◎學習與工作經曆 學習經曆: 2006.09-2010.07,中國石油大學(華東),學士; 2010.09-2012.07,中國石油大學(華東),碩博連續; 2012.09-2016.06,中國石油大學(華東),博士。 工作經曆: 2016.08-2019.11,新加坡南洋理工大學,博士後; 2019.12至今,Betway88必威 ,特任副教授。
◎研究方向 (1)海洋油氣裝備設計與製造; (2)海洋平台智能化設計; (3)光纖傳感器與海洋結構物檢測。
◎學術兼職 擔任《Knowledge-Based Systems》,《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》,《Computers & Industrial Engineering》,《Computers & Operations Research》,《Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization》和《International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems》等SCI期刊的審稿人。
◎主講課程 必修課《船舶結構力學》; 必修課《專業外語》。
◎指導研究生 歡迎船舶與海洋工程、機械工程、力學、計算機等相關專業的有誌學生報考。
◎承擔科研課題 1、山東省泰山學者青年專家研究資助,100萬,負責人; 2、Asset Integrity and Risk Management Research & Development Programme “Customized Fibre Optic Sensing for Health Monitoring of FPSO”(博士後期間項目),新加坡海事局,53萬新加坡元(約265萬人民幣),本人排名2/9; 3、國家工信部高技術船舶科研項目“深海半潛式生產平台總體設計關鍵技術研究”子課題“平台上部采油、生產作業流程設計研究”,300萬,博士期間負責項目; 4、國家863計劃重大課題“深水鑽機係統設計研究”子課題“深水鑽機與鑽柱自動化處理關鍵技術研究”,224萬,重要研究人員; 5、國家工信部高技術船舶科研項目“自升式鑽井平台品牌工程(Ⅱ型)”子課題“平台結構優化設計與作業適應性分析研究”,370萬,重要研究人員; 6、國家工信部項目“第七代超深水鑽井平台(船)創新專項”子專題“第七代超深水鑽井船開發(帶試采/儲油及處理能力)”,73萬,重要研究人員; 7、國家工信部項目“第七代超深水鑽井平台(船)創新專項”子專題“鑽井包集成及部分關鍵設備的應用研究”,70萬,重要研究人員; 8、國家工信部項目“水下工程安全作業仿真測試裝備研製及關鍵技術研究”子課題“水下係統生產運營仿真測試裝備研製”,280萬,重要研究人員。
◎獲獎情況 山東省大學生機電產品創新設計競賽優秀指導教師; 山東省大中專學生誌願者暑期“三下鄉”社會實踐活動優秀指導教師; 山東省優秀畢業生; 中國石油大學(華東)優秀畢業生; 青島市大學生網球比賽男單冠軍和團體冠軍。
◎榮譽稱號 2019年入選山東省泰山學者青年專家。
◎論文 近五年(2015-2019)共計發表學術論文近30篇,其中以第一作者或通訊作者在Knowl.-Based Syst.、Eng. Appl. Artif. Intel.和Comput. Ind. Eng.等SCI期刊發表論文12篇,EI論文1篇,國際會議論文3篇。 SCI/EI期刊論文(第一作者或通訊作者): 1. Wu, L., Liu, Q., Tian, X., Zhang, J.X., Xiao, W.S., A new improved fruit fly optimization algorithm IAFOA and its application to solve engineering optimization problems. Knowledge-Based Systems. 144 (2018) 153-173. 2. Wu, L., Tian, X., Zhang, J.X., Liu, Q., Xiao, W.S., Yang, Y.W., An improved heuristic algorithm for 2D rectangle packing area minimization problems with central rectangles. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 66 (2017) 1-16. 3. Wu, L., Liu, Q., Wang, F.D., Xiao, W.S., Yang, Y.W., Heuristic algorithm for RPAMP with central rectangle and its application to solve oil–gas treatment facility layout problem. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 72 (2018) 294-309. 4. Wu, L., Zhang, L., Xiao, W.S., Liu, Q., Mu, C., Yang, Y.W., A novel heuristic algorithm for two-dimensional rectangle packing area minimization problem with central rectangle. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 102 (2016) 208-218. 5. Wu, L., Yang, Y.W., Maheshwari, M., Li, N., Parameter optimization for FPSO design using an improved FOA and IFOA-BP neural network. Ocean Engineering, 175 (2019), 50-61. 6. Wu, L., Maheshwari, M., Yang, Y.W., Xiao, W.S., Selection and Characterization of Packaged FBG Sensors for Offshore Applications. Sensors, 18(11) (2018), 3963. 7. Wu, L., Yang, Y.W., Maheshwari, M., Location identification of line supports using experimental modal analysis. Measurement. 149 (2019), 106996. 8. Wu, L., Xiao, W.S., Zhang, L., Liu, Q., Wang, J.L., An improved fruit fly optimization algorithm based on selecting evolutionary direction intelligently. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 9 (1) (2016) 80-90. 9. Wu, L., Xiao, W.S., Wang, J.L., Zhou, H.Q., Tian, X., A new adaptive genetic algorithm and its application in the layout problem. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 8 (6) (2015) 1044-1052. 10. Wu, L., Tian, X., Wang, H.Y., Liu, Q., Xiao, W.S., Improved ant colony optimization algorithm and its application to solve pipe routing design. Assembly Automation. 39 (1) (2019) 45-57. 11. Xiao, W.S., Wu, L.*, Tian, X., Wang, J.L., Applying a new adaptive genetic algorithm to study the layout of drilling equipment in semisubmersible drilling platforms. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, Article ID 146902. 12. Xiao, W.S., Liu, Q., Zhang, L.C., Li, K., Wu, L.*, A novel chaotic bat algorithm based on catfish effect for engineering optimization problems. Engineering Computations. 36 (5) (2019) 1744-1763. 13. Wu, L., Xiao, W.S., Wang, J.L., An improved fruit fly optimization algorithm based on changing iteration step values adaptively. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 13 (1) (2016) 259-264. 會議論文: 14. Wu, L., Maheshwari, M., Yang, Y.W., Stress Prediction for Critical Position of FPSO under Different Distributions of Stored Oil Using GA-BP Neural Network. The 5th International Conference on Mechanical Design and Engineering (ICMDE 2019), Osaka, Japan. 15. Wu, L., Yang, Y.W., Maheshwari, M., Interaction and combination method for estimation of still water and wave-induced bending moments on FPSO. The 2017 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM 2017), Seoul, South Korea. 16. Wu, L., Lan, Z., Xiao, W.S., Tian, X., The content research and realization process of product configuration database. 2014 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering, Knowledge Engineering and Information Engineering (SEKEIE 2014), Singapore, Singapore.
◎專利 1. 中國發明專利,石油鑽機設備布局優化方法及係統; 2. 中國發明專利,海洋石油鑽機集成網絡冗餘監控係統。
◎學術交流 受邀參加國內外學術報告十餘次。 |