanbar Moghanloo, Chenwei Liu, Jintang Wang, Changling Liu , Nengyou Wu, Jinsheng Sun. A Novel Approach to Predict Sand Production Rate through Gravel Packs in Unconsolidated Sediment Applying the Theory of Free Fall Arch. SPE Journal, 2022. SCI一區 [6] WeiweiHan, JiabaoFan, HongmiaoLv, YongliYan, ChenweiLiu, SanbaoDong. Excellent foaming properties of anionic-zwitterionic-Gemini cationic compound surfactants for gas well deliquification: Experimental and computational investigations. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2022, 653,129944.SCI 三區 [7] Chenwei Liu*,Zeng Xu,Ci Yan,Chenru Zhou,Mingzhong Li,Zhiyuan Wang*. Effects of Solid Precipitation and Surface Corrosion on the Adhesion Strengths of Sintered Hydrate Deposits on Pipe Walls, Langmuir, 2020, 36(50):15343-15351. SCI 二區 [8] Chenwei Liu*,Zhiyuan Wang*,Jinlin Tian,Ci Yan,Mingzhong Li. Fundamental investigation of the adhesion strength between cyclopentane hydrate deposition and solid surface materials, Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 217:115524-115532. SCI 二區 [9] Chenwei Liu*,Chongrui Zhang,Chenru Zhou,Yongfei Mi,Zhiyuan Wang*. Effects of the Solidification of Capillary Bridges on the Interaction Forces between Hydrate Particles, Energy Fuels, 2020, 34(4):4525-4533. SCI 三區 [10] Mingzhong Li,Sanbao Dong,Bofeng Li,Chenwei Liu*. Effects of a naturally derived surfactant on hydrate anti-agglomeration using micromechanical force measurement, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2018, 67:140-147. SCI 二區 [11] Sanbao Dong*,Mingzhong Li,Chenwei Liu,Gang Chen. Bio-inspired Superhydrophobic Coating with Low Hydrate Adhesion for Hydrate Mitigation, Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2020, 17(5):1019-1028. SCI 二區 [12] Sanbao Dong*,Chenwei Liu,Weiwei Han,Mingzhong Li,Jie Zhang,Gang Chen. The Effect of the Hydrate Antiagglomerant on Hydrate Crystallization at the Oil−Water Interface, ACS Omega, 2020, 5(7):3315-3321. SCI三區 [13] Liu Chenwei, Li Mingzhong, Chen Litao, Li Yuxing, Zheng Sixu, Han Guangming,Experimental Investigation on the Interaction Forces between Clathrate Hydrate Particles in the Presence of a Water Bridge[J]. Energy & Fuels,2017,31:4981-4988(SCI二區TOP). [14] Liu Chenwei,Li Yuxing,Wang Weiyang,Dong Sanbao,Li Mingzhong,Modeling the micromechanical interactions between clathrate hydrate particles and water droplets with reducing liquid volume[J].Chemical Engineering Science,2017,163:44-55 (SCI二區TOP). [15] Li Mingzhong, Tian Jinlin, Liu Chenwei*, Gengkaili. Effects of sorbitan monooleate on the interactions between cyclopentane hydrate particles and water droplets[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology,2017,DOI: 10.1080/01932691.2017.1318706(SCI). [16] Liu Chenwei,Li Mingzhong,Liu Chunting,Geng Kaili,Li Yuxing,Micromechanical Interactions between Clathrate Hydrate Particles and Water Droplets: Experiment and Modeling[J]. Energy & Fuels,2016,30:6240-6248(SCI二區TOP). [17] Liu Chenwei,Li Mingzhong,Srivastava, Vishal K,Koh, Carolyn,Investigating gas hydrate formation in moderate to high water cut crude oil containing Arquad and salt using differential scanning calorimetry[J]. Energy & Fuels,2016,30:2555-2562(SCI二區TOP). [18] Liu Chenwei,Li Mingzhong,Han Rui,Li Jibin,Liu Chunting,Rheology of Water-In-Oil Emulsions with Different Drop Sizes[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology,2016,37(3):333-344(SCI). [19] Liu Chenwei,Li Mingzhong,Zhang Guodong,Koh Carolyn,Direct measurements of the interactions between clathrate hydrate particles and water droplets[J]. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,2015,17:20021-20029 (SCI 二區). [20] Liu Chenwei, Li Mingzhong, Liang Chen, et al. Measurement and analysis of bimodal drop size distribution in a rotor–stator homogenizer[J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2013, 102:622–631 (SCI二區TOP). [21] Liu Chenwei, Li Mingzhong, Wang Weiyang, et al. A study on the formation and removing mechanisms of a gas hydrate slug in gas pipelines[J]. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2013, 31:1762–1771 (SCI). [22] Li Mingzhong, Liu Chenwei, Liang Chen, et al. Study of bimodal drop size distributions of emulsion[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2014, 35(3):397–402 (SCI). [23] Liu Chenwei, Li Mingzhong, Chen Litao, Tian Jinlin, Han Guangming, Li Yuxing。 Experimental Investigation on the Micromechanical Force between Cyclopentane Hydrate Particles in the Existence of Water Bridge[C]. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates. Denver, USA. 2017. [24] Liu Chenwei, Li Mingzhong. Effect of dispersed phase viscosity on emulsification in turbulence flow[C]. Asia conference on mechanical and materials engineering. Wuhan, China. 2013 (EI). [25] Majid A. A. A., Braniff M., Liu C.W., et al. Gas hydrate formation from high water content system containing anti–agglomerant surfactant and salt[C]. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates. Beijing, China. 2014. [26] 劉陳偉,李明忠,王衛陽等. 輸氣管道天然氣水合物段塞形成機理[J].石油學報,2012,33(1):150–156 (EI). [27] 劉陳偉,李明忠,王衛陽等. 深水油氣管線天然氣水合物生成條件預測方法及應用[J].天然氣工業,2010,30(10):73–77. [28] 劉陳偉,李明忠,梁晨等.含水合物的油包水體係流動數值模擬[J].應用力學學報,2013,30(4):574–580. [29] 李明忠,劉陳偉,李加院等. 深水油氣管道再啟動過程模擬計算[J].油氣儲運,2012,31(7):525–530.
◎專利 [1] 劉陳偉,李波鋒,李明忠,張崇瑞. 一種用於測量氣相體係中水合物顆粒間微觀粘附力的裝置和方法,中國,ZL201810296997.8. [2] 劉陳偉,田晉林,李明忠,郝麗華. 一種可視化水合物壁麵粘附力學特性的實驗裝置及其工作方法,中國,ZL201710272175.1. [3] 李明忠,劉陳偉,李波鋒,武永吉. 一種用於多方位觀測水合物生成與分解的可視化裝置及方法,中國,ZL2017102722167.7. [4] 劉陳偉,王誌遠,弭永飛,嚴賜. 力學特性檢測裝置及其使用方法以及力檢測係統,美國,PCTCN2020103378. [5] 劉陳偉,周臣儒,王誌遠,趙帥,李明忠. 高壓可視化微觀作用力測試裝置,中國,202011565113.8.
◎學術交流 1. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates(ICGH9), 2017.6, 美國丹佛; 2. The 6th International Conference on Informatics, Environment, Energy and Applications (IEEA 2017), 2017.4, 韓國濟州島; 3. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates(ICGH8), 2014.7, 北京。