◎學習與工作經曆 2001.9-2005.7 中國海洋大學,港口、航道與海岸工程,學士; 2005.9-2010.7 中國海洋大學,港口、海岸及近海工程,博士(碩博連讀); 2010.8-中國石油大學(華東)船舶與海洋工程係
◎研究方向 海洋工程結構物設計、動力分析、健康監測、安全評估;海洋能開發
◎學術兼職 青島市環境影響評價技術評估專家庫專家,2018; 期刊審稿人(Journal of Sound and Vibration、Ocean Engineering、Journal of Applied Ocean Research、Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering等)
◎主講課程 海洋工程環境、船舶與海洋結構物建造技術、海洋測量與自動化、海洋工程結構健康監測技術
◎指導研究生 2018級:楊冠蘭、範同軒、曲金枝、李樹勃
◎承擔科研課題 1. 超深水多用途柔性管製備工藝研究,國家重點研發計劃課題,2016.7-2020.12;(子課題負責人) 2.超深水多用途柔性管無損檢測、智能監測與試驗驗證研究,國家重點研發計劃課題,2016.7-2020.12;(課題骨幹) 3. 導管架式海上風電基礎結構模型修正的關鍵技術研究,山東省自然科學基金,2018.3-2020.12;(主持) 4.基於模型修正的海洋平台疲勞損傷狀態評估研究,中央高校基本科研業務費,2016.01-2018.12;(主持) 5.海洋平台結構模態參數識別的關鍵技術研究,國家自然科學基金,2014.1-2016.12;(主持) 6.基於動力響應信號處理技術的海洋平台結構模態參數識別研究,山東省自然科學基金,2011.7-2014.7;(主持) 7. 導管架式海上風電基礎結構的模態參數精確識別研究,青島市科技計劃項目,2013-2015;(主持) 8. 基於振動測試信號處理技術的海洋平台健康監測研究,自主創新課題,2011.10-2013.10(主持)
◎獲獎情況 深水海管安全保障關鍵技術及應用,科技進步三等獎,中國石油和化學工業聯合會,2017
◎論文 (通訊作者*) 18. Xingxian Bao* and Chen Shi, Ambient Vibration Responses Denoising for Operational Modal Analysis of a Jacket-Type Offshore Platform, Ocean Engineering, 172, 9-21, 2019 (SCI三區) 17. Xingxian Bao*, Zhihui Liu, Chen Shi, Signal Processing for Operational Modal Analysis of a Jacket-Type Offshore Platform: Sea Test Study, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 141, 021605, 2019 (SCI) 16. Xingxian Bao*, Zhihui Liu, Chen Shi, Processing of ambient vibration response for modal parameters identification of a jacket-type offshore platform: sea test study, Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Madrid, Spain, June 17-22, 2018 (EI). 15. Y. Liu, C. Shi*, Z. Liu, J. Wang, and X. Bao, Experimental Study on Flexible Bare Pipe Arrays Undergoing Vortex-Induced Vibrations, Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Madrid, Spain, June 17-22, 2018 (EI). 14. J. Wang, C. Shi*, Y. Liu, and X. Bao, Simulations on Hydrodynamic Coefficients of Stationary Cactus-Shaped Cylinders at a Low Reynolds Number, Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Madrid, Spain, June 17-22, 2018 (EI). 13. Aixia Cao, Xingxian Bao, Xianben Ren, Safety assessment of an aging offshore Jacket platform by integrating analytic hierarchy process and grey clustering method, Journal of Ship Mechanics,21(3): 339-351,2017.(EI) 12. Xingxian Bao, Aixia Cao, Jing Zhang. Noise reduction for modal parameters estimation using algorithm of solving partially described inverse singular value problem, Smart Materials and Structures, 25, 075035, 2016. (SCI二區) 11. Min Zhang, Zongli Chen, Yu Xu, Xingxian Bao, Modal parameter identification for offshore platforms under ice load excitation, Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth (2016) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Rhodes, Greece, June 26-July 1, 2016.(EI) 10. Xingxian Bao, Cuilin Li, Congbo Xiong, Noise elimination algorithm for modal analysis, Applied Physics Letters, 107, 041901, 2015. (SCI二區,TOP期刊) 9. 包興先,熊叢博,李翠琳,田玉芹,基於MIMO信號降噪的模態參數識別研究, 振動與衝擊, 34(19): 157-162,2015. (EI) 8.Xingxian Bao*, Changliang Li, Cuilin Li, Experimental studies on modal parameters dentification for a Jacket type offshore platform based on noise removal, Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth (2014) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Busan, Korea, June 15-20, 2014.(EI) 7. Xingxian Bao, Modal parameters identification based on noise reduction for jacket type offshore platforms,Journal of Vibroengineering,16(3): 1219-1230, 2014. (SCI) 6. 包興先, 環境激勵下基於信號降噪的模態參數識別研究, 振動與衝擊, 33(21): 67-72,2014. (EI) 5. 包興先, 基於低秩Hankel矩陣逼近的模態參數識別方法, 振動與衝擊, 33(20): 57-62,2014. (EI) 4. S.-L. James Hu, Xingxian Bao*, Huajun Li, Improved polyreference time domain method for modal identification using local or global noise removal techniques, Science China, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 55(8): 1464-1474, 2012. (SCI) 3. 包興先, 劉福順, 李華軍, 高誌強, 複指數方法降噪技術及其試驗研究, 中國海洋大學學報(自然科學版),41(1/2): 155-160, 2011. 2. S.-L. James Hu, Xingxian Bao, Huajun Li, Model order determination and noise removal for modal parameter estimation, Mechanical System and Signal Processing, 24: 1605-1620, 2010. (SCI) 1. 孟珣, 李華軍, 包興先, 采油平台在海上風電支撐體係中的應用研究, 應用基礎與工程科學學報,18(4): 626-636,2010. (EI)
◎專利 7.包興先、汪聰、曹愛霞,一種用於振蕩浮子波浪能發電裝置的傳動機構,2018.6,發明專利,專利號ZL201610579154.X 6.包興先、李翠琳、張敬,一種用於模態參數識別的信號降噪方法,2018.5,發明專利,專利號ZL201510598991.2 5.包興先、仲崇龍,一種用於船舶下水氣囊的穩固防斜裝置及安裝方法,2018.1,發明專利,專利號ZL201610570410.9 4.包興先、李翠琳、熊叢博,一種用於樁柱的抗冰消浪裝置,2016.8,發明專利,專利號ZL201510204487.X 3.包興先,基於多輸入多輸出信號降噪的模態參數識別方法,2016.6,發明專利,專利號ZL201310180643.4 2.李華軍、包興先、王樹青、劉福順、張敏,一種基於模型定階和信號消噪的模態參數識別方法,2012.9,發明專利,專利號ZL201010278747.5 1.包興先、李翠琳、熊叢博,一種用於樁柱的抗冰消浪裝置,2015.8,實用新型專利,專利號ZL201520260101.2 |